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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the early birthday present, LA! Last year I got Tracy scenes on my birthday, so I'm hoping Monday will be the same.

Don't have any fic in the hopper right now--my next prompt is "Kill" and I just...wow, can't think of anything to do with Tracy and killing.....

Speaking of Tracy and killing, for some masochistic, inexplicable reason, I chose to rewatch the clip of Tracy's honeymoon to Paul Hornsby. Wow. What a jerk. But boy, she was purty, wasn't she?

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Deb/Lainey Sorry I missed you guys...will check in later. Making a scrapbook for my mom from her 65th birthday party. So not into it.

Deb...hope your birthday tea is fun today.

LadyAshton...hope you have fun "up north" with your mom this weekend.

Nothing else going on...very quiet around here...got up early and exercised today...alternating between scrapbooking and laying out in the sun...have to finish a painting and finish my online photo project. People keeping calling me to do stuff and want t come by and I am like "um no."

Lainey...don't work too hard!

Ms Q--just in case you check in sometime....WE MISS YOU !!!

TracyLuv...I think you are coming back from your cruise this weekend...we miss you too around here. Post a link when you get back so we can catch up!

Edited by hookedongh
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A lovely little spoiler from Got Info by way of SOC.

Can we all say awwwww? awwwwww.

Now let's hope this is written properly, and not just one throw away line. I want smoldering hot!!

This could be good. I could so write this.

Better yet -- Minerva, you should so write this.

Bye bye Lukey, See ya soon!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I'm saying a big fat "aww" for that one. That is the best we could have hoped for...him leaving, but involving her in the plan and saying goodbye and that he will come back to her! Le'ts just hope he doesn't return with an awakened, ex-vegetable with him in October!

Having the most decadent day ever!!!! And I have five more hours to myself before the troops return! Stayed up til 4am last night watching a movie and slept til 11am! Made coffee, watched luke/tracy #4 dvd edit finally, and have since been laying on a raft in my pool listening to a Jimmy Buffet double CD (total layout music) drinking a diet coke...it doesn't get much better than this for me today! :D

Finished my mom's album, finished 5 photo albums on snapfish to order...finished cleaning out my closet...very productive weekend! I decided to be very nice and wait to watch "The Queen" til tonight cause my husband wanted to see it too--figured it was the least I could do since he took the kids and left me blessedly alone for the weekend! :)

Check in later...thanks for the awesome, happy spoiler Lainey! Happy early b-day tomorrow Deb in case you are not around later tonight!

BTW...Ms. Q's sister popped in the breakroom last night to say hi to us--that was a nice suprise!

Edit 7pm The party is over! Waah! It was fun while it lasted! Everyone is back home.

Edited by hookedongh
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I have an old Marco/Tracy article from Soap Opera Magazine that I found this weekend (long story how I found it) that I was going to scan and send.

Well I scanned and saved it, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to bring it over here. Anyone have any tips or hints? LOL I"m lost.

Well I always did say I was computer illiterate.

I will comment on the fics I've read when I've got a minute, right now, I'm going to take a much needed nap.

See you guys later !

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Oh man, that's a big giant "Aww" from Kristin!!!

And ILTQ if you load it into sendspace we can all open it up. That's all I can think of b/c that'sa ll I know how to use, but I do know it would work as long as you've saved it onto your computer.

Edited by knh
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someone please tell me how to do the white out or black out thing for spoilers....until then

from soapzone...spoilers












Next week of June 4th...

Luke and Tracy act fast to prevent a Laura disaster.

Alan calls on Tracy again.

Tracy implores Lulu to live with the Qs again.

following week:

Tracy puts her eggs in a shaky basket, held by a questionable character…

Who could that be?

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Okay this isn't SendSpace, I finally figured out how to just send the scan to Internet Explorer, and I'm providing the link.

Jane and Gerald Anthony look GREAT together in this pic.

Hopefully it'll be the impetus for a Tracy/Marco fic...*looks around at the TQ lovefest writers* or to Deb to write more on the AU with Tracy/Marco.

Here it is:

hooked, when you want to do the black out thingy for spoilers, simply highlight the part of the text you want to hide, then go to the "insert special item" dropdown box, one of the choices is "insert spoiler", click on this, and the text you highlighted should show up in the little box that pops up. If it does, you click "okay", and that part of the text will be blacked out.

about the spoilers:


Okay, wait....I still can't get the link to work. Hold on. LOL

ETA I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'll keep trying.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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