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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Remos great morning treat before I go to work. Mucho Thanks!!!! Can TIIC please give Lunacy some desire back in their eyes? We haven't seen it since.... who knows.....When Luke kissed her at Kelly's. Edited by funny1
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Here I am with yesterday's clips.


Credit goes to Geena, edited by me.

Lainey, I have a present for you here are yesterday's edited clips of Alexis and Diane for you.....


Credit belongs to the same as above.


Remos, I am about to read your story now!

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Okay, nothing new dropped for TQ, but on a personal note I have some good news to share, following an extremely stressful night last night with a business deal my husband made that could totally totally totally screw us in the long run!

I went to my first critique group today for my children's story. I was a bit intimidated because these other women have been at it for a while. What I submitted was basically done without much research or any real knowlege of verse/rhythm, etc. I have done no research to speak of, where I know these woman have. It was hard to open yourself up to people in person like that. They however, LOVED my story. THey loved the issue, the problem the resolution, the rising action, etc. The only problem was my meter and rhythm were off. They could totally picture it as a picture book. The best compliment I got was one lady said her 10-year-old asked to read it in the car on the way to school cause she saw it and loved it. And I would never have thought it would appeal to a 10-year-old. I am totally fired up to do some serious editing and revising. This was the red-head boy story. I came up with a title literally on the fly this morning, and that was their favorite part--go figure. Sometimes the things you dont' really give much thought are your best stuff!

Anyway, just had to share my good stuff today! I know we won't get TQ likely but it could be a nice top to my morning. Now off to my book club meeting--I am so literary today!!!


Thanks so much Nex for the clips!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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This was on SD this morning. I thought it was interesting for what it DOESN'T say...

Current Pairings or almost couples and possible changes being tossed around if ratings don't improve










What would stay the same



Possible changes












Our couple may not be the focus (and I think we've all pretty much accepted that), but they aren't on the list to blow apart and re-paired, either!

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You do my friend!! You do! I might need you to help me pre-screen the improved (well I hope improved) verse. I have to do some learning about rhyming and meter. There is a book by scholastic called the "Rhyming word dictionary" I want order. I never set out to write in verse, but it happened that way. I never realized it is often harder than prose.

I am motivated to work on it now, so I can get to my other story. I think I am going to adapt the TQ meets Larry Ashton story and revise and elaborate but make it YA (young adult) fiction...obvioulsy changing and editing and coming up with different background, etc, but basically using the idea of the american girl in a English boarding school sneaking out on adventures. But I need to work on this story first.

I think it is sad that nobody even considers our couple a couple to talk about them breaking up, etc.

I do think that Luke/Tracy have somewhat of an insulation because he is gone and there is no point to divorce them really unless Luke is moving on when gets back, etc. IN my best guess and opinion, Guza is waiting to blast them apart if TG exits with a GF storyline. That would be too good of a drama for him to have Laura walk in on a close Lunacy moment.

Supposedly they are adding in some romance and nice moments into may sweeps. I hope we get a couple for our couple! IT is long overdue!

All I can get about Luke/Tracy story is that they will continue to agree again about Lulu and her bad choices. And that they will have lulu in their storyline.

There was a spoiler on SD today about

Lulu follows in her mother's footsteps!

One can only hope she goes catatonic as well!!

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^^^ Oh please... you know it means choosing the 'bad boy' rather than the stable Baldwin.

It would be cool to see her have a breakdown, though. Especially with everyone jumping on her lately. Guilt could abound. Ewcbo was not exactly known for her mental stability.

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Too funny Hooked!

Congrats on the positive feedback! That's fantastic!

You are definitely utilizing the day better than I. I am wasting the last day of my vacation(well, I still have the weekend) stuck in my tiny apartment waiting for my new sofa to be delivered and my old one to get hauled out of here. Unfortunately in that order. It's going to be a little cramped in here for awhile.

Have fun being literary!

Edited by halee
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Okay Lainey, this is for you...

Diane arrives at Sonny's and notices Max has been drinking. He blames himself for not following Michael to the warehouse and not keeping him safe when it really mattered. Then we discover that Diane has been keeping up a good front, but she blames herself for taking large cheques from Sonny for every time she got him out of a legal situation and brought him back to his kids. Max is rubbing her back as she tries not to cry. Then she looks up and pulls Max in for a kiss. Max wraps his arms around her and pulls her down on top of him (she looks so small compared to him). Next scene is Alexis walking in on the after the deed, and all three screaming at being caught in this situation.

Diane has a funny line about her cheques buying her a large closet of shoes.

Unfortunate thing: it's "the" couch - you know, the one Sonny always 'entertains' on. Gross on a few levels.

No Tracy, but we knew that. Claudia was tolerable with Scrubs, but she really rocked when she went to apologize to Michael. I've been pretty good at seperating original-Carly from current-Carly, but I've got to say... SBr's face when LW yelled "get away from my son", was priceless and it just seemed bizzare.

Monica in one scene. She forgave Jason.

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Good for you Hooked! That sounds awesome!

I was listening to this ABC daytime podcast just a few minutes ago and they were talking about GH's 45th anniversary, and everyone picked Luke/Tracy as their current favourite couple and all they agreed that if Laura came that they would want Luke and Tracy to stay together. they also called Jane Elliot divine! Just thought you guys would be interested!

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