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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks angel.

And topic? TRACY ROCKS! Our girl is getting a lot of praise in the online world today. :D

We should email the mags or something (I am so serious, by the way.) Hey, I think even Frons has an email address. I doubt he answers them, but we probably should let our voices be heard! In fact, most of the show was decent today. See, TIIC, this is what happens when Carly, Sonny, and Emily aren't on, and Jason/Sam's screentime is minimal. *wipes happy tear* It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

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I'm a coming...I'm a coming...

(Sorry, was catching up on all the week's posting...I really have to make a point of coming here on a daily basis...perhaps when my internet kicks in so I don't have to steal from my neighbour's wireless network)

I don't know if it's my rabid idolization of Tracy acting up again, or if Jane has been getting the one good writer on this storyline, or the writers are trying to apologize to us for the sparing and disrespectful way that they use Tracy, but the dialogue for her has been kicking ass lately. It's...deep...and....insightful...and....not 2-d cartoon villain territory.

Loved today's scenes. Not as fond of the jacket as some. I believe I may have wrapped a few Christmas presents in that last year. (It was...inordinately boxy, too.) Still with the pretty curls though.

I like that Tracy isn't part of the clueless parents of PC posse. It's nice that, although she can be an absentee parent much of the time, that when she's there, she's in tune with what's going on, and can pick up on things pretty easily. I feel sorry though, that apparently one of her sons is an idiot, and needs things spelled out for him in big neon letters. I really really like this connection with Lulu. They will never touch on the real parental issues that are common to both of them, but I think they're there in the acting subtext. I also really like Tracy's description of Georgie. "Mayonnaise" is such a perfect word for Tracy to use to refer to Georgie, but you can also tell that there's immense respect there for Georgie's loyalty to Dillon, despite all of Tracy's (and many others') attempts to break them up. I also like how she said that just as that loyalty was about to end.

I find it interesting that both Tracy's and Edward's concerns seem to lie predominently with Lulu. And if there was some sort of contention between Dillon and Lulu, which there very well may be soon, I honestly wonder if Dillon may find himself friendless in the Q mansion. (Especially considering Alan, Monica, and Ned seem to have disappeared from the surface of the planet).

Edited to add that I love Ms Q's banner! And congrats on number 600! And congrats to Keith on his fictitious breadmaker!

Edited again in thanks for the posting of the clips a couple pages back, because I couldn't find the kidnapping clips for the life of me!

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I haven't watched yet but today sounds good.

Really quick:

Ms.Q you asked when I come to work,usually right at 8:00am,sometimes before.

When do I leave:

Whenever. :lol:

What I meant about Skye was ....I expected her to do the opposite. She had a chance to crush Tracy and she didn't take it.

Yay for Skye.

When I say to anyone who writes fic, "YourLuke or YourTracy or YourWhomever",it's because the fic on this board has characters that are complex and multi layered and not all "one" way on anything....in other words,the almost exact opposite of Guza's version of the same characters. So it's my backhand way of paying you a compliment,while remembering that oftentimes due to shoddy writing on GH, the fic versions bear little resemblance to what we see on screen. The fic versions ARE the real versions,IMO.

I think writing e-mailing is an excellent idea.

*waves to everyone*

good news about your dad MinervaFan. I'm glad. :)

*hugs to angel.

Sorry I'm in such a hurry,LOL.....BTW since the Big Reveal happened today,I think there's a good chance we'll see Tracy again this week.

Two weeks in a row where she's on for two days those weeks?

That by itself is cause for writing TIIC. :)

At least they're trying to include her in something,waaayyy different from last summer, The Summer of One(Episode with Tracy in it,that is).

Night,all ! I'll post more in the morning when I watch !

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I'm proud to say that I actually watched today, and what a good episode it was to catch! I adored Tracy's speech to Lulu. I could tell that Tracy does have respect for Georgie, despite everything that's happened. I really really like the Tracy/Lulu relationship, and I hope it gets expanded further into the future. I've always thought Tracy needs a daughter, whether long-lost, forgotten, or a step-child. I think Lulu could fit that role quite nicely. And with Lulu, she's practically grown up without Laura, and I think she needs the mother role in her life.

Dare I say this could be promising?

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Did anyone have problems posting around 3 to 4 ;)

I kinda Liked Jane's outfit today, It was new Plus I really liked the necklace that she had on. :)

As For the Dragon Lady Outfit Nothing is wrong with the Dragon Lady outfit ;) But over use of the outfit can be deadly :blink:

Whoever is writing the material for Jane needs to be promoted, and maybe help all of the other Woman on the show and make them more complex.

Ms. Q Maybe we should e-mail them, not only for giving jane good material but for giving Jane better clothing :)

MinervaFan Im glad for your good news, I know that Cancer isnt something to play with and im glad that it isnt something too bad B)

Welcome Pestspray

Clickboom I dont know if you still remeber me since I joined not to long before you left but itd good to see you back.

