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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy/Luke Rumor on GHH2. Nothing we haven't heard before.

MsQ, thanks for the link (downloading now). I love NLG (sorry, whoever doesn't like her on this group), and now I'm playing on Nancyfan.com to find pics of her in Minbari drag. I totally slashed Shal Mayan (NLG's B5 character) and Satai Delenn (played by the uber-gorgeous Mira Furlan of Lost). They are just too cute, and I'm totally going to be downloading clips of them when I have the time.

Oh, and Regency--:) Sorry if we made you feel self-conscious in the Break Room tonight--ya young whippersnapper....

ETA: BIG OLD HEY to TRACYLUVR. Wanna go in the break room and chat for a little bit?

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Ya'll, I need help. I've tried Hella Good, Never Quiet, and GHVT, and I can't get to anything. I'm trying to download clips of Lulu and Luke for a vid I'm making, and I cna't get anything to work. Anybody has any alternate clip sources they can share?

ETA: Oh, LaineyBev714, check your email. I emailed back the red-ink soaked remains of your rough draft. :) Actually, it was awesome, amazing, and I desparately want you to continue. I gave you a "real" edit, like you asked for, so there's a lot of stuff on there. But it was amazing, and I'm saying so here in the hopes that peer pressure will work on you. Guys? Please do me a favor and NAG THE HELL OUT OF LAINEYBEV714 until she finishes Awakenings! You'll be glad she did.

Oh, and I was bored, so I made a Tracy doll using Candybar Doll Maker 3. I still have discovered no legitimate purpose for these dolls, other than to take up time. But I got time, so here she is--little Corporate Tracy, all ready for the next hostile takeover! (Note the skirt. No long flowing gauzy things for MY TracyDoll!)


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Re: the doll--we're lucky Miss Thang didn't come out looking like a Japanimation Hoochie Mama! I had to WORK to find this combination. :)

OHMIGOSH! I finally saw Dillon's Silent Movie. I have to admit--even hamming it up for the camera, JE stlil manages to give a certain degree of pathos and depth to her character. And I DOVE-A-LOVE the flapper costume. For those of you who were actually watching at the time, question--Did Dillon actually *make* this movie, or was it some comatose fever dream he had? Because never, ever, evuh could I imagine the Q's participating in something like that.

But boy, was it fun!

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ETA: Dudes, this was my 500th post!!!!! I didn't even try!

ETA2: In The Break Room, if anybody wants to chat.

Just wanted to blow your minds....Current MasterList of TQ Fics. If I've missed a story, please PM me.

Stories by Ms. Quartermaine:

Second Chances: (PG/PG-13) A threatening man is led to believe that Tracy heard something she shouldn’t. Later, she finds herself trapped in an elevator with someone she’d rather not deal with, and the unlikely pair is forced to work together. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2958998/1/

The Right Thing: (PG) Tracy and Luke spend their one year anniversary in the Markham Islands, but there's just one problem. Tracy wants a divorce, and this time, she's serious.URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3078089/1/

Ode to Tracy: (G) Ongoing poem. What has TracyQ been up to since her return in 2003? URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2904918/1/

Oh Baby: (PG-13) Begins in Summer 2005. What happens when Tracy Quartermaine ends up pregnant, and her husband is NOT the father, but the man her husband put into her bed is? URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/1/

One Year Ago: (PG-13) Set in July 2005. It’s been one year since Lila Q. died in her sleep. How does the family react? Lois has plans. Monica and Alan argue. Dillon makes a decision. Tracy and Brook Lynn bond. And more. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2679003/1/

The Missing Scenes: by Ms. Quartermaine Posted March 14, 2006. (PG) Various scenes throughout the series--what should have happened on the show, but didn't. TracyQ-centric. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2791221/1/

Removed from Reality: (PG) Switching identities, soap style. Focus on Tracy and the Qs. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2820116/1/

Stories by LukeTracy_Fan (Tianikki)

Beautiful Disaster: (PG) When tragedy strikes, Tracy is injured. How does this affect those who love her, and those who haven't yet figured out they love her? URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2733849/1/

Could Be Nice: (PG-13) What happens when two people who can't get along are forced together for one long night? URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2946820/1/

Running Away: (PG-13) Tracy tells Luke she loves him then later blames it on alcohol but it was actually water. Link to fanfic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2847171/1/

