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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well Ms.Q,LOL,I meant "so far" as in, "I know it's not finished but I'm liking what I'm reading,"

Sorry for any confusion.

I honestly would take a ton of fan fics over anything Guza writes,because of one little detail: I know Tracy fans love her,and the stories therefore are written by people who adore the character.

Guza/Pratt....I don't know how they feel about her character.

They certainly aren't above making her the butt of a LOT of jokes..and that to me is not a sign that they like the character.

Of course they did the same to A.J.,and Guza/Pratt have been quoted in print as saying they love A.J.

So *shrug,*who knows anymore?

I have read all five...thanks for the PM's,you're a doll!

I don't have a complaint at all.

I like the way you've made it not just about Tracy,but incorporated pretty much all of the Q's and their points of view.

I like that you showed things GaP can't be bothered to show,like Alan and the family's reaction to what Luke did.

I would have given a month's salary for the scenes between Stuart and Tony if Alan had been shown finding out what Luke did re: Coleman.

I like that your Dillon defends his mother.

I like that you seem to have a good grasp on the characters in terms of speech and personality,I can see the scenes playing out in my mind without difficulty,and that's a good thing,if I can imagine it,I think it's true to character.

Oh,I can't wait for the rest,I hope you have lots in store for us,in terms of Dillon/Tracy,Lulu/Tracy,Luke/Tracy and maybe even Edward/Tracy and Brook/Tracy.

Georgie/Tracy could be interesting as well. I have always wanted them to talk about what Tracy did...to get it out in the open.

Anyway,I am thoroughly enjoying the story.


PS are you already through writing it? Or is it a work in progress?

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ILoveTracyQ, thank you so much for taking the time to read my fic and comment on it. It means a lot to me, and I am glad you are enjoying it. :)

Well, there is some good news and some bad news. The bad news is I have completed the fanfic, and there are only "entire family" scenes remaining...Well, there's one exception. ;)

The good news is I have another fic. It is set one year after Lila's death. I actually started it in early April; finished it in late July and have been revising it on/off since then. (i.e. I needed to account for the Luke/Tracy marriage, which I was not going to include at first, alter some of the dialogue, etc.). In any case, that fanfic includes Tracy/almost everyone. I'll try and post some of it tonight. [small voice] Revising was not the only reason I held off. I didn't have the courage to post it. I do now, so hopefully everyone will forgive me for waiting so long. :) [/small voice]

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Well I'm glad you had the courage to step forward and post them.

You have a natural talent,and like I said,you love the characters....you should apply for a job on the writing staff of GH! :)

*runs off to read fan fic updates*

ETA I read the latest Thanksgiving chapter. Are you ending it there? I loved the mashed potato food fight. LOL

I only noticed one thing,LOL...I think you had Monica calling Tracy Alan's sister in law instead of his sister.

The new fan fic...oh,it's awesome. Had me close to tears,it was sooo realistic.

I think they briefly mentioned Lila this past summer but I'm not sure,I know there was nothing major done. Good job,I can't wait for the new chapters. :)

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Oops. That should say "My sister-in-law is right." Thanks for telling me. And there is one more chapter. I'm glad you are liking the other fic too. The new chapters should be up later. :)

ETA: Tracy was ON today, and she may have been wearing a new jacket. It looked similiar to something she's worn before, but I think it was different. I need to consult with coolkid. LOL.












Isn't Lulu/Tracy supposed to come later this week? Cable Guide Spoilers are generally accurate. Hmm...This doesn't make sense because Tracy is supposed to ask Lulu to spy on Luke (in regards to ELQ, right? And this ELQ "story" hasn't even been brought up). Can I hope for Lulu/Tracy tomorrow AND Thursday then? :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey coolkid I read your update,too....Stefan,huh? :)

I miss him,and I could totally go for a Stefan/Tracy hookup.

A Stefan/Tracy/Luke triangle...even better,and I hate triangles,so that's saying something for me.

Ms.Q I love both your fan fics....can't wait to see what's coming for the second one.

I have not watched yesterday's episode yet and it may be this weekend before I get a chance as I am having cable problems.

Keep me informed of the good stuff!

