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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I just talked to Fey, and the electricity for the entire block has been off since 2:30 (it just came on at four). So, if TQ was on GH today, we didn't get it. Dayum.

I think Keith is hoarding the bread maker, and doesn't want to share. That's just the kind of guy he is!

Sorta on the speculation route....Somebody on the GH group at LiveJournal said that the guy who played Paul Hornsby was leaving OLTL and was perfectly poised to reprise his role on GH, should TIIC choose to ask him. (This is just talk, not spoilers or scoop.) What would you guys think about Paul Hornsby returning to the show? It's a viable plot move, considering Dillon is an adult now and a major character on the show (well, for a character who isn't a mobster or a husband-stealing ho, that is....) I'm torn about it, because frankly, the potential for TQ drama is through the roof if Paul returned, but as someone who has become very fond of this character, I hate the idea. I hate the thought of him back in her life, opening up all that pain, furthering the rift of loyalty between her and Dillon.

And if, after everything, Dillon abandoned her to take Paul's side against her, it would kill her. Psychologically, emotionally--it would just kill her, because Dillon is the only person she's really loved since Paul, imho. She's still Tracy, so she can treat him like dirt, use him, manipulate him, whatever, but Dillon is sort of the love of her life in a way. She sacrificed so much to keep him with her, and lawdy, lets him get away with murder..... She loves that boy so much.

Remember that episode back in the fall when Lulu was just arriving at the Qmansion? Dillon was talking to Luke about how he would react if Paul Hornsby walked through the door, and the look on Tracy's face was just terrible. It was like the mere mention of his name caused her physical pain. Dillon's back was to oher, and Luke wasn't paying attention. Otherwise, I doubt she would have let the reaction show so visibly. But I'm telling you--the return of Paul Hornsby to Port Charles would be devastating to Tracy.....

So....serious drama versus our girl in pain? Which would you chose?

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I think any kind of drama has pain with it,and if JE is ever going to get good meaty stuff to play before she leaves,there'll be pain involved with Tracy on some level...either as the cause or the receiver or both.

I'm all for anything(or ALMOST anything) that will give JE good airtime and a meaty story.

JE does comedy well but I love AngstyTracy.

As far as Paul....I believe Paul Satterfield Jr. was already approached about coming back as Paul before he went to OLTL and he said no due to thinking he'd be mostly played as "Dillon's dad."

And he probably would be,of course he's a guy so he'd have a better chance of a story than Jane I guess.

So it's anybody's guess as to whether or not he'd come back after all.

I doubt they'd recast.

But you never know.


And yeah no TQ today....based on recaps Dillon confronted Lulu though...I might watch the end for that scene.

Maybe Tracy will be on tomorrow?

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No Tracy today. So good news if GH didn't tape, terrible news for the rest of us.

Teens were on though, albeit minus her fabulousness' sage wisdom. Good scenes with the teens...and you don't always get to say that. GH has quite the good young acting cast. I was impressed with all of them today.So, possibly worth it if you want to keep up with that end of TQ's storyline. Other than that, mostly a wash unless you like Robin and Patrick, and Noah, who's kinda cute when he smiles.

Oh, Edit because I forgot to have my say about Mr. Hornsby. I have vague recollections of him, actually. You know, I really just don't trust GH. Paul Satterfield was right when he said that if he were brought back, he would only be Dillon's dad. Guza...isn't really a big pusher of family. He'll abuse it every once and a while and have a 'family' themed show, where they drag out various members of the over 40 set of the cast...but they are there primarily as glorified sounding boards to the younger set. And if 'Dillon's dad' is there, they will have less use for 'Dillon's mom'. Sure, there will be initial drama when he comes back, but after the initial month or so, they'll go with the novel, and ignore Tracy. Look at the precedent. Does Noah not basically exist for Patrick? Emily moves out of the house and Monica and Alan disappear. Lucas disappears and where the hell is Bobbie. She's Carly's mom, but Carly gets propped by everyone else (freakin' even Helena the other day), so Bobbie isn't needed. Even when they brought Brooke Lynn back for Ned...I was elated that they were giving him a story, and then they brought back that thing that called herself Lois, and that thing nudged Ned out of his own damned story, which is what will happen if Paul comes back to GH.

