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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves* Hey everyone!!!

No TQ today. Teens yes, TQ no. Teen update today in 3...2...1....Dillon decided to grow up a bit and try to save his marriage. And he apologized to Lulu for flipping out on her about the lie and admitted his part in their, you know, step-incest, but he's still in love with Georgie, so they're over. So, now you don't have to watch. :D

Re: Poll: I....*wince* I don't want to think about pregnant Lulu. First, the squick factor. And sure, that means Tracy and Luke get a biological grandchild, but it's the wrong sort of biological. Plus, I think Lulu's got some great adventures ahead of her if she can avoid being tied down, plus, I don't need Dillon tied to Lulu for life. Luke and Tracy, yes. Dillon and Lulu, no. Although it would make for some interesting force-bonding between Tracy and Lulu, what with her lack of current parental involvement, and Tracy's history of less than encouraging behaviour around pregnant women. And, I was scared that Lulu moving out of the Q's would mean less screentime for them, but...I don't think that's possible. Can the Q's have less than zero screentime? No? Then I don't care where the littlest homewrecker lives.

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LOL This was so good I had to quote it.

But I'm confused. You said "wrong kind of biological."

What do you mean?

You want Tracy and Luke tied together for life? Awww......

See....I'm not even sure I want that,but it's sweet you do.

No,he has to CHOOSE her.

I don't want Laura to stay catatonic,or go in and out and have Luke fluttering around her and forgetting Tracy.

If he doesn't choose her, I'd rather that she were free,to leave town, or stay and start up a new venture/romance/whatever.

The chance of Luke "choosing" Tracy....not good.

Love your nickname for Lulu....the littlest homewrecker. Never a truer word.

And with that boys and girls,back to work.

BTW Keith I know what you mean.

Not all guys are mechanical,and not all girls can bake/be domestic.

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SPUMOR Discussion

I'll be honest with you, I don't like the thought of a Lulu/Dillon pregnancy for so many reasons. The obvious being, I'm not a big fan of teen pregnancy stories. Then, there's the whole, ew, they're step-siblings and that just squicks me.

And while we're going there, how strange would it be for Luke and Tracy if they were to solidify their love and have children who produced a grand-child together? I mean, it's a little too back-woods for me.

Finally, I totttttaaaaaallllyyyyy agree with ILTQ when she says Luke *cannot* be forced to stay with Tracy; he has to (in the end) choose to stay with her. That's the only way it will work, the only way it will be satisfying for the fans.

Besides, a child from Lulu and Dillon would do more to destroy Luke/Tracy than bind them together. If they became a "real" couple, with Lulu pregnant, that would strenghten the feeling of incest. By becoming more traditionally in love, and strengthening their marriage, Tracy and Luke would also strengthen the feeling of siblingness (????) between Dillon and Lulu--if not to them, to outsiders. And that would cause SERIOUS problems with how the "family" was perceived.

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ILoveTracyQ, I meant that normally, the way people have biological grandchildren is they have a kid first (biologically), and then this kid has a grandchild. Now, when your kids get together and create a biological grandchild for you, it kind of kills the mood for me.

I firmly believe that, given enough time, Luke will come around and choose Tracy. It will be a little hollow, because Laura won't/can't be around, and the marriage ensures a tie anyway. I don't ever think that Luke would choose Tracy over an in-and-out catatonic Laura, simply because he would think she needs him, and also just because of the sheer amount of history and nostalgia. But an awake Laura, I would think she'd definitely have issues with Luke, the way he's brought up, or really hasn't brought up their children, and then that would bring back all of the problems the two of them had last go around, with Luke not wanting to settle down. I think, in that case, Luke might 'choose' Tracy as a confidant, and who knows where it could go from there... But, having said that, I am comfortable with Luke and Tracy going an infinite amount of time not 'officially' tied together, and just having touching little scenes from time to time. There's something different about it that I like. We all know that anything official, ie, a real marriage or relationship, is the kiss of death on a soap, so I'd much rather see Luke and Tracy as nothing together, with something behind it than something together with nothing behind it.

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MinervaFan we think alike for sure about the forcing vs.choosing when it comes to Luke/Tracy.

And yeah they are kinda squicky,but there's something about Lulu that the idea of her being with anyone just squicks me out.

I don't know what it is,but there's something that just isn't right.

Maybe because just two years ago she was nine years old?


Yeah,that might be it.

smirks LOL at you.

And ohhhh.....I get it now. Airhead moment. :)

As far as Luke choosing Tracy. Yeah I agree,if Laura goes back into her catatonia,or comes in and out,the Luke/Laura relationship will remain unfinished and therefore Lacy will never go forward.

I also agree that a sane,recovered Laura will have her issues with Luke,and not approve of many things he's done/is doing.

I'm adding that Luke himself,may discover that in this period of his life,he needs something different. And maybe they'll decide that remarriage is no longer an option,and that is when Luke totally sees Tracy in a different light.

I say totally because I think Luke does see her as a woman,and not just "Tracy."

BUT he seems oblivious to the fact that Tracy cares for him,as witnessed by their goodbye after Justus's funeral. He is totally clueless about his effect on her.

As far as marriage being the kiss of death on a soap,I disagree that it is,if the soap is written well. But then this is GH....

I do think married and/or happy couples can become boring,but I don't think boredom would ever be a problem with Luke/Tracy.

Far from it. Even when they don't have much to do,they entertain.

