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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy's up to 214 at HG. :D

Good Wardrobe video is gonna be delayed. There's been some new GOOD outfits I thought of and can add: The one when she had on when she went to Shady Brook and that light green jacket she wore for ShadyBrook!Caper Episode 1. ;)

Colette, wonderful news about your grandfather. :)

Breakroom, briefly? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'm back!!!!! Did you guys miss me??? Good to be home! I am trying to go to bed, but couldn't resist popping in and checking out the thread!!

Wow, I have a lot to catch up on, but obviously only one day of Tracy this week. Missed you guys! Thanks for the clips Nex! Can't wait to watch, but my pain killer is kicking in and I have to be at middle school orientation at 9am tomorrow morning! Why the pain killer you ask? Cause I fell off my mountain bike like literally one minute after getting on it and wiped out in the middle of the main intersection in Breckenridge--right as the light was turning green!!! My wheels hit a patch of loose gravel and I fell and smashed my ribs! But of course I couldn't have been in some remote spot where nobody could witness this very graceful fall!

So much for being Miss Outdoorsy girl!! However, I did "suck it up" and finish the 11 mile bike ride later that afternoon! Other than that, we had a great trip! Colorado is great in the summer...was wearing a jacket and jeans yesterday and savoring the moment before we returned home to this nasty, rainy, hot, humid city!!! Oh we did get stuck in a hail storm at the continental divide at Independence Pass at 12,500 feet trying to go look out on the observation area. That was fun--LOL!

Lainey...I was not at Intercontinental that day...we flew on Southwest out of Hobby! You were right! :)

Will catch you guys tomorrow and will catch up on the thread.


Deb--what time sunday morning are you around???

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Just back from the Hairspray 5 Year Anniversary Party! It was a good time. Harvey Fierstein didn't show up, but Kathy Brier did. Love that girl, she's so sweet.

HOOKED!!!! WELCOME HOME!!!! Glad you had a great time on your trip.

Colette, glad to hear your grandfather is doing well. And that he will be okay.

Lady Ashton, glad you were finally able to vote at Hella Good

EEK! Just checked out HellaGood. Although our girl had 211 points at midnite (one more point than she had at the end of the day yesterday) it's almost 2am and she's down to 203. There are quite a few new supporters for Sam over there tonite. Oh well.

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Gah. I need to give up the online world for the night, and well, probably wouldn't be a bad idea to give it up for the next couple days as well. I mean, I went out yesterday afternoon; caught up with people I hadn't seen since high school. Was much fun. And there was no computer anywhere in site. Anyway, before taking a mini-break (which translates to "Ms. Q will be on tomorrow, but not for 16 hours straight"), I have a question for Lainey who seems to have some kind of experience with regards to what I'm going to ask. So, without further adieu, Lainey or anyone else who wants to answer...

What's your take on Tony Geary not mentioning Jane Elliot or Tracy in ANY interview since October/November?

Yes, I realize he hasn't been asked, but TG knows how to handle the media; if he can mention a Laura/Scotty/Luke triangle, why can't he mention Tracy and make it a quad? And why when asked about Genie, it is not the usual "would love it, but it's between her and ABC" but rather "Would love it. Luke gets to be real when she's around. It's way past time for her to return..." (taking quotes from the thread linked below)

Yes, I've been hanging out at SOC (BSG, gottahavelusty dissected our posts, LOL). Lainey, MinervaFan, nex, etc: Here is the link: http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...9119&page=5

BTW, you all got emails on the HG front. :lol:

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oh boy... this morning, before work, HG was giving me problems. So I was able to vote in Couples Game, but not Character Game.

So I just logged onto Character Game, and added to the Tracy column. Oh man... those Sam fans are coming on strong.


Hey I wanna rename the Character Game. Call it "'Wanna Be' Vs. 'Queen Bee'"


What y'all think?

Work today was nutty.. it was almost like the "old days" (of 4 months ago!). It's nothing some LuNacy Lust Fanfic wouldn't cure.

But... wait.. there is no LuNacy Lust out there. Nobody is writing it!! Hey!!! I promise to write some soon-- when my insane schedule breaks - beginning of September. Please! Can someone help me out with some LuNacy Lust? Oy....


MS Q -- BIG KISS TO YOU!!! You are a genius, and you have a PM.

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It's times like this that I remember how terribly jealous I am of you. I flove Kathy Brier. I listen to her two songs on One Life Many Voices about three times each before heading to the next songs. I am so going to buy her CD sooner or later...she's got a tremendous voice.