Ghost of You: (PG) Tracy loses her father and is upset and blames Luke. Kinda agnsty. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2884478/1/

Stories by Hypemuzak

Homelands: (PG-13) When Dillon and Tracy attend Paul Hornsby's funeral, they both are given the shock of a lifetime. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2845070/1/

Stories by Sagi85KT

Hidden Truths: (PG) Tracy and Robert discuss life, death, family. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/37971.html

Chances Are: (PG) Tracy deals with the chaos that occurs following Dillon and Lulu's tryst, as well as her feelings for Lulu's father. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/39669.html

Stories by LaineyBev714

Surprise!: ( R ) Tracy and Luke follow Lulu's surprise party with a party of their own. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/38860.html

Stories by RegencyG

Four Martinis Make An Evening: (PG-13) A silent admirer watches Tracy from afar, for most of the evening anyway. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/42971.html

Stories by MinervaFan

100 Situations: (G-NC-17) 100 stories, all about Tracy Quartermaine. Runs the gamut re: characters, pairings, and ratings. Will have a couple of NC-17 stories. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/399097.html

Aftermath: (PG13) In 1980, Edward Quartermaine put his daughter to the ultimate test of loyalty. She failed. This is what happened when the smoke cleared…. PastFic. TracyQ, LilaQ. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/391798.html

An Adventure Waiting to Happen: ( R ) Tracy and Luke spend a funny, sexy, and ultimately life-changing anniversary in the Maarkam Islands. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2943325/1/

As If Nothing Ever Happened: (PG-13) Tracy has twenty-four hours to wait. After that, life as she knows it may never be the same again. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3103465/1/

Cellar: (PG) Ned and Tracy are trapped in the wine cellar together. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2968079/1/

Creature Comforts: (PG) Someone always leaves a pillow and a blanket for Miss Tracy when she passes out on the couch. Femslash. Tracy/Alice. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/368378.html

Double Dare: (PG-13) Luke and Tracy indulge in a game of sexual table-turning. Het. Luke/Tracy. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/398027.html

Faces: (G) Alan and Tracy Quartermaine have a relationship words can't always describe. Gen. Alan, Tracy. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/379576.html

Five Conversations Tracy Quartermaine Never Had: (G) Tracy could have had conversations...with Lulu, Luke, Dillon, Edward, Ned. Gen. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/381240.html

Five Mornings: (PG) Tracy Quartermaine has had five wedding nights, and five very different morning afters. Written for the List of 5 Meme challenge. Het. Tracy/The Husbands. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/419107.html

For Warmth, Of Course: (PG-13) When the ELQ jet goes down in the wilderness, Tracy and Luke must work together for survival. Het. Tracy/Luke. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/374778.html

The Fourteenth: (PG-13) July 14, 2006. It's been two years, three hours, and something minutes since Tracy Quartermaine learned of her mother's death. Het. Luke/Tracy. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/367389.html

Granny's Little Secret: (PG) Tracy wants to take her granddaughter on a tour of Europe over the summer. Brooke Lynn is not so good with this plan. Gen. TracyQ, Brooke Lynn Ashton. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/383325.html

Her Little Gentleman: (PG) Dillon reflects on his mother's misdeeds, and her generosity. Gen. Dillon, Tracy. http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/375328.html

Invisible: (PG) Tracy Quartermaine has a conversation about motherhood. Gen. TracyQ, Dillon. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/358393.html

Like Lila's Home: (PG) Tracy Quartermaine takes a breather from watching over her sick son. Gen. TracyQ, Bobbie Spencer. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/361743.html

Live from the Blue Door: (PG-13) Tracy and Monica spend a wild night in a local lesbian bar.

