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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The breakroom is a chatroom we have when we just want to hang out and talk instead of posting on here. The link is in Ms Q's above post. Usually we will say it in here if we're going to be in the BR, but you can always just check it out!!! Join us, it's gets fun, sometimes a little packed and hard to keep up, but fun

EDIT: quick story/question... I went shopping with my sisters yesterday at the outlets by me. We were at the Hollister store and some guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted a job. Then his manager came over and asked me if I wanted to work there as a manager. Here's the question... what the hell is that about?!?!? When did stores atart recruiting there workers instead of having me apply? I never asked them, I was just buying clothes and this kid chased me down. My littlest is decided he was hitting on me but that generally isn't followed by his female boss coming over, so what's up with that?

Edited by knh
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OT: Computer geniuses...I can't access my personal Yahoo email account. Something similar happened before with my GH one (the one you all use to email me), but it's not quite the same, and I can't figure out what the problem is!!! Yahoo Help and such are being no help whatsoever. :( I've cleared history, temp. files, cached, cookies, etc. Nothing is working, even though I did follow this one link that lets me sort of access the account; kind of like a skeletal version of the most recent messages, but it's pretty crappy. Any other ideas on what to do?

daysfan, you should join us in the breakroom sometime. :)

How come this wasn't mentioned in the SOW recaps at SZ?

ALSO...SPUMOR FROM SOAPDISH...Lainey is going to have fun with this one.

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Just figured I'd ask again b/c it's the end of the weekend and maybe some of our missing pieces will be back... we need our complete puzzle back again. It's sad with so many not around. Anyway... I was wondering if anyone has the clips for Friday's epi b/c my VCR is broken right now and I am not getting any of them. I don't know how far back everyone will check in the posts so I thought I'd ask again. Thanks so much everyone.

PS. Ms Q LOVE that last spoiler about the end of March, with any luck we'll get some good material to watch. You all know what I mean, we need something

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Hi all! Gee, no kidding this place really IS a ghost town. Alan are you here? heh heh

So I'll haunt you all with my boring life.... 1 paper down, 1 to go and and audiology mid-term on Tuesday:o I am so over this symester and it's not even half way through!!

I have been checking out other boards lately since Alan has left the earth to rattle Tracy's chains and I have to say that alot of GH fans have been singing our girl's praises. There are even some Luke and Laura fans that have started to come around and said they like LuNacy better. Can ya believe it? Not all of course, but some. I think when they see them together affectionately lately, they like it, like we do, well not like we do, but you get my drift.

With the exception of Tracy/LuNacy/Tracy&Alan the show blows BIG TIME lately. It's very confusing and doesn't seem to have any continuity IMO. It's all over the place.

Ms. Q, Hope the celebrating one is true and it's the kind of celebrating WE want.

Let Laura come back in march, april, whatever.. booooo... and let Scotty take her with him when he leaves. Even if Luke ends up going back to her it wont be without a fight from our girl even though I don't want her to fight over him BUT she will be getting screen time and she WILL rock out what ever is given to her -whether Lukey boy stays or goes.

knh, about them hunting you down in the store to take a job there... are you young, rail thin and attractive? Or a model type? If so, then that's why they are haunting you. heehee

What can I say, I'm in a silly mood today. I guess it was the extra hour sleep I lost on top of the usual.

see ya lata - ta

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Well I'm 1 outta 3. I'm young, short and certainly not rail thin. I'm not fat, but I definately have a shape and not one that fits into anything at Holliter, relatively cute I guess, but that's it. Still wierd that they followed me through the store to see if I wanted a job.

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Woot! My email is working again!

And yeah, this spring ahead is messing me up. I like the extra day light, but we're all used to it happening in April...Not March. :o

3 minute video (which took much too long to upload; SendSpace is ughhhh right now): Edit: UGH! I uploaded the WRONG one! Grrrrr....All right. The video will be posted later. Edit: NEW VIDEO: TAKE ME AWAY. You all know what to do. ;)

Another spumor...

knh, that's pretty cool that they wanted to hire you as a manager. Not like, "Hey, you want to work here," but "Hey, you want to work here as a MANAGER?" But yeah...I could see how that would definitely be strange.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I have a request...*looks at Staci* or anyone else who can help me...a poster at SZ has a friend doing a Lacy vid...hey that's something we can all look forward to, right?