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ILoveTracyQ, I think you'll enjoy Lulu/Tracy. There was a fun negotation scene between them today; I just hope it leads somewhere. Also...Luke once again admitted that he likes being married to his "little Spanky Buns." But earlier he told Skye that he loved her (Skye), so I have no idea what is going on. *sighs*

About my fic...The newest chapters should be up later tonight. I hope I don't disappoint. ;) These next 2 chapters don't contain as much emotion as the others. And aww, ILoveTracyQ, you recommended my fics! Thanks! *blushes*

Coolkid, I am lovin' your story. I loved Lulu's fantasy of Dillon. That would make for some very interesting family gatherings. Everyone would be related in more ways than one. I think. LOL. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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Oh yes coolkid the Lulu/Dillon fantasy was a HOOT! :D

So,let's see: we now have possibly Stefan,Luke,AND Paul all interested in our girl....hmm.

I'm conflicted. LOL

Because you know how much I have always wanted a Tracy/Stefan hook-up.

Decisions,decisions. :)

Still haven't gotten to watch yet,it looks like it will be this weekend.

I read the transcripts for yesterday and today,though....I didn't see the scene,how did TG portray the "ILY" to Skye?

As a friend,or something more?

If I recall,I don't think Luke has EVER told Skye he loved her...has he?

So,if it really meant something romantic,wouldn't he do it in a romantic way?

I'm confused,too.

Although it did my heart good to hear him say he enjoyed being married to Tracy.

Now,if he'd just tell her that.

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ILoveTracyQ, about the ILY, I'd have to watch the scene again to give you an answer, but I was definitely not expecting it. I too believe it was the first time. And hasn't Luke already told Tracy that he enjoys being married to her? Kind of. LOL. I remember him saying, "I'm proud to be Mr. Tracy Quartermaine." Then he proceeded to go about how he was using their marriage to avoid commitment to Skye, so it lost its impact. *sigh*

And today? Hysterical! I can't wait until you watch, ILoveTracyQ! I was literally laughing out loud. :lol: And I wonder who Lulu is playing. Luke or Tracy? It appears to be Luke, but wouldn't he have known? Oh I don't know! I'd love to see Tracy win this one, but I have a hard time believe THAT would happen.

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Jane was on 4 times this week! (i havent seen todays eppie) And she has been ROCKIN! I love Tracy and Lulu. And jane lights up when shes around her. To me Tracy seems like she enjoys Lulu's company, and she seems like she sees a mini version of herself in Lulu.

Im glad you all liked the new chapter. Ms. Q your story is rockin my socks off!

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Okay,so I finally watched Mon-Thursday of this week,and some of Friday.(she wasn't on Friday,coolkid,although four days this week? I think the only other time that happened this year is the week Tracy and Luke got married.)

My first observations: Man, the Q/Lacy/Lulu scenes sure are short. The teen scenes are short,too. While JaSam and Courtney's and Carly's and Emily's scenes drag on,and on,and on.......

I liked what I saw overall. I still think Jane and Tony have killer chemistry,and I liked that Luke told Alice he liked being married to Tracy....but if he likes it,why the scramble to get the ELQ stocks? I don't think it has much to do with money...I think Luke WILL use it as leverage against Tracy for whatever reason,or maybe he just wants it as a backup plan.

Maybe he figures if he has it,Tracy will "stay in line",as he said,and not divorce him. But if he'd just tell her what he told Alice,I think she'd tell him the same.

BUT on the other hand,I kinda like the adversarial part of their relationship,too. I know both of them like a challenge.

So if we could have them admit that they care,but still remain on their toes,it could be even better.

Sorry if I'm rambling,I am really,really tired. LOL

Yes Ms.Q....I love your story,read the latest chapter,and once again I was brought near tears.

I just love my Q's so much,and how great would it have been if we'd seen them recognize the anniversary of Lila's death onscreen.

Well,they sort of did,because the Charitable Endowment Scenes were about the same time as the anniversary of her death. But that just wasn't enough.

Ms.Q you should not have been so shy about posting your fics...they're good.

Okay,so now someone *cough* LOL...has to do an adventure story.

coolkid...Ms.Q,I'm looking at YOU guys.

I don't think I could write about Tracy....I love her TOO much,and I don't think I could be objective.

Um,about the spoilers posted on SON............ :angry:

SPOILER DISCUSSION......................................................................


So,Lulu steals money from Tracy's bank account. Huh. I guess that's the end of Tracy/Lulu bonding...or is it?