Chapter One: Welcome to the Blue Door URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/18957.html

Chapter Two: Tracy Learns a Secret URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/19327.html

Chapter Three: Lemme Tell You Bout These Straight Chicks URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/19674.html

Chapter Four: Dancing Through Life URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/19721.html

Chapter Five: Don't Mess with the Quartermaine Babes URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/19968.html

Chapter Six: The Car Gets Fixed...For A Price URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/20354.html

Mother Freedom, Carry Me Home: (PG-13) In 1980, Tracy Quartermaine was banished from her family. She never came back. In 2004, Tracy "Walker" has everything she could want--good friends, sobriety, and a company that's about to make her very, very rich. So why does a news story about a fire in a New York hotel send her crashing to the floor? PG=13. AU. Tracy/OMC. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3076027/1/

Red and Black: (PG) On the day of the Haunted Star's re-opening, Tracy Quartermaine struggles to find just the perfect outfit. Gen. Tracy/Luke UST. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/373942.html

Stranger Things: (PG) At Justus' memorial service, Tracy Quartermaine has two unexpected moments of connection. Gen. TracyQ, EdwardQ, Luke Spencer. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/405515.html

The Last Gift: (PG) How Tracy's "39th" birthday party should have ended. Het. Tracy/Luke. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/378436.html

The Taming: (NC-17) Luke Spencer helps his wife to an understanding about the nature of their marriage. Het. Warnings for bondage, mind games, graphic sex. Luke/Tracy. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/359076.html

Transcript: A Woman of Means: (PG) Dillon must make a 20 minute documentary about an influential person in his life. His final product, a slice of life documentary about TracyQ, is very telling. Script format. Gen. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/361720.html

Two Broken People: (PG) A Missing Scene Story. Tracy confronts Luke after his kiss with Holly Scorpio. Het. Luke/Tracy UST. URL: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/369589.html

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas: (PG-13) The real story of what happened on Luke and Tracy’s wedding night. Not explicit, but deals with sensual themes. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2809372/1/

Stories by Elemental-Fey:

The Music: (PG-13) TracyQ reflects on a wild affair gone wrong. Tracy and Coleman, with mention of Tracy and Luke. Tongue in cheek humor. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2833083/1/

Live Again: (PG-13) TracyQ has been endlessly repeating the same dark pattern with men all her life. Finally, maybe, this time will be different. Tracy and Luke angst. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2833085/1/

Stories by LSpencer

Loss: (PG) AU. Tracy finds out her mother’s last and final secret. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2859538/1/

Stories by coolkidluvTQ

The Half Haven’t Been Told: (PG) Brooklyn has to do a report on her grandmother. Will the past come out? Tracy and Brooklyn find out they’re more alike than they thought. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2380338/1/

Stories by AbayJ

Cold !@#$%^&*]: (PG) A poem about TracyQ. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1968721/1/

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Nevermind...I checked my yahoo.

I should not have checked the live post.

No..no Tracy. But I thnk I really really HATE Luke now.

I don't think there's any going back for me.

Their first scene together will determine how I feel.

If he tries to blame her or treats her like garbage,it's OVER for me.

I'm done.

Unless she makes him grovel and beg.

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ILoveTracyQ, I sent the email to you, Deb, and Tracey, asking for feedback on the graphics I made so far. Oops. Nevermind, LOL. What did Luke do?

MinervaFan, wow! That's a lot of fic! Congrats on 500! :D

Some comments: Not that this matters, but once I posted the second batch of the "Second Chances" chapters, the summary was changed to: Tracy ends up trapped in an elevator with someone she has no interest in listening to, but with her life on the line, she might not have a choice, but if you like the other summary better, that's fine.

Also...Let It Be by LSpencer features a good amount of Tracy Q. TQ isn't the center of the story, but she's one of the 4 characters in it. (Edward/Lila/Tracy/Alan) And Thanksgiving With the Quartermaines wasn't included in your list. ;)

About Dillon's movie, he dreamt it that night (he was watching another black/white movie right before bed); he wasn't comatose or anything, LOL.

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Ms. Minerva, you are the bomb! Today you are my total hero!! --- For helping me with my story, and for posting all those stories I haven't read [i thought I had read all fanfic connected to Tracy. Who knew?!?], and for posting the link to the Dillon movie, which I have never seen. Hilarious.

Okay.. off to write now.. you have totally inspired me! :)

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Really quick, but about the clip sites. You can't access Daily Clips at HellaGood until you have a total of 5 posts (just read the introduction/announcement forums, and post "I agree to the rules..." "Read and understood" something along those lines). As for GHVT, clips are achived at the end of each week, and I believe only vidders have access to them. Deb, if you've posted 5 or more vids there, they'll adjust your settings, and you should be able to get them (Reply in the thread "Attention all Vidders"). If not, I'll be on the look out. RL is being a b-tch; sorry it's taking me so long to do everything. :(

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