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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Gah, ILoveTracyQ! What are you trying to do to me? :P I still love ya! And I do have some hope that the motherhood spoiler will turn out all right us TQ fans. Or not. I remember the whole "Tracy has a plan" spoiler. Turns out Tracy's plan was to have Luke come up with a plan. WTH was that? *throws hands up into the air* I'm so bad at this "let's be positive" thing. :(

Yay kenna! That's the spirit. And I might've told you this at GHVT, but the banner's adorable.

So, I guess I interpreted the Robert/Luke scene wrong. That's what happens if I don't watch, LOL. I thought it meant Tracy would take Luke back because she loves him, not because she wants to make him pay. As opposed to...Tracy wouldn't take Luke back at all. If I'm not making sense, just ignore me. It's late, and I'm tired.

Before I forget, fanfiction update: Chapter 42!

Edit: Page 94!

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Bumping because it's dead in here. :o

I found this from March 2003 (the person who posted it said it came from SZ; I'm assuming one of the mags):

I agree. She has done and continues to do "spectacular stuff." So tell me, Guza, why is she on the backburner? Utilize her, you fool!

And I'll also share this (originally from TV Guide):

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Ms.Q your story is getting better and better.

Sorry about my short posts and not posting as much,work is busy busy more than norm the last week of the month,and since I don't have a home computer right now I post whenever/whereever or at work.

I watched,and I thought Luke was definitely thinking about what Robert said about Tracy might not be waiting on him.


This is early fo rTG to leave but he'll be back for two or three weeks in August,so maybe we'll get some more Lacy before Laura comes back.

Hope so,and hate to run off,but I gotta.

Probably Monday morning before I pop back in, I wish I had more time !

LOVE and HUGS !!!

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Thanks for the feedback, ILoveTracyQ. It's always appreciated. :) Hope RL gets better soon.

*waves to nex who is lurking*

Edit #1: When listing the magazine contacts the other day, I forgot something kind of important. I haven't written anything yet, but if you do, you might want to put Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine OR Tracy/Luke OR Jane Elliot in the heading.


Soaps In Depth

Speak Out!

Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine OR Tracy/Luke OR Jane Elliot

270 Sylvan Avenue

Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

(and not a mag address, but I've seen "Re" used for this too)

Robert Guza Jr.

Head Writer

Re: Tracy Quartermaine OR Tracy/Luke OR Jane Elliot

c/o ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, California 90027

Actually, this post has all the addresses (including the "Re" part) typed out already. It's from May. :lol:

*waves to kenna*


Happy Belated Birthday, Kenna!

*throws confetti*

So sorry I didn't say anything before. Hope it was a good one!

*sends cyber-ice cream, cyber-cake, and cyber-balloons*

Since there wasn't any TQ for your birthday week, and hardly any this past week, here's hoping there's a ton THIS week.

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Hey, Ms.Q--thanks for posting those two article snippets. I love the idea of JE working as a teacher's aide--can you imagine the first time Bobby or Jill's mom shows up and sees Tracy Freakin' Quartermaine helping her kid clean up from snack time, or bringing them out to the playground for recreation time? LMFAO. (I know, I know, Jane is not Tracy is not Jane, but can you just imagine the double-takes she got????)

I've finally done the next prompt. I have to admit, I'm not really happy with it. I'm thinking it's maybe just me being tired, or maybe that I used a different style (I'm really trying not to do these prompts in a repetitive style, but to change it around a bit.)

Prompt 13: Borrow Something Borrowed: Set during the Vow Renewal storyline. As Fey puts it, I just can't let go of that damned Bjork swan dress.....

ETA: I wrote another fanfic tonight--not one of the prompts, just a little "fill in the blank" story set right after Wednesday's kiss. It's called Stranger Things. Feedback, as always, is appreciated.

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Heh, MinervaFan. I never thought of that. Oh, but when I first read Bobby and Jill, I was all, "What do Robert Guza's mother and Jill Farren Phelp's mother have to do with JE being a teacher's aide?" :lol:

Comments on the fanfic...

"Something Borrowed" ~ Yeah, I'm still on the dress too. Out of all the possible things that the Wardrobe Department could've put her in...I'm inclined to believe she ticked someone off. Heh. Kidding. "Joke" of a marriage. Joke of a dress. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. But about the fanfic...I really enjoyed the scene in the attic. One little tid-bit though...Emily was supposed to wear Lila's dress for her wedding, and the Bjork swan dress wasn't it. ;) But that's all right. We're allowed to change things to make stories work.

"Stranger Things" ~ Ooh, I loved this. The part where Tracy refuses to think about what kind of expressions the people will have for her memorial service? *wipes tear*

Thanks Keith for sharing the results. I should have voted in that, LOL.

And wow...Holiday weekends around here are slooooooooooow. *cries*







SoapDish has Lulu attempting suicide. :o Well, Luke is supposed to return for a bit, but I assumed it was related to Holly. Eh, it probably is. We are talking about SD. LOL.

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MsQ, it wasn't Lila's wedding dress. Just a white dress she had--Tracy couldn't remember seeing her mother wear it, and it was from the late 60s--far too late to be Lila's wedding dress.


Ooh, the spoilers--believe it or not, I would like to see that storyline. Maurice has his BPD thing, and frankly, the issue of attempted suicide and depression is one that I am really concerned about, having been there myself and having known many bright, wonderful people who weren't so lucky as me..... Let's