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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Dammit! I just read the article that someone copied in the SZ thread. Looks legit.

Trying to white it out - hope it works.

( A Killer In Their Midst

After months of investigation, Lulu and her intrepid investigators. Dillon and Spinelli, get word from the dead (in the form of a letter written by Alan) that newly returned Scott killed Rick Webber. KS says that he didn't know that Scotty was capable of murder, but obviously it's a flaw in his character. Why he did it or how he did it have yet to come out. He says he's sure he did it for a noble reason, for protection of Laura. Now maybe more of his idle threats will be taken seriously because it's no longer 'DA Baldwin', but 'Killer Baldwin.' Shriner says that he was unaware of the twist when he was given a return ticket to Port Charles. KS says that it is a rather funny story. He says he was in a scene with Jackie Zeman where he asked if Laura mentioned Scott when she came out of her coma, then they went to tape the scene. Right before they rolled tape, they said over the loud speaker, 'Kin by the way, the reason why you want to know if Laura mentioned you is because you killed Rick Webber. Three, two, one, action!' The actor was understandably shocked. KS says so Scott has been threatening to send people to Sing Sing for his entire life and he's going to Sing Sing (laughs)? Isn't that the cats meow? Shriner says it's fine by him. KS says that he's always wanted to play a killer. He says he has killer instincts (Laughs). He says that he's always said that he would be happy to come back, but his only stipulation was that Scott doesn't end up dead. But prison is fine. I didn't know he'd be wearing a striped shirt eating chipped beef on toast up in Sing Sing where he'll be swapped nightly for a pack of cigarettes. So is prison the next stop for Scott? KS says that they haven't told him, but he has heard that there is more in store for Scott than meets the eye. Insiders say that Shriner is sticking around, despite the murderous revelation. The actor is looking forward to exploring the repercussions of his actions. KS says that Scott has been dark in the past. Bad guys are good guys who were once wronged, and this guy was wronged at a young age. He's still blaming Luke Spencer for forcing himself on his wife and ruining their lives all those years ago. He's a homewrecker yet he's the hero and Scotty's the bad guy? How the heck did that happen (Laughs)? )

Edited by MagicHappens
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Even if Tracy didn't kill Rick, she still knows something. It's might give JE a story, but it's not good for LuNacy. *shrugs*

hooked, thanks for the positive post! And LOL about the wardrobe. This might be unpopular, but I'll take the green fur over today's monstrosity (sp?).

Anyone around for the breakroom? I got a meeting later and then I probably will give my aunt a call, so I don't think I'll be in here tonight.


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Interesting observation from conversation in breakroom earlier:

Mrs Q and I were chatting earlier tonight about this...we think that LuNacy are the ONLY real married couple on GH. Now that Alan died. Think about it...is anyone else married at the moment (other than the sonny/carly which is about to end maybe). Our only question was if Rick and Alexis's divorce is final. We know Georgie and Dillon are divorced, Lucky and liz are divorced at the moment. We decided GH is certainly lacking in the romance department.

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Hey Hooked, first of all... good point. I didn't realize that until you mentioned it about the married couples. and Second... I've said it before and I'll say it again. I LOVED your story. I especially likes the "I wrote the bylaws" line at the airport, but I enjoyed the whole thing. Keep it up, we're gonna need some more now that you've started (though I'd like to see this one continue)!

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I am just so frustrated already and am ready to call it quits!! I mean it's like being on a freaking roll-a-coaster with LuNacy already!! They take what seems to be 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. WTMF!!!!

I am beginning to think when Luke said "I am your husband and you are my wife, and it will remain that way until you decide otherwise" might be true. Why would he end it if he doesn't have to be a real husband and still get the benefits? That's because Tracy will probably eventually end it, that is if she ever comes to her senses. I mean, if Luke thinks Laura who is catatonic is more important than the death of his wife's brother, well hell you can't change the way Luke feels, but Tracy deserves better. He comes home today and NOT EVEN A G-D DAMN M-FREAKIN' HUG!!?? I SO MF LOATHE THE WRITERS OF GH FOR JERKING US FANS AROUND LIKE THIS!! And when does it end? Especially since "the blonde one's" mother is going to be revived. Is it because the Luke and Laura fans will be upset, that they have to tread lightly when it comes to LuNacy? If that's the case - Give those fans what they want - Bring Laura back, they'll be thrilled for a while that Luke and Laura are together and then when the nostaligic fairy dust wears off - and they open their D@mn littlle cry baby eyes they will see how BORING she is, let them get a good look once again at how much older Luke looks than Laura. AND Sorry, but Genie is going to have to drop a good 25 lbs. to get back to supercouple status of the old Luke and Laura. Yeah, give them what they want - so it can be revealed to all ONCE AND FOR ALL - THEY JUST DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE. I want them to just do it already and stop jerking the Tracy/LuNacy fans around!!