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Yay smirks! Your posts are always so insightful (not that everyone else's aren't). LOL at the Xmas wrapping paper comment. I guess I didn't mind the jacket because it wasn't as long as the others, and it didn't resemble curtains. And I agree. Whoever is writing for her must continue to do so.

ILoveTracyQ, that many hours of work is crazy. I'd probably cry, LOL. I knew what you meant about Skye. It just was weird to see you posting, "Yay Skye." Heh. And I didn't mean to jump on you about "YourLuke" or "YourWhomever." I was just curious, and what you said makes perfect sense. Thanks for the compliment. :)

The Summer of One Episode? It was the Summer of One Scene. ;) 'Course TG was still around last year at this time, and it remains to be seen if JE's kind of decent screentime will continue. But there I go again being negative...How much do I love ILoveTracyQ's positivity? I hope she is on tomorrow like you think.

Kinda OT, but Keith, remember when I was wondering if "positivity" was a real word that one day? I know why I didn't think so. Apparently, isn't in the Microsoft Word dictionary on my computer, but anyway...LOL.

ClinkBoom, speaking of Tracy/daughter, did you ever finish that fic you were writing? Tracy had a daughter in it named Amanda, I believe. Even if you didn't finisn it, I'd love if you could re-post it. :)

coolkid, if that's 3 to 4 Eastern time, then I'm not sure. I posted before and after that, but not during. LOL.

Edit: Page 104!

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*squeeing over the BUSY in this place*

I only have a few minutes before work, so let's make this quick--

Yesterday's Ep:Loved, loved, loved Tracy's scenes with Dillon and with Lulu. And the spew shot with Edward will forever be one of my favorite GH moments (that didn't involve Tracy getting seduced/kissed.) Isn't it funny, though? (Prepare for an EQ rant....) If TRACY had been caught shacking up with her step-brother in the boat house at age 17, do you think Edward would have been so sweet and concerned for her safety? Uh...no... While I appreciate his being so grandfatherly to Lulu, I wish he'd channel some of that into being a decent father to Tracy once in a while.

And speaking of decent parenting, YAY to Tracy for her overall, clued-in, smart mom of the year performance yesterday. When I think of what they've done to characters like Monica, Bobbie, Alexis--the Clueless Mom with an IQ of 40 Syndrome--I'm sooooooo grateful to see Tracy not being included. It didn't take her long to accurately assess the situation, once she had just enough fo the facts, and it was even less time before she'd had the ball rolling toward resolution.

Loved, loved, LOVED the confrontation scene between her and Lulu. Excellently written, perfectly played by both actresses. (Hugs the screen for the little touch of Tracy brushing Lulu's bangs out of her eyes, hugs harder for Lulu's reactions. So perfectly in character for both of them, and I'm willing to be NOT in the script.)

My fear, of course, is that they are done with TQ for the week, and that would be bad. But wow--if we're only getting one episode a week, can they continue to be the one's we've been getting?

SoapTalk Got the tape last night from my friend and watched it. Coupla observations:

The two interviewers (especially the guy) are SO insipid! I would venture to say that the guy is the WORST interviewer I've ever seen on commercial TV. He answers his own questions, leaving the poor guest with nothing left to say but, "yeah" or "you're right." He also thinks he's insightful, which is sooooo wrong. I'm brought to mind of that old Saturday Night Live skit with the two NPR radio hosts who just drone on and on about meaningless stuff, leaving the guests scratching their heads.

But Jane. Ah, Jane. My girlfriend, who doesn't give a damn about behind-the-scenes stuff, has fallen for Jane Elliot. That makes me laugh, because Fey just doesn't give a damn about actors as a general rule. But if even she was impressed by Jane...

Okay, back to Jane. Every time I see/read an interview with her (even one conducted by two insipid, incompetent interviewers like this one), I'm more impressed with her. She strikes me as bright, articulate, curious, hard-working, and professional. I believe TG when he says she kicks his a## and won't let him phone in a performance. She seems to be a force of nature herself.

It was funny to hear Fey talk after the interview--her first comment was, "I didn't like her much at first because, well, she wasn't Tracy." To which I responded (beyotch that I am), "Well, she's an actress." And THAT, boys and girls, is why she looks 10 years younger on SoapTalk than she does on GH. Because JE is 10 years younger than Tracy, in spirit, in attitude, in hard knocks (I'd bet). JE has a family she loves, a job she adores, she seems to be riding on top of the world--and it shows in her face, her body, her attitude, her voice. Tracy is living with a viperous family, surrounded by trouble, in a sexless marriage with a man she doesn't want to love but can't help--dudes, that would age anybody. When we see Jane in the interview, she's relaxed, having fun, digging life. When we see Tracy on the show, she's stressed, worried, and trying to keep things together.

It's a testament to Jane's acting skills that the differences are so subtle, yet noticeable. She actually *ages* when she plays Tracy. At least, that's my theory.