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Well I don't always get "recaps" per se from SZ....SZ has the "Live Post" which doesn't always include recaps but you can tell from commentary who's on and who isn't.

Since you know where SZ is already I won't post a link,but if you want links to other boards that actually DO daily recaps,I'll be glad to provide.


Oh yeah and Jane ROCKS !! :D

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*in a pissy mood because I've been summoned for jury duty*

Just thought I'd get that out in the open, so if the tone of this post seems more bitter than usual, you all know why, LOL.

4XCrazy, if you're around and have the time and ability, I'd love to see the clips of SoapTalk. If not, I still ya love ya. I reviewed Homelands at FF.net by the way, and I just love it. Can't wait for more.

MinervaFan, I've only seen Ty and Lisa interview SC and NLG, in addition to JE, and yeah...I guess there's a reason SoapTalk has been cancelled, LOL. I don't mind Ty as much as you do though. I do remember him being all, "I am in love with your new storyline! I love your new storyline! How long have you waited for this storyline?" I guess he was over-excited, LOL.

Pest Spray, I know you, LOL. Well, as Linn anyway. Good to have you here.

ILoveTracyQ, I totally hear ya on the reading recaps/ruining the show. There's so many things that I've been spoiled for because I checked out SZ ahead of time. Sometimes, I'm all "eh," and then sometimes, I'm all, "Darn. That would've been so much better if I didn't know it was coming." But yeah...I am much too curious.

*reminds self to e-mail the mags* I still have yet to write JE and JFP and company.

smirks, should I be sad that the teens are the best part of the show right now? Well, other than Tracy. Heh. LOL.

About Paul...I remember him commenting on revisiting his "hot connection" with Jane Elliot and apparently being thisclose to signing on. (I'm surprised GH even asked him.) I'm with ILoveTracyQ, if it gives JE something good to do, I'm in. But it can't be one month of good material and then that's it.

About Daily Recaps...I should've been more specific. I don't think there were recaps today. I just did a "Ctrl F" and entered "Tracy," and if she doesn't come up, I'll take that to mean she isn't on.

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My brother, being the wonderful brother that he's not, didn't tape soap talk. :angry: I guess I should cut him some slack, I mean, his purpose in life isn't to tape my shows. Although, it would be nice to have somebody like that. :P

I'm really sorry. If they do reruns this weekend, which I hope they do, I'll try to tape it.

Thanks for the review. I'm really glad you're enjoying it. :) Now all I have to do is figure out what that letter is going to say :P Yeah, FF.net is on crack rocks and it won't let me go to my author's page to send out replies or I would've thanked you a lot sooner. Argh!

I'm finally caught up on Oh Baby, huzzah! You have to keep on updating! Please continue it into fall since I'm being forced to take another tech class. I really need something fun to do, I mean, who goes to tech class for...tech? Anyway, I love your story and I can't wait for updates!

Hopes for some good TQ scenes tomorrow

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I tried to post this over, but SON... -beats SON with a loaf of bread-

Did y'all not get the memo? The breadmaker's in the TracyQ Lurvefest break room! I share the love!

Listen to you all, talking behind my back. You scoundrels. You.. Quartermaines!

Yeah. Sorry about disappearing, but I've been preoccupied and between weird 'net stuff and that, I've been not on SON too much. But .. hi!

Edit: Yay, maybe this will post this time, unlike it not posting about 12 hours ago.

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Ugh. Edward/Luke/Alan (aka, my dad) is officially coming to visit me. Next Tuesday and Wednesday. (Mind you, I don't see this man for over five years, and he gives me about six days to prepare!) So if I'm scarce around the middle of the week, you'll know why.

