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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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catching up a little bit...

MinervaFan, I loved your story. I didn't really doubt that I would, but I had to say it anyway.

Thanks for the clips everyone!

Hooked, I sent you my portfolio tonight. There's a lot in there b/c I couldn't load the folder as one item. I said that in the email, but if just in case they were to big to actually be sent, I wanted to say it again. And I've finished the rest of my story. Well, the story part... I still need to figure out how I want to end it, but I'll ask your opinion on that after you read it. I just have to type it up tomorrow

Lainey, Holy Hell, woman! That's what I'm talking about. Now we just have to convince you to A) write an endless supply of those stories, and B) jump the writers in a back alley so you can take their jobs... I'll be your wingman. Ask my friend at work, I'm awesome at it! ..... no joke, we need so much more of that.

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catching up a little bit...

MinervaFan, I loved your story. I didn't really doubt that I would, but I had to say it anyway.

Thanks for the clips everyone!

Hooked, I sent you my portfolio tonight. There's a lot in there b/c I couldn't load the folder as one item. I said that in the email, but if just in case they were to big to actually be sent, I wanted to say it again. And I've finished the rest of my story. Well, the story part... I still need to figure out how I want to end it, but I'll ask your opinion on that after you read it. I just have to type it up tomorrow

Lainey, Holy Hell, woman! That's what I'm talking about. Now we just have to convince you to A) write an endless supply of those stories, and B ) jump the writers in a back alley so you can take their jobs... I'll be your wingman. Ask my friend at work, I'm awesome at it! ..... no joke, we need so much more of that.

edit: hey Hooked, just sent you the last part of the story!!! I'm not tired today so I stayed up till four finishing typing it for you. hope you like it

Edited by knh
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I'm ticked that all this fic is flying around and I have pretty much no time to read it. And no oppurtunity. An upside, however, is that I have a good deal of my TQ fics on my portable drives, as well as backed up on cd-roms, though not some of the latest updates. Given a little force I should be able to come up with something.

Right now, my computer is the fallen victim of a power surge. It's going in soon, hopefully everything can be retrieved. *fingers crossed*

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Good God I hope so!!! You were the one who had a ton of them to send us. I was way too sad to hear they could have all been gone. Much of that was from a selfish place inside me that pops up all too often, but the other part was that it's terrible to see all that time and work and creativity gone, so I'm glad you have some of it back!

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Thye should be able to retrireve it all. The same thing happened to my computer a while back. There was a lightening storm and only my computer went dead...nobody else's in my house and there are four of them upstairs on the same server, etc. Some smelly, gross computer guy came to our house and took out my old hard drive and put it in an extra computer we had in the garage. It worked and I got all my documents back.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

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Regency, I will pray for the healthy return of your fics. I hope you get time to read soon, because there is some SERIOUSLY good fic happening right now on the Ficathon, between Hooked's Larry & Tracy pastfic and the wicked cool AU story by Mackenzie and of course, hot Young LuNacy in Lust and Lainey's Grown Up LuNacy in Lust. I'm such a happy camper these days. My next 100 Situations prompt is Touch. Why do I get the feeling that there's going to be more LuNacy in Lust fic posted???

Have I mentioned how much I love you guys? I'd love you more if some of you (MsQ, 4XCrazy, Angel, Keith-AHEM) would update your works in progress......you know I'll never be able to love you unconditionally until you overwhelm me with fanfiction.

Ooh, and TRACY'S on today, right?

One more thing--I thought Tracy was so ADORABLE looking out for "Little Robin Scorpio" in that clip. I feckin' hated Robin, Jason, and Sonny's mocking response, but I thought it was actually very sweet that Tracy was worried about Robin's safety. Of course, nobody SEES it as her being worried for Robin's safety, but I did and I flove Tracy for it.

She's my doll-face. Just stick to the classics and forget the Madonna wardrobe, okay?

Edited by MinervaFan
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It seems like I have a ton of catching up to do, hmmmm where to begin:

Lainey I FLOVED "Dry" I read it last night when I should have been in bed. :)

MinervaFan I LOVED your story too! :D

Regency I hope everything still works on your computer, damn power surges!

Ms.Q, I am so happy that you posted your vids on You Tube, I have tried to comment on as many as possible.

Hooked, so glad you had a good vacation in San Francisco and Tahoe. I also have to finish reading the rest of your awesome story.

I think I covered everything. Heres hoping Tracy is on today!!!!

**waves to HEmfan4ever who is lurking**

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I got this WONDERFUL resource list from the MQAS mailing list. If letters, emails, etc. worked to keep Stuart Damon, maybe we can get them to make LuNacy a REAL couple. Anybody feel like licking stamps???

