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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, get to writing woman! I told you already how I "get" when I read your LuNacy smut scenes!! heehee ;)

Ms. Q, thanks for the Wardrobe Vid (way fun!!), and the Anjelica Vid - Geez, didn't we ever get any scenes with our girl actually *doing* somethng in bed besides snarking? Probably not, but hopefully that's about to change. YUM!! Hopefullly Mama and her man will get bizaaaay soon. :D

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Enjoyed the wardrobe video Mrs. Q. Would be harder to make one of good tracy outfits I think! Thanks for the Angelica/Justin clip. I will say that JE looks way better with long hair. I can't help but thinking of them as Tracy/Ned and that is just ewwww!! I am sure it was hard for them to be playing mother and son after playing lovers.

I have never watched Days. Were they involved for a while or was it just a little fling?

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Thank you, Ms. Q! I am grateful for the clip! Thank you!!!

That said -- I am also disturbed. Oh my. That was disturbing. They were IN BED, and he was talking about how great it was. oyyyyyyyy. I need to go walk the dog, get out of the house for awhile. I'm a bit disturbed right now. I'll come back later for the wardrobe vid. Oh... I'm in the minority, I almost always love her outfits. They're "very Tracy!"

Oh Edited to tell you: I Loved her hair in that clip. So short and sexy. Yummy. JE looked scrumptious in that vid!

Edited by LaineyBev714
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I agree with you, I usually like her outfits too. Not ALWAYS, but most of the time. And no matter what they put her in I always think she looks great.

MF, I don't have to say, b/c I'm sure you know, but I can't wait to read your new story!!! I'm usually one of those who are guilty for hounding all of you for their stories, so I'm going to keep my mouth closed about said stories that still need undating... and just stick with 'I am so anxious to read this one with Tracy and Larry'

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Kind off topic from what we've been discussing, but…I have to post something. I realize that JE/Tracy has received more screentime in the last month than in awhile, and that I shouldn't be complaining, but I don't understand how some people insist she got some "huge" role in Alan’s death SL (thus far). Wait. Let me rephrase. I don't understand it in regards to her/Alan's screentime together. She had 3 scenes with him while he was UNCONSCIOUS, and 1 of those lasted about 2 seconds. Once he was conscious, she had 2 short scenes IIRC. One with the smile and wave, and the other ended with, "When is Jason coming?" Monica, Edward, Emily, Jason, and even Skye to an extent had these long monologues. What am I missing?

SoapNet promo is out. You would THINK that Alan Quartermaine's funeral would get it, but noooooooo…The promo is dedicated to Luke/Laura/Scotty/Lulu; yes, I included Laura, because she MADE the promo. (Luke is kissing the top of her head). Oh, Sonny/Lulu are in the promo too (some things I will never understand). Anyway, I REALLY, REALLY hope that Tracy lets Luke comfort her soon, and if she doesn't, Luke needs to forget about "permission." Just HUG your wife, already!

Thanks for the video feedback! Anyone know if I’m missing outfits? And LOL Lady Ashton. Should I be afraid? Heh.

hooked, about Anjelica/Justin…I'm not too sure how long it lasted. They DID have a child together though, LOL. Only on soaps, right? Heh. And yes, JE had a lot of trouble especially. There is a quote somewhere where she said she had to keep reminding herself, cast/crew had to keep reminding her, and WK had to keep reminding her to stop with the flirting, LOL. I tried finding that article (had no luck), but I did find these (you might have seen the second at JE Online)…

Dances With Quartermaines

My Lover, My Son (what a title, huh? LOL)

Heads Up: I uploaded a whole bunch of clips to HellaGood earlier. About 22 or so. :o For those who are interesting in seeing if those clips are part of their collection or not, click here. If you're not registered, you'll need to be.

Oh! Here is a video with the "good" wardrobe. LOL.

Hard to believe I still spent a decent amount of time spent AWAY from the computer, huh? (I had to force myself, but you know...whatever works, LOL).

Breakroom, anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012 (again, like last night, I won't be around for super-long).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms. Q, Thanks for the "Best of Wardrobe" vid! Loved her in the burgundy blouse - sexy :) ! But I think a few of those belong in the "Worst of ... " Vid :P especially the HS dress, coleman suit, and a couple of others. And speaking of the "Worst of..." vid, I LIKE the "trampoline dress", "Robert/Lockpicking outfit" and the new red jacket she wore last week. BUT you forgot the best outfit of all for the "Best of Wardrobe" vid and that is....


The camisole, uh, shell, um, the whatever-you-wanna-call-it-the-night-Luke-got-her-drunk-and-married-her-as-long-as-her-bra-strap-is-sticking-out-top!!!, oh, and yeah, Luke's purple pinstripe shirt she woke up in the next day. :D

Ms. Q, Nex, I was wondering if either of you had any edits of the following dates....

10/12/06, 11/3, 11/6 (I think this is a small clip at end of epi or something), 11/13 (this is the one where Tracy is on for like 2 secs at the end of the epi and walks into Laura's and says to Luke: "Are you kdding me? In MY backyard?"), and the Tracy/Sam clips from 1/11, and 1/16 I believe (or if you have them all the Sam/Tracy together as an edit would be good). My dumbass TIVO did the freak out on me again. Tracy had been on for so many epi's in a row that even when I saved them to save until manually erased, the freakin box deleted them anyway!!! arrrgggghhh!!! If either of you could help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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OK LadyAshton...as a present for you for uploading that awesome clip and for all your hard work to share your edits with us, here is part 1 of the fanfic we were talking about on how Tracy and Ashton met. I didn't really edit it much as I am so tired I can't see straight, but wanted to post it before I went to bed.


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Got a little carried away after watching how bad Tracy wanted Paul in this scene and how passionate she was. So of course I would want a passionate scene EVEN BETTER than this for LuNacy. And we know Luke will be all to happy to deliver, unlike Paul. It was sad that she had to like beg him. Uggghh!! What a Putz!!

Hooked, I finished watching the Ned and Jenny #3 last night - err - this morning - I wont even tell you how late I stayed up - but I have a hangover headache and I don't even drink! Totally LOVED Tracy and Marco together!! They were too funny! Especially when they were hiding in the bushes spying on Jenny and the Sentator.

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So glad you watched it. Cant' believe you had it all this time and didn't watch it. :) So...you and I are in the same boat this morning. After we got off last night, I couldn't sleep. So I came back up here and wrote that fanfic that LadyAshton and I were talking about.

I went to bed around 2:30. I am so wiped today and woke up with a headache (although I was drinking wine--ha ha)

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