How dare these MF's take SD away from us... and not give us the courtesy to grieve with them ALL!!! Alan dies offscreen. Why? So they don't have to hear us curse them from here to CA??? They show a few scenes. No montage (there better so be one coming) They don't show Luke or any of the others finding out like Bobbie, and even Leslie knew Alan and she didn't seem as though she even knew him. AND as far as I'm concerned Lulu and Dillon should feel plenty guilty about Alan being in that lobby. Lulu and the @$$-wipe Dillon keep going on their merry little detective way like nothing happened. Over what? One of the most assinine (sp?) storylines ever to written by these dumb-ass GH writers!!!

I am so upset right now.. I can't begin to tell you!

I'll be in the break room for a few if anyone is around.http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

EDIT: Page 272 -

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I'll back you on all of that TL. If they are going to bring Laura back, I'd love it to happen the way you k=just said. I agree with you, I don't think that she has the "it" factor that she used to have. I think that Lujke and Laura are entertaingwhen they are on an adventure, but that had been rare toward the end and they are just plain boring without all of that. I think she can get out fo town. I really dislike her being there, but if it means that people will finally see how little she works on the show anymore, they can get the hell over her and let Luke and Tracy get on with their marriage and le the rest of us watch our supercouple. I do want everything we've been promiced before she comes back though. I want them to get "together" and I don't want it after Laura inevitably goes again. I don't want this whole sloppy seconds thing to go on anymore, I want them together as them and not having anything at all to do with anyone else.

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Ask and ye shall receive.

I liked today folks. Yep I did! :lol:

I liked her hair. I liked the red jacket (it was a defiant move my friends, so very Tracy!). I liked the interaction with Luke (not ideal, but it had it's tender underpinnings. They were still 'understanding' one another. They weren't really fighting). I liked the Tracy/Monica bit at the end. I loved the Nedly hug. I loved the Carly bit..

But most of all.. the epi today was about Tracy taking center stage and baring her fangs to the world. What else can a Tracy fan ask for? (Yeah.. Hot LuNacy Monkey Sex.. Sure.. But we all knew that wasn't going to happen today!).

I have no idea what or who Tracy is protecting. However, we have all read the spoilers here about WHO killed Rick Webber. And if that person really did it. Well, Tracy isn't protecting that person. No ifs ands hows or maybes. There is something else going on.

Deep breath all. LuNacy love is here... LuNacy sex is coming. In the meantime, we get Full Throttle Tracy followed by the very very beginnings of the DREAM SCHEME TEAM (once fans see it in action next week, they'll want more more more). After that we get Tracy talking with a ghost in a tracksuit. (Notice a trend here folks? There's A LOT of Tracy WITHOUT LUKE! I thought you folks wanted her to do something other than prop Luke. It seems to be happening!!)

Oh.. and here's the best part: I'm out of town March 8-13... Which means, much more Tracy goodness is coming. Mark it on your calanders.

All is good in La La land, peeps. All is good!

Ta Ta,



P.S.... not only did we get good Tracy today, we got DENISE ALEXANDER (looking mighty good and hippy dippy! :D ). Love her! Didn't expect her AT ALL! That was an extra added bonus! Yipeeeeeee!

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I haven't watched yet.


Let me see.

Well, first of all, the Chinese place downtown from where I work, gave me fried rice instead of steamed with my sesame chicken at lunch....and I saved it until JUST NOW.

And it was SOOOOO good.

Hmmm. Positive. Well, I hate to be the board police, and guys you know I love ya ALL, and God knows I'm guilty of bashing from time to time (although I'm getting better at it, more out of boredom and nothing to say, but I'm getting better), but I know there ARE some Laura fans that post here.

Deb likes her.

Reg LURVES her.

And maybe...even though I understand the frustrations we feel, just maaaybe we should be nice to Laura.

CAuse ya know, if for no other reason, stuff like that has a way of coming back and biting us in the butt.

I think Laura will at the very least always be a shadow in Lacy, even if they killed off the character.

It's something we have to accept.

LUke is never going to love Tracy more than Laura or put Tracy first as long as something related to Laura (like today) is more immediate and pressing.

He just isn't. And I don't think that's negativity. I think that's logic based on reality.


BUT.....I still believe Tracy and Luke are a much better match, and faaaar more entertaining, when they are USED CORRECTLY.

