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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the spoilers hooked. I can't wait either for Luke to show his love for Tracy. Anlthough I'm not in a rush to see LuNacy part for four or so months. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! :( So I hope we get some good scenes of love. heehee. :P

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Too bad TG doesn't have a "set" vacation schedule. One year, it's this - another year, it's this. So hard to predict when his next one is going to be... Oy!!!

Nancy, didn't know that about JT. Neat. I remember once upon a time, KMc (Robin) was interviewed and was asked if there was anyone she wanted to work with but never really got the chance, and she said Jane Elliot. Hmm...How can we get Scrubs and LuNacy together in a non-hospital scene?

remos, glad you had a nice trip.

Anyone going to be around tonight? I might get called into work tomorrow, so I won't be up too late, but I should be around for a little bit.

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Timeline might be a bit off, but I did read some while back that FH was actually staying longer than originally planned so we shall see. The one thing that does jump out at me, however, is if Luke runs to hide where does that leave Tracy - his most available and visible vulnerability? It's nice that Anna wants to protect the Shrew, but Lukey is leaving a lot more behind than her.

Secondly, why would Luke want to steal AZ's money? He has the Star back and he has Tracy back. What would the point be?

Now, on the positive side, the earlier he leaves the early he returns. I'm still predicting at least 6 weeks, though. He hasn't seemed to leave before June in many, many years. And Anna being the catalist is perfect - she's the same kind of adventure junkie Luke is, Tracy has known her for years and feels comfortable with her, and there has never been anything between Anna/Luke except love and hate of the same people. She's a safe one to usher Luke off the screen for TG's summer break. It could be really fun to watch.

Thanks, Queen Tracy. Nice to be 'home'.

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Did Nex post Thursdays clips? If I mised them, could someone repost?

I finally watched! They were so deliciously cute last week together! I love tipsy, drunk TQ--ironice that Monica is in rehab and Tracy is trashed! LOL!!

Ms. Q--how about an early one tonight? like 8pm central?

Remos--glad you had a good trip. welcome back.

So wish we got a morning after scene--oh well....that is what fic is for!

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Ms. Q--I posted your TG leaving dates on SD to see if anyone knew what his deal was this year.

Someone posted this, but anon so who knows what they know...

TG's birthday is at the end of May and he's almost always in Amsterdam for that. So that means he leaves around that time and Luke would be gone a couple of weeks later. Unless he leaves early this year, Luke will be her until June.

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Bad news guys..hate to be the bearer, but better we all are prepared. There is NO LUKE or NO TRACY on at all this week, according to a reliable person at SD. She Pm'd me too and confirmed it for me. Said it is all Zs all the time. There is some cute spin/max stuff. But no Lunacy!! Not even LUke. Maybe thing could have changed or been edited. But Queen Tracy--we were lied to by a fake scooper!

Just wanted to let you guys know so we can all be prepared. Going to be a slow week around here! WE all gotta write some fic to get us through!

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I am so bitter right now i can't even speak!!! F*&^ you GH!

A good week to catch up on old clips!


Okay, so this whole week is the Zs...Liz has like only one scene, no lucky at all. One way or another it is all Z-related. Have I said I hate this show lately?

There is some Diane though and Spinelli I think together and lots of spinelli and Maxie (Remos--good week for the Divah to watch...I think they are on like every day or a good amount of days)

So far for sweeps, Anna return, AZ trial for competency (who gives a crap) and the Crimson launch party. You know Lunacy aren't going to that! So not Luke's style. Maybe Tracy will show up?

Edited by hookedongh
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It was fun till my date Fallowed me EVER where even to the bathroom door!lol It was freaky Next year I'm going SOLO! and yes it was that bad! And I don't care what anybody say's about oh you need a date so you can have somebody to date with and blah,blah,blah!NOOOOOOO! don't anybody even try talking to me about taking another date to the prom again! EVER!!!!!

Right now I just need some Lunacy too watch so that's what I'm doing!

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