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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Anyone else think it's a bad sign for the Qs that Emily came home today and grandfather - not Monica or Alan or even Tracy - were there to welcome her home? They all made SUCH a big deal when she left... and all she got today was Edward! A post here awhile back mentioned that GH was thinking about drastically cutting back the Q family. It has SOOO happened. When's the last time anyone saw Monica??! (way before Justus' funeral) Shoot.. who am I kidding.. when's the last time anyone saw Tracy (it's 2 weeks, right?)?? Geez!

I almost typed something the other day that said something like: 'They can't get rid of all the Qs because then they'd have to scrap that lovely Quartermaine Mansion set.' And whola-- look what they did today. They put Emily & Carly in it (Carly **barf!!**). What the hell is Carly doing in the Q mansion?

I know I'm pesimistic when it comes to Tracy, but this is all bad news for Tracy... very bad.

That's okay, because if she leaves GH, I do, too.... and then maybe I'll be able to wean myself off of this Tracy-Luke obsession.

Ms. Q thanks for the new story. It's definitely helping with my Tracy withdrawal!

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Actually tomorrow won't it be three weeks since she's been on?

It seems like three months.

Or is it only two?


And yeah Ms.Q your story rocks. :)

I want holes in the knees of Luke Spencer's pants because Tracy made him grovel THAT hard in your story. :)

Pwetty please with sugar on top?


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Keith, you are an evil being, LOL. I'm kidding of course. And yeah, I did say to lie. If JFP ever does resign, can JE get her job? Please?

Thanks ILoveTracyQ for posting, and as always, I love your optimism that while comes and goes, never completely disappears, LOL. I'm hoping August/September are good months too. As for enjoying her while we have her...It'd kind of hard to do when she's isn't on. ;) But how's this? When she finally is back onscreen...whenever that may be...I'll enjoy it. And glad you're enjoying the story. LOL about Luke.

LaineyBev, it's a bad sign indeed. :( Monica sometimes irritates me with her "St. Jason and Princess Emily are the best people in the entire world and AJ is/was scum and deserved what he got" garbage, but I could so go for a Monica/Tracy scene or really...Monica and anyone but Jason/Emily right about now. I was reading FCW recaps from NLG's event that Leslie Charleson attended. Someone asked her what she wanted from GH, and she responded that she just wanted to be a working actress with something to do on the show. It shouldn't be like that. *sigh* Thanks for the feedback, by the way.

Tossing out a question: Does anyone think we're all much too focused on a fictional character? Please don't kick me out. LOL. I love Tracy just as much as everyone else. I just sometimes wonder. Or maybe I just wonder about myself. Like should it really bother me that much that Tracy hasn't been on GH in 2 weeks? Should it really be that big of a deal to me? It is wrong that when Tracy is on, I get excited? That she puts me in a good mood? Just throwing this out there...

Edit #1: *waves to Regency* How's the fanfic coming?

Edit #2: *waves to ILoveTracyQ*

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Popping back in to say the second and third times JE played Tracy I'd call myself obsessed.

Now even though I have joined several message boards to talk about her I don't consider myself nearly as enamored.

It's not that I love Tracy less.

It's just that she's on less and when she's on it's usually so brief and it's rarely about her. And sometimes what they give JE to do is insulting....bordering on complete crap.

So it's harder for me this time around to really get into GH or the character. I used to rewind and watch scenes ad nauseum back in the day.

Now those times are rare.

I still love her and she is probably one of my favorite fictional characters of any medium of all time.

As far as your question Ms.Q I think that we all look for entertainment and a means of escape from the stress in our daily lives.

Watching and loving Tracy and talking about Tracy is a lot less harmful than other things we could be doing.

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it doesn't consume us to the point of not being able to talk about or think about ANYTHING else.

If that happens we might want to take a step back.

JE's great and Tracy's great.....but it's not my whole world and I wouldn't want it to be and I don't think anyone else sees her as such. At least I hope not.

But yeah I like the character and the actress and I want to see her get a good story and airtime. :)

Just my opinion.

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Hey everyone

I didn't pay that close attention, but i thought that em was just at the house and Edward walked into the room. I didn't think that anyone knew she was there, so I'm nt surprised they wern't all at the house. That wuld imply they knew she'd be home, plus they were working, it was the middle of the day (way to play the realism b/c otherwise they are only at work when a scene calls for it!).

I, myself, think that Tracy is just of so much b/c JE is taking an amazing vacation... somewhere beautiful like France or Italy, or colorful and intriguing like Morocco or India (not to imply that they are not equally beautiful, I'd love to go to both). Just a little optomism to couteract all the "I wonder if she's getting the boot" kind of talk. Maybe they think she's so sprectacular that she can take whatever time she wants off!

and just to answer... I definately think we're all a little obsessed, but it's a healthy obsession, so far.

does anyone have any of these scenes? 11/14/03, 11/17/03, 11/19/03, and 12/09/03

A few things before i post my movie:

1) this is not a Tracy thing, I just can really picture and would really want JE in the role

2) backstory- I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding a few years back and thought "I could totally do that". My family is easily as colorful and has much more interesting people than that movie, they should be the topic of one. It evolved from there and really has nothing to do with them now, bt that was where the whole movie writing thing came from.