And of course, you know I can't post a long post without at least MENTIONING the clothes. MEH on the blue jacket from yesterday. It was a blue jacket. The color did absolutely nothing for her, imho, and the cut was forgettable. Sorry, guys. The thing she wore on SoapTalk? Much too much fabric, again, but the color was great and the neckline was interesting. At least it had flair. Hate her hair in that up-do, though. Much prefer it down with the curls.

Anyway, gotta leave for work. *fingers crossed for more TQ today*

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Let me quote that wonderful Hall/Elliot article.

"Among my favourite of her unsung talents is her endless writing of hilarious acceptance speeches. They are all different and deeply peculiar and leave me aching to see her name on a list of nominations. Not just because she's brilliantly talented, but to enjoy the speech. One of my favourites is about surviving unemployment. During an unusually long period of unemployment, she wrote a speech about not being able to watch TV because the mere sight of a dog food commercial would remind her that even the damn dog could get a job.

As women in friendships, we are many things to people. This friend is everything to me. She makes me laugh, she makes me think, she helps me see and appreciate myself. And when I'm scared, lonely or depressed... she lets me color her hair."

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CRACK ME UP! I love that article (so much I use the last two lines as my sig quote!) iDid ya'll catch her dig at Dierdre on SoapTalk? She said--bad color I get for free; good color I have to pay for. (Basically teasing Dierdre about not wearing her glasses when she reads the directions on the box of color and messing her hair up twice!)

I really have an instinct that Jane would be a great writer. She's naturally witty, and seems to be very aware. Maybe she could publish a short book of acceptance speeches. LOL.

Does anybody know what she produced? *smiling, because Jane and I have another thing in common!* When I was in college, I did a lot of acting and working with the college television and radio station. While I enjoyed performing (theater, choir, chamber singers, etc.), I loved going behind the scenes. When I did the television news, we had to cycle through every job throughout the semester. My two favorite jobs were film editing and producing. There's just such a rush to producing--so many things to keep track of, so many irons in the fire. You have to be hyper-focused, alert, think on your feet, and fearless.

I can see Jane doing that...wishes she could produce *and* act at the same time. Still want my fantasy sitcom....

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Me....I think I need to stay away from reading recaps and transcripts because it takes away from the enjoyment of the show.

That said,my curiosity is so great...I don't know if I can.

If Tracy is on,I want to know what happened. LOL

About Jane,I agree. She seems like someone I'd love to know. Very smart but not TOO smart,tempered with a humility and a sense of humor.

I liked the Tracy/Dillon and Tracy/Lulu stuff. I too noticed Lulu's reaction to Tracy brushing her bangs away.

At first it looked like Lulu was disgusted with her touch,which made me mad.

Then I thouht no,she's AFRAID to let Tracy touch her in any way that borders maternal.

Very well done scenes by both actresses.

And unlike the vast majority of the online community,I'm no acting expert,but I do know what I like and when I think a scene works,and their scenes WORKED.

Maybe at lunch I'll add more if I can think of it.

Dooty calls. LOL Must get back to work. Yay. Only NOT.

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I hadn't noticed the fear at first, but yeah. And I don't think it's because Lulu fears Tracy, cuz she doesn't. I think Lulu is a lot like Tracy in that she fears opening up and making herself vulnerable, because she's been hurt and disappointed so many times. Dayum.... They just *have* to expand this relationship. I really see so much potential there.

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MinervaFan if I am not mistaken she was hired as a producer on The City. Oh and I completely agree with you about Lisa and Ty on Soaptalk. They are the worst hosts EVER! They always seem to be yelling at both the audience and guest, and Ty always tries to be insightful but answers his own questions. For instance he will introduce a guest by saying blah blah blah has been on GH for the past ten years and then his first question is "So how long have you been on the show now?" (then I start yelling at the TV cuz he just said how long the actor has been on the show) BUT, the thing that gets me the most is the way they interupt each other ALL THE TIME! The only positive thing I will say is that it seems to me that at least TY watches all the soaps because he is always talking about his favorite couple (which I usually agree with) ie. he likes Nik and Emily and does not like Sonny and Emily. Thats enough rambling for today....gotta get back to work! :)

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Oh....I just realized Pest Spray told us she was Linn before and had changed her name.

Thanks for telling cause I would not have known.

Your name reminds me I have a wasp's nest at home to take care of. LOL

I too think JE might be a good writer. But she's never mentioned it in interviews,wanting to be one,I mean.

She was "associate" producer of Loving before it became The City .

She spent time at OLTL in the control booth observing before she did this.

And yeah I agree, I don't think Lulu is afraid of Tracy so much as it is,afraid of letting Tracy in.

Just as Tracy is afraid of letting ANYONE in.

So the relationship? So interesting unique and dynamic.

And because it is?

I don't trust the writers to handle it properly,and if they can't handle it,it might be better left untouched on RealGH.

Now if anyone out there wants to give the fan fic a crack, I'd say go for it.

And where the heck is Keith?

And where's my Herb Bread? :P

I give him back the bread maker and he just disses us.

HMPF. <_<

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