About the something vs. nothing.

Well...presented with those being the only two options,I'd pick something over nothing any day.


I'm of the school of thought that says, you must move forward to grow.

You can't go backwards,and you can't stand still,for too long....before you start to die. Spiritually,emotionally,even actual physical death.

And THAT is what I think is the kiss of death for relationships on soaps.

Not necessarily couplehood or marriage,but the fact that the writers lose interest or run out of ideas for the characters. They've been stagnant for so long,in one place for so long,that no one,not the actors,the writers,or the audience,cares anymore.

And I just don't think that would happen with Luke/Tracy. Maybe because Tracy and Luke have a certain friendship as a basis,and when you get down to it, they are sort of soulmates in the sense that they get each other. I think Laura was the love of Luke's life,but that doesn't mean she's his best match. I think Tracy is.

TG/JE are good enough that even if the writing sucked,they'd rise above it.

They already do,every day they're on.

So...yeah,I'd choose something over nothing,but I'd *prefer* to see some growth in their relationship.

Something must change,or *real* marriage or not, the story will die. They must grow,or end.

By growing,yes,I mean first off,Luke choosing Tracy.

I mean *really* choosing her. For the best, happiest reasons,and not just because he can't have Laura.

I can see this happening,because I do think Laura is going to emerge still wanting the same things,and Luke no longer does.

I think there's a reason that they show Luke talking about his lack of interest in the domesticated life.

With Laura,he would be domesticated.

He could remain married to Tracy the rest of his life,and NEVER be that way.

ETA *waves* to nex and Keith and everyone else lurking.

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That's the problem, GH is GH and TSMFRMS (figure it out) are still in charge, so there are very limited options for coupledom: a) not really a couple but two people with 'intruigue" (a la where LuNacy are right now) b)happy 'stable' couple, ie, well, no one now, but say...oldschool GQ, or Liz and Lucky from last year May (think...backburnered) c) on lots with cheating/fighting/lying/general misery (pick a couple now) d) broken up.

This isn't the GH of a decade ago that supported long-term couples and relationships. Which is why I fear 'something'. YOU could make it entertaining. I could make it entertaining. The Labines with Patrick Mulcahy could make it VERY ENTERTAINING. A thousand monkeys...okay stopping. But these idiots...well, I don't trust them. It will either be backburning or destructive phase.

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*pops in*

OT, but tornadoes scare me. A lot. We had some bad weather this evening. Tornado warnings and all that not-so-fun stuff. I got calls from my mother, grandmother, sister, uncle, and neighbor, and that just freaked me out even more, but we're in the clear now. Whew. :)

I see both smirks and ILoveTracyQ's reasoning. Nothing might be better than a real relationship/marriage ending in complete failure, but something is better than nothing, right? LOL. I, too, wouldn't mind seeing some growth. No more 1 step forward, 10 steps back. Hmm...I'll just settle for--Err...sirens going off again. So much for being in the clear. *shuts down computer*

Edit #1: I'm back. That didn't last too long. No more sirens. No more rain, thunder, or lightning. :D Will finish what I was posting later...

Edit #2: The sun is peeking out! Yay! As for what I was posting, I'll just settle for anything that gets Tracy onscreen. If TIIC don't want to move Luke/Tracy along, fine. I'll get over it...Maybe. Heh. I just want her to have something to do, with or without Luke. Sorry if I'm going all over the place and or repeating myself. Still a bit rattled from earlier.

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I *hate* when I forget to log out.

And LOL smirks,and I totally know what you're saying.

I agree with Ms.Q though....I just want Tracy on my screen.

I'd prefer a real story.

But considering how I almost went off yesterday,I'd best leave that rant alone.

Hope everything is okay,Ms.Q. It rained all night last night and half the day here,and I thought for a minute we'd be having a tornado too but it passed.

You can always tell when one's coming,though.

If you stand outside after the rain,everything is really.really. still.

Personally,I don't like seeing the wreckage,or knowing that people died or got hurt.

But I love storms. :) I just do.

*waves* to smirks. :)

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Let me take a stab. This could be a fun game.

The Stupid Mother F-ers Running My Show?

But yeah. Couples marrying neve rused to be the death to couples. Now? It's undeniably so. There's no creativity in the writing. Exciting couples just....die. Of boredom. I'd rather that not happen to Luke and Tracy if they ever wound up in a, you know, happy marriage. I like this marriage. This marriage I can work with. Especially if they get closer. And closer. andcloser.

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OT-Thanks ILoveTracyQ. Everything's fine. :) About knowing when a tornado is coming...I'm not sure I'd go outside right after the rain though. I won't even go near a window until I'm sure it's done. As for storms in general...I don't mind them that much if I'm with a large group of people. Otherwise? I'm such a baby, LOL.

Keith, you got more than I came up with. I got the "The Stupid Mother F-ers" part, and then I gave up. I guess "running" could be replaced with "ruining."

Look at what I made.

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with Jane Elliot, General Hospital, ABC, blah, blah, blah. Just having some fun. I highly doubt JE is thinking the following...


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Keith and Ms. Q, good teamwork. Yes, the acronym stands for The Stupid Mother F****** Ruining My Show. Cyber kitchen appliances all around!

Ms. Q, I hope everything is okay on the weather front.

*waves back to ILoveTracyQ, I see your point. I wish I could hope for something more but they beat it out of me*

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