Address for those listed below:

C/O General Hospital

4151 Prospect Ave.

Hollywood, CA 90027

> Robert Guza, Jr., Head Writer

> Elizabeth Corte, Writer

> Jill Farren Phelps, Executive Producer

> Mercer Burrows, Producer

> Mary O'Leary, Producer

Address for those listed below:

500 S. Buena Vista

Burbank, CA 91506

> Anne Sweeney, President, ABC Network

> Vonda Binko, Audience Relations

> Brian Frons, President of ABC Daytime

> Sallie Schoneboom, Sr VP, ABC Daytime

Comment Lines:

GH: 323/671-4583

ABC: 818/460-7477




Magazine sites:




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OT: Hehe...Ms. Q got vicodin for her tooth. Haven't had the prescription filled yet, but I will get that done soon. (not a drug addict, I promise)

Ok. I have to leave for a meeting in 15 minutes, so ready, set, go! Just watched Tracy's scenes...

~Random thoughts~

I'm loving that her hair has "oomph." It's so cool.

Tired of the jacket though.

And Luke seems to be more worried about Tracy confessing to the family than her actual sanity. Ugh.

Tracy and Sam scenes today; the one anonymous scoopster who said "Sam asks Tracy to back off" was right.

Stuart Damon and Jane Elliot are frickin' hilarious together. SD is definitely having a lot of fun, I think.

Tracy to Alan: Shut up! Edward: Don't you dare tell Monica to shut up. (Edward and Monica are still clueless though).

Luke and Tracy made goo-goo eyes at each other today, and their faces were close...but no kiss. No fair.

Tracy has a spiel at the end to Ghost Alan, while Luke pours himself a drink. It's kind of a long spiel, but she goes through it quickly...And JE didn't stutter at all during it. (This is why I couldn't be an actress...That, and I would laugh the minute the camera starting recording, LOL).

Hmm, what else?

Tracy: I'm NOT crazy! Hee...Riiiight. Our girl is nuts, LOL. I love it.

No Tracy previews, but not surprising since she's not mentioned in the breakdowns.

Got Info Spoiler:

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So I just watched the show.... (if you haven't watched yet...don't read this if you don't want it to ruin it for you)

Hilarious stuff today...SD seems like he just wants to crack up the whole time. Liked luke's "having conversations with furniture again are we spanky" or something like that. Loved her "what is it that you are wearing and what is with the sneakers!" I have to laugh at that one cause she is from New York and that is where I am from and my husband and friends fight all the time about what they are called. I call them sneakers. They laugh at me. My chicago friends call them gym shoes and my texas friends and husband call them tennis shoes. THEY ARE SNEAKERS HUH????? Even Tracy agrees!!

We got a few spankys today and one pretty pink popsicle! Haven't heard those in a while! We were just saying how he hasn't called her spanky in a long time rigth TracyLuv? She did call him sweetheart too!

Luke made some comment about Tracy wields power like a pair of black nylons or something like that and she can get very creative.....they make some goo goo eyes as Mrs. Q said....so what the heck is that about...just more flirting or are they trying to insinuate that they do have sex????? Thought it was funny how alan was like dont' go there and edward was like that is more information than we need!

Also loved Tracy's line about where was your loyalty Monica when you were chasing everyrhing in pants. Too funny.

I thought she looked so pretty (Hair was good Mrs Q--very bouncy and good like you mentioned) when she was talking to sam and was like I didn't send you any pictures...someone else knows your secret!! Pissed me off that Luke asked if he could watch Sam blow tracy out of the water...jerk....defend your wife against slick sam buddy!!!

Good day IMO, but of course it could always be more. Funny how she told him to go haunt monica and he was like I tried, but she can't hear me.

So tracy did admit to luke she was seeing alan's ghost or that she was being haunted right? I have to go back and watch again.

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Hey folks,

Thanks for all the nice compliments on Dry. I appreciate it. Because you've been so kind to me, I now have something bouncing around my head called "Choices," which would be set after Dry. We'll see....

Hey!!! I LOVED today's show. Luke and Tracy were SOOOO sparkley!! YUM-O!!!!!!

I loved the "silk stockings" exchange SO MUCH, that I have now turned it into my signature. LAINEY HAS A SIGNATURE! I've never had one before!!

Um, that whole little silk stockings thing had me wondering if they're sleeping together, and we're not seeing it. :( :( :(

I don't think so.... I don't believe they've consumated their relationship, but heck, with Guza... you never know!!

While the show was on live today, someone posted something on SOC about how Sam taking on Tracy was like a Chihuahua taking on a Doberman. I damn near laughed my a** off. HA!

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