And I know Tracy loves Luke.

I think Luke loves her in his way, as much as he can after Laura.

The man has a spot in his heart that has an occupied sign on it. It's a fact, and that ISN'T going to change.


The rest of his heart, is waiting to be filled again. HE just doesn't know it yet.

I think we should write and call the comment line if you don't already.

Maybe it won't do any good, but LOOK how it helped Stuart.

The fans WON that battle.

So write or call and tell them what you want to see.

A hint: I've always heard that they respond better if you just tell them what you like. Mail or calls for what you DON'T like still counts as positive response for that story or character (go figure, I don't get it either.)

I think this story coming up SHOULD be good for us. I also agree, I don't think Tracy is protecting the person who actually killed RW. Of course it's always possible she may think she is, because she doesn't know who really did it, but anyway I digress.....

I am just glad we have Jane while we have her, however more months/years that may be.

I have just made up my mind to try and enjoy it and cringe through the rest.

We ahve gotten through tough stuff.

We'll get through this.

But I do agree? NO HUG????

*kicks Luke*

And now I'll say goodnight. :)


I was so sorry to read you weren't feeling well and I did miss seeing you here ! I hope you're feeling better ! :)

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I'm feeling much better thanks. :)

I made a post saying that I was tired of hearing about Laura. I like her okay. I watched from the beginning. But their time has passed. I think some fans are looking at L&L through rose colored glasses though. I have some tapes of Alan and Monica from early 2000's, which include all the other characters as well. Luke was not with Laura at the time. He was sniffing around Felicia. Laura was with Stefan. Laura got up in Felicia's face about Luke, and Felicia said that Laura had moved on, why couldn't Luke? It's not like they have been together constantly and then all of a sudden she went catatonic. It did not happen that way. If Luke can pal around Felicia, Holly and Skye, why can't he love Tracy. Tracy doesn't deserve his crap. She can do better. After today, I finally saw it through different eyes. They want Luke to be about Laura forever and to heck with Tracy. Someone farther up post said something about Luke saying if it ends, it will be Tracy that does it. I think that's his way of having an out without being the one to actually say it's over. He says he likes being married, but he is not "showing it" When Tracy gets fed up, she will end it and that way, he did nothing wrong.

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This is how I'm feeling right now.

Dear Luke,

I hope you don't take this in the wrong way, but I have to ask a huge favor of you.

Go away.


Hit the road.

I know I prefer it when you're back. I know I miss you when you're gone.

In truth, I really sorta love you, ya know. But I can't take you right now. Not with everything else that's going on.

If you were being supportive, if you were being loving, if you even GAVE A DAMN that Alan died, I might want you to stay. But you don't.

So please. Go the hell away, just for a little while, so I can grieve in my own way.

Love you--


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I would say I am a Laura fan, but I never liked Laura with Scott. The first time, she was too young and he was more like her guardian. The second time was worse, he was like her lap dog and she kicked him to the curb to go back to the man who had cheated on her with Felicia, was drunk most of the time (back then), and was a lousy father.

I also don't like Laura with Luke anymore. In the L&L On the Run Days, they were a fascinating couple. I didn't see them during the years they were having kids. But when Laura got back together with Luke in 2002, they turned her from a businesswoman and responsible parent to a giggling sidekick off on moronic adventures with Luke. IMO, I got the feeling that was why GF really left the show. She had said she was going to leave back in 2000, but MM convinced her to stay. I think it was because they were bringing Scott back into Laura's life and giving Laura a career. Laura was going to be her own person again. Then when she was relegated to being the boring half of L&L again, she had enough. GF would never say this of course, because the legions of L&L fans would crucify her for blasphemy.

I think the Luke & Tracy marriage is brilliant. Tracy challenges Luke in ways that Laura never could. Their scenes are golden - I would love to see them together in a traditionally dysfunctional Q marriage forever. Be patient LuNacy fans, I feel the romace will happen eventually. Luke didn't sleep with Laura for almost a year after the rape, then they broke up immediately afterwards when they came back to Port Charles and she panicked and asked for Scotty. This is how soap writers torture us.

I am sick of the Scott / Laura obsession. Everyone knows Scott had many loves since Laura, most notably Lucy & Dominique. I hate to say it, but leave Laura in her catatonic state. The character works better as an ideal, not as someone interesting to watch.

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In re: the spoilers we discussed yesterday, you can read Shriley's response to my question here:


Maybe. If the link works. I am terrible at links. :(

If it doesn't work, go here:

[email protected]

And look in the Spoilerholics thread on the message board, message # 67961

Anyway, I feel a little better about this.

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