I agree with pretty much everyone that if Paul came back, TIIC would waste him and squander the storyline potential for Tracy. Yeah, I'm embittered. I guess I was hoping I wouldn't ever have to go there, fanfic wise. ;)

It's stormy and yucky out today, so the potential for GH getting pre-empted by weather breaks is fairly high. I'm hoping for TQ *and* no interruptions...we can hope, right?

And Keith, you left the breadmaker but didn't leave the power cord. That's not nice! :) You realize TQ knows you're not the only one around here who likes her enough to make homemade bread for her.....

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About TY and Lisa and SoapTalk....I noticed they were loud and Lisa loves talking about herself,LOL...but almost all talk show hosts are like that.

Most people don't watch talk shows for the hosts,anyway....they watch for the guests.

So I guess I never paid too much attention to them,but I didn't hate them. I thought they were entertaining and that's all I really cared about.

Although Ty does sometimes answer his own questions.

Not all the time,though. Eh,I'll miss the show when it ends because it's the only one on TV that does what they do. What other show can you turn to for soap actor interviews? Mainstream talk shows rarely bother with them,unless you're TG GF or Susan Lucci.

Anyway, about this breakroom.

Does it have a fully stocked refrigerator,TV,and microwave?


We can hang out and eat corn dogs and moon pies and make fun of Scott Clifton's hair.

4XCrazy brothers can be useful sometimes and then other times,they FAIL US miserably.

I have a younger brother,I know of which I speak.

Keith this board was nuts last night,I finally gave up on getting in.

And thanks for sharing your breadmaker. You're a doll.

Did you see Wednesday's show with our girl?

Awesome,awesome stuff.

MinervaFan good luck with your dad. So he looks like Alan and is a cross between Edward and Luke,huh?


Ms.Q jury duty,that sucks. :( I've always thought it'd be interesting to sit in on a trial,though.

Since Dillon knows,maybe TQ will be on today?


ETA MinervaFan about what you said about Dillon being the love of Tracy's life....I know what you mean and I agree,although I'd add Ned to that.

We hardly see Ned so it's hard to tell.....but Ned has gotten away with junk,too.

Tracy and her boys....sort soulmates in a way,to tell you the truth.

Kinda like POW's( no disrespect meant to real POW's),who might not have a thing in common except one shared experience of a war they go through together.

Well all the Q's are like that in a way,I see that bond with Alan and Tracy and Tracy and her boys.

They might feel sometimes they have nothing in common except being Quartermaines(personally I see a little of Tracy in both her sons,the good and the bad).

But being Quartermaines together is enough to cement them for life,LOL.

With Ned AND Dillon, here's the thing:they can get mad at her and call her all kinds of names and berate her,but she forgives them.

She does something horrible,and she's a pariah.

Of course she far outnumbers them in dirty deeds,and therefore it's easier for her to forgive her boys for a few nasty words or dirty deeds themselves.

I wish it wasn't that way,or at least I wish they'd acknowledge more,that they know their mother loves them unconditionally. :)

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Actually, my dad looks more like Luke. His personality is a cross between Luke's Peter Pan complex, Alan's brooding, and Edward's temper. Although, he does have Luke's charm, Alan's intellect, and Edward's...well, he loves his grandkids, I think.

I can tell you exactly why Tracy gets a way with nothing, and it doesn't have anything to do with a long list of dirty deeds. It's her significant lack of male genitalia. Look at the family dynamic: the first born son, the first born grandson, blahblahblahblahhhhh... Alan lies, cheats, steals, hits and runs--nobody bats an eye. Tracy withholds one little bottle of pills 20 years ago, and she's Cruella frackin' da Ville. ;) Actually, they're all pretty much evil--judging only by their actions. But Tracy never gets cut any slack. I'm telling you, it's because the Qmaines value males above females, and Tracy never got forgiven for *a* not being male, and *b* not being a docile female. Bad Tracy.