But her friend is looking for clips from their wedding. Now I'm not sure if she meant the Vegas stuff or last year's almost wedding, but I'd love anyone forever who could supply clips to both....

Just thought I'd put that request in here. :)

Thanks in advance ya'll.

Now I'm off to watch Friday's Lacy scenes.

ETA kristin that is a weird story but I guess it happens sometimes...you must be very hip looking, clothing stores tend to only hire hip looking people that dress well. LOL


And Stace For whatever reason you know I still can't get sendspace to play a vid on my home computer, I can do megaupload but sendspace gives me an error message every time. So I will watch tomorrow at work.

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Why am I never onthe computer that has my clips when I read the requests. I have a ton and I'm sure I have clips of both. If no one posts them before I get home from work tonight I'll upload them here.

As for your theory on the store... I am the furthest thing from hip looking (I dress well, but like I said, I'm not really a hollister kind of girl, my sisters are), but I'll stick with your theory anyway, it's cool sounding. Thanks

So I want to say that my VCR is working again. I'll probably be jinxing myself, but that's what I want to say. I'll get to watch today... hopefully!!!! I hope it's a great episode. We've got it coming Lainey beng gone. I guess the others thought they's just help to hedge our bets with their leavng too! With any luck, they won't let them down over there at the show. Ok, now I'm off to shower so I can go to work. Later all

edit: you know what I just noticed... this thread doesn't have daylight savings time, or not yet anyway, cuz it's 8:40 and it's not saying that.

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ILoveTracyQ, here are the ones I have. As far as crediting goes, the GQ and LuNacy ones came from GQ-Daily and LuNacy drunk and the morning after came from Misty. And apologies for the SendSpace link. I had forgotten that it didn't work on your computer...Uh oh. The above link is not working right now. *grumble* Ok. I'm gonna see what I can do...Hmm, it looks like I might have to reupload, and there's a lot of traffic on the site now, so it's telling me it's going to take 40 minutes. Ughhh...I might have to try again later. Sorry!

Until then, here is Take Me Away on MegaUpload.

About the clips above...We're down to 22 minutes...GO FASTER!

Edit: NEW VIDEO: Click Here.


5/18/05: GQ LuNacy 1

5/18/05: GQ LuNacy 2

5/18/05: Drunk!Tracy

5/19/05: Morning After

First 2 from GQ Daily. Last 2 from Misty. :D

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Stace I am sorry, I read my response to you about your vid and I think I sounded so rude.

Sorry. :(

I wasn't saying "YOU know, I was saying, you know, like...ya know? LOL anyhoo, sorry if it came off sounding rude.

I also appreciate you looking the clips up for me. :)

Thanks so much !

PS...Friday's show...I loved Tracy and Alan.

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ILoveTracyQ, I didn't think you were being rude. :)

No Tracy today, huh?

And folks...Jane Elliot/Tracy did SO BADLY in the SOC Dankie Awards. :( The website has 72,000 members who can vote, so yes, kind of a large amount as far as the online community goes. Anyway, 2% voted her for Outstanding Overall Performer. And she has 16% of the votes for Outstanding Supporting Actress (Julie Marie Berman had 43%, Kimberly McCollough had 26%, and Natalia Livingston had 13%). I know it's just a silly internet poll, but I'd like to know in what world can Julie be best supporting AND younger performer AND newcomer. Spread the wealth, you know? LOL. As for other categories, Luke/Laura's reunion won for the Best SL (38%) as well as Most Memorable Moment (56%), and LnL got Favorite Onscreen Couple (26%). Genie got most missed performer (60%).

We got a SPOILER DATE: On Thursday, March 22nd, per the Canadian TV Guide...

Week of March 19th:

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Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

BTW, Got Info has spoilers up for the week of March 26th. No Luke or Tracy or Quartermaine mentions. Me thinks TG is on vacation because another poster said he had one coming up soon, and even though he/she could have been guessing, it does make sense.

Edit: CLICK HERE for a photo of JE and Trish Van Devere in One is a Lonely Number. :)

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