Tracy tells Luke about it,and I guess demands that Lulu be sent to boarding school.

Lulu doesn't strike me as too bright,LOL...can't she tell she's no match for Tracy?

And then Luke/Skye share a kiss?



SPOILER DISCUSSION ENDED.................................................

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Tracy is ALWAYS rockin', coolkid. ;) My mother even enjoys Lulu/Tracy. I was confused because she doesn't like Tracy, but then the other night we were discussing GH (which I HATE because she usually goes on and on about Sonny and co.), and she tells me, "Tracy and Lulu are good together." My response? "Mom, is everything all right?" She laughed and told me for all those times she gave me a hard time about enjoying her, Tracy's scenes can be really good. (My thought: Of course her scenes are good!) LOL. My mother even went on to say that Tracy is making her enjoy Lulu! Just thought I'd share.

Yay! ILoveTracyQ is posting again! Heh. I thought the same thing about the 4 episodes/week. Then I thought about it some more. LOL. JE was on 4 days during the train wreck. Not that she had much of a role. Hmph. And then there were the CE scenes. Those were on Monday and carried over into Tuesday. The CE scenes were also the same week as Carly's Gala (one day the Q's were invited, the next day they attended.) So that's 4 too. And maybe there were 4 episodes at one point during the Coleman SL? LOL. The fact that I can remember the times she appeared in 4 episodes means it hasn't happened often. <_< Also...not only are the Luke/Tracy/Lulu scenes shorter, but there also seems to be less of them. Eh well...Less is more, right? LOL. And this SL is so confusing sometimes. Luke enjoys the marriage but wants a divorce?

Thanks for the compliments on the fanfic! I'm sorry I didn't post the "One Year Ago" one sooner. Hmm, an adventure story? I probably write adventure as "good" as GaP. But if coolkid has any ideas, I'd love to read them.

Random Thought: I loved Tracy's line to Luke about the Old Testament/punishing entire civilizations. LOL.












Lulu/Tracy were too good to last. But perhaps there is still hope? I'm also not liking the idea of a Skye/Luke kiss. That is NOT a good early Christmas present. Anyone see the newest "spoilers" at SoapDish? There was a rhyming poster who, while may have not been a real insider, shared some clues...The posters concluded that (if this "insider" is indeed an insider), Tracy is going to try and kill Luke but shoots Skye instead. :o It is so out there that I don't know where to begin. My guess it that it's inaccurate, but who knows? Maybe Tracy will end up in prison during TG's next vacation. Errr...I hope I didn't give TIIC an idea.












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Do you have a link to that post?

I wouldn't worry about that too much...Soap Dish is just a bunch of hooey as far as I know.

But I would like to read it. If it's true...so help me GOD.....*SIGH*

I have been worrying about Tracy...how TIIC might write Jane off if her contract isn't renewed next year.

Hey,if Rick Webber,AJ,Stefan...if they can have it happen to them,Tracy's not safe.

But for such a thing to happen,Tracy would probably just set Luke up for a crime and send him to prison,like she tried to do to Paul back in the day.

But not THAT.

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ*












The Tracy-related "clues" begin on this page by a poster named HMMM..MMMM.

Skye/SkyLo Clues: Babbay! Babbay! Babbay! Dontcha you are so finnnnnnnne! Janies gotsa ya! What will little Janie do? Skye gonna get, get, get it poppin! Janies gotsa a guunnnnn! Skye is gonna get get get it poppin! (Speculation included SkyLo baby, Janie=Jane Elliot=Tracy shooting Skye, or perhaps Skye shooting someone?!?)

Luke Clues: Ya gotta bad! Ya gotta bold! Ya gotta be wizer! Ya be hard! Ya gotta be tough! Ya gotta stronger! Ya gotta be cool! Ya gotta calm! Ya gotta stay together! Cause things about a ta change! Ya wife is trying to kill you! Ya daughta is acting fool! And ya redhead has left you! And ya gotta move on! Buuuuut he'll save da day aye! ("Wife is trying to kill you"=self-explanatory. This is where it was "concluded" that Tracy tries to shoot Luke, but shoots Skye instead.)

Who knows? I wouldn't put it pass TIIC. But this is just too ridiculous. SoapDish has been accurate at times, but my guess (or my hope, LOL) is the poster was just having some fun. We'll find out sooner or later.












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