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My dad and Luke have similiar colored eyes...but that's where the resemblance ends.

I always said when I was a kid that my Dad looked like Paul Newman...he definitely has the same blue eyes.

I think though that the similarity is mostly in the face,and I also think as he's gotten older...not so much resemblance.

There has been more than once that my dad has been mistaken for Dick Cheney...which I find hilarious,and not at all true IMO.

Of course my brother's oldest daughter would argue with me about that,LOL.

About Tracy.....oh I TOTALLY agree a huge part of her problems with Edward are because she's not a man.

But I don't think it has a thing to do with her relationship with her sons.

Yeah....Edward should've been born in China...where baby girls are often abandoned,or worse.

Because if Tracy'd been given up at birth and raised by a NON-male chauvinist pig, or even in an orphange, she would ROCK even more.

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Well the theory works until you get to AJ... I think the deal with the Quartermaines is that you're Golden until you do something other than what's expected of you. Tracy was 'expected' to be another Lila...a nice, gentle, debutante who dallied in charity work and married into another nice, rich, family. Unfortunately for her, she was another Edward, the perfect eager, savvy, cutthroat businessperson...the complete opposite. Alan didn't do what was expected of him either, but he did something acceptable. He's a doctor and the chief of staff at the hospital...and he has had a lot of help keeping his indescretions private, whereas Tracy's image seems to have been besmirched from early on in her childhood. She was painted the bad seed first, the black sheep, the family shame, and image is everything to the Quartermaines. You get your first impression, and you have it for life.

Same with AJ and Jason. From early on, Jason was painted the golden boy, and AJ the black sheep. Jason, the freakin' hitman is still the golden boy, leaving AJ to self-fulfill his prophecy as the black sheep because nothing he ever did could change his image except for the worse. Same with Emily. Most of the family still sees her as a 12-year-old innocent orphan girl, despite mounting evidence to the contrary.

Same with Ned and Dillon, but to a different extent, because as Tracy's children, all they ever were supposed to be was backup and challengers for Alan's kids. That was their role. They were supposed to challange Alan's kids for roles in the family company. Ned was pretty golden in Edward's eyes until he met Lois, and started reprioritising around his wife and musical career, both of which weren't expected of him. They've all but ignored Dillon for being weird.

Just my two cents.

And speaking of Ned...











Apparently Wally is up for a big role on ATWT, so if he gets it I wonder how they will write Ned out? I sincerely hope it's not another Quartermaine death...and what I can only imagine would be another offscreen funeral, which would just sicken me because Ned has so many friends in this town, and so many important characters would have to impossibly return for an onscreen funeral. Maybe they'll just have him move away to spend time with his daughter or go on tour or something. Maybe they'll just do nothing and he'll be perpetually away on business. In any case, I at least want another Tracy/Ned scene before he goes, if he goes. There should be some closure to their relationship before he leaves. God, it's so depressing being a Quartermaine fan these past few years.

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smirks that's a pretty good analysis.

Yeah,the Q's....you get stuck with a label and you DO literally get stuck with it.

Although I think (MinervaFan pointed this out....that Tracy is a mixture of Lila and Edward,not enough of either one to please that one,and too much of the other.

I think Tracy is most awesome when her Lila side comes out though....because JE still gives it a different twist and a Tracy flair all her own. So she can have Lila-like traits,without people accusing her of being like Lila.

And I don't think Luke's comments count,because he doesn't tell Tracy she's like Lila. He tells her she's an amazing woman, just as Lila was an amazing woman....which is a different comparison altogether.

spumor talk

I had heard that about Wally...but Tracey Warren who runs Wally's official website,had not talked to him recently and seemed to think it was a hoax....but that's a strange hoax,if so.

I personally don't think TIIC will do anything big,I think he'll move out of town,that old standby.

As far as a big family scene,maybe a few small ones....and if he gets big ones I'll be shocked.

I'm happy for Wally if true,but that means he'll be pulling up stakes,not sure if he wants to do that.

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