3)Now, the two female characters all have the personalities of girls in my family (mainly me an my mom, but just because i know it very well, so nothing that happens is based in fact, just the personalities.

4)all the family backstories are true, however, just to make it a little fun.

5)I would really like honest opinions on this, so be brutal when you have to.

6)I am thinking of scrapping the end scenes, scenes 42-44, for a new ending b/c it's kind of cheesy, so let me know if you have any suggestions.

7)I've copyrighted it so I can get things done with my cousin (hopefully) once i get feedback and edit some more.

Thank so much!!!!

here's the link...

sorry, the link didn't get posted, I'll just type it in down here to cut and poste...


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ILoveTracyQ, thanks for your input. You're right. There's nothing wrong with us needing an escape from real life. It's just when we start discussing Wardobe and hair when there's no TQ to discuss that gets me worried, LOL. Well, that and that dream the other night, LOL. I'll chalk that up to going to bed right after I got off the computer.

knh, this includes the Sam/Tracy final scene from 11/14/03. Here are the Sam/Tracy/Jax scenes from 11/17/03. Credit to Lori for both. And here are the 11/19/03 scenes of Luke/Tracy/Skye/Sam/Scott. Credit to ?. Thanks to Skye of GHVT for sharing 11/19/03. I have some others from 2003 too if interested (not just the ones you requested). Will start reading the movie tomorrow.

Edit: Page 113!

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oh yeah, and maybe.... 11/30/05, 3/10/06, 4/6/06, 4/12/06, & 4/13/06

thanks everyone

ps. sorry my story's so long. It's definately going to take a couple of sittings to finish, but hopefully it will be worth it. (sorry if it's not)

I love how quickly people get back to me on this site!!! thanks for reading and thanks for the scenes.

ps, I'll take any scenes you have, I have a lot to make up for.

if at all possible, can it not be a zip file, I can't get those to work correctly

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*waves* Hey, MsQ. It's going all right. I haven't got a ton of Tracy as inspiration but so far so good. The scene that's most inspiring is one I don't have. You wouldn't happened to have access to the bar scene in which Tracy's lovely olives were featured, would you?

I've started so many fics it's pathetic. Frankly, Luke is not coming out on top and I've tightened my angst cap for a long fascination.

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Welcome, ChanelTalbot! *hands you some lovely ciabatta from the break room.* We're a nice group here--perhaps a little Hair and Wardrobe obsessed (Ms. Q....;) ), but basically welcoming. Hope you stick around. As for Tracy/Noah--it could happen. I don't know how good they'd be for each other, considering they are both a little too dependent on the bottle.....

ILoveTracyQ, shout out to you, babygirl, for the reoccurring optimism! Jane makes so much of every scene she's in that it's not hard to appreciate her when we have her.

MsQ, I've been writing fanfic since 1987. I've spent so much of my time obsessing on fictional characters that I've stopped worrying about it. ;) Given the amount of stress in my life, I welcome the opportunity to think about something besides money, bills, Fey's health, REDNECKS, dogs, cars, job--Tracy's problems are so much more interesting than mine, and she has a better wardrobe--even *with* the ten miles of floating jacket!

Rgency, I have the olive!sex scenes in my grubby little paws. If nobody posts them here, I'll go ahead and upload them for you. (I'm on dial-up, so it takes forever.) But know that you will not go long without Tracy and her delightful little green friends..... (*dayum, that just sounded sick, didn't it?)

knh, I have downloaded your movie script and will read/review when I have a chance. You've made me wonder--what characters would you guys like to see JE play, if she weren't playing Tracy?

I'd love to see her as a lawyer or judge on Boston Legal. Could you imagine how much fun we could have with her playing opposite William Shatner or Candace Bergen? Of course, on Boston Legal, her judge would probably run a shady import operation on the side, or be a kleptomaniac, or a nymphomaniac (shades of Holland Taylor's brilliant turn on The Practice). I'd also love to see her on a sitcom--something smart, like Frasier. (Oooh, if Bebe had quit and JE had taken over as Frasier's new agent. Maybe a New Age charmer who tries to develop his "softer" side, while overcharging him and blaming his anger on "negative chi.")

See, MsQ, you're not even close to being the most JE/TQ obsessed person in the world.....;)

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Umm...guys? Where the hell is my Tracy?

I have to watch Sonny's revolving door of women and Jasam instead? :blink:

And Genie Francis is coming back? I'm completely out of the loop...

I'm gonna be pissed if they make Sam Nik's twin from Laura. That's just stupid.

Well, if Genie is in, at least for a short time, does that mean our two, ehem, favorite headwriters are OUT?

PS- MinervaFan, is there anything wrong with being wardrobe obsessed? After watching GH, I finally saw how beautiful curtains looked on certain people. :D

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LOL. GH made feel the same way about olives--until July 4, they were just nasty tasting little green things people put in martinis. After July 4...well....let's just say that eroticism has many strange and unexpected outlets, especially when a certain character is involved.....

ETA: *waves to KNH*

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