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Welcome back hooked. Glad to hear you're home, sorry to hear your battered.

I was just there, this chick really took every paragraph apart. Wow, she was driven. Bless you who can take her on. She's really trying to reduce LuNacy to nothing more than a blip on the screen on the way to a reunion and retirement of LnL and TG. I truly hope we are no where near that terrible ending.

TG is notorious about leaving JE out of his comments. He didn't even thank her in his 2006 emmy win, only RC, even though he's been paired with JE for most of the year. Spidey senses tell me there's something deeper here.

Anyway, no time to speculate. I'll be interested in what any of you have to add.

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Hooked! Woah! I am glad to hear you are back, but I hope your ribs are alright!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes, it was an intense week for my family.

I have been watching those clips, Ms.Q, thanks for posting all of them! I have a question for any clip-er, was the one ever posted from recently where Edward told Tracy how she is a bad mother... or something like that? She looked so hurt that I wanted to slap him. Thanks!

Over to HG, Happy Friday!

EDIT: How did Tracy get to 202 on the character game?! :o

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I think I am not even going to go to SOC to catch up---sounds like it will just be aggravating! I have to catch up on all these videos, and clips and articles.

Ms. Q--that is the missing TG/JE one I think I could never find (not the one with the vegas honeymoon but the other one). Can they freaking take a new photo of her wearing something besides that teal jacket (although I like that jacket). About JE being missing from TG's comments...who knows.

There was a whole 8 page spread in SID this week (read it on the plane) about GH's fan club weekend. Almost everyone was there, but guess who? The whole Q brunch had even old Qs like Jimmy Lee Holt there. Sean Donnelly was even there (don't know why?). Every Q but JE!!! I mean what is up with that???? Enough of this privacy issue--LOL!!! They said SD was the only one who got a standing ovation and that it is time for fans to start up again to keep him on the show as he said he would accept a recurring status. They said if they could bring back Starvros and others from the dead, surely they could find a way to bring back Alan.

Well I am off to middle school orientation and then to go buy school supplies for my son and then back to middle school to set up his locker. Fun fun fun!

Missed you guys. BSG/Remos...you around today? Maybe I can catch you guys this afternoon. I have a belated birthday dinner tonight with three of my friends who have august birthdays, but I will be around late night! Having late night chat withdrawls!!!

Lainey--will try to write something this weekend if I can get a chance!

-TL-that party sounded fun!

Any hope for today? Probably not huh? Any new spoilers for next week or beyond? When does TG come back? Beginning of October? Just to mention...in SID and SOD for the 21st and 28th week there is NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION of GF. Not even their typical teaser or photo, etc.

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Hey luv, yeah, I'm around. Baking cookies, cleaning clothes, making beds, fun fun fun!!!

This is nice to hear, 'cause you know, if there was any confirmation of that rumour, it would be blasted all over the place - especially by the queen of no subtlety, herself.

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Wow today is a sloooooowwww day around here!!! I'm home if anyone is around??? It is 2:30 central and by the lack of any postings, I am assuming that TQ is not on today. I am going to be on the computer a while if anyone is around or working at home today...Remos/BSG/Ms Q....


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Sorry Remos! My aunt called and I have to be nice to her as I want to use her apt. when I go to NY this fall! Sorry I missed you. Have fun with your friend and have fun on your night of escape!

Where is everyone today???? I am home and nobody is around :( Guess I can go watch all five episodes from this week to catch up--four of which I can FF through most of).

If anyone is around later, post a link!

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I'm here. Just limiting myself. I spent over 3 hours in my bedroom today, cleaning and rearranging it. 'Course I kind of got side-tracked by all the old things I found. :lol: Oh, and I never realized how big my room actually was! LOL.

Oh, I don't like this. They're going completely quiet, so when she does return, it's gonna be SURPRISE!

About the Emmy win; he won his award for his work during Lucky's coma; at that point, JE wasn't part of his SL, so that's what I eventually chalked it up to (after venting my frustration, LOL). Care to elaborate on the "spidey senses?" I'm a little confused. :huh:

Someone linked my "She's a Lady" video on SoapDish. Thought that was cool.

HellaGood is funny; there are like 8 posters who joined either today/yesterday and are all supporting Sam. Strange how that works. Oh well.

BTW, I emailed ILoveTracyQ the other day. She sends hugs, and she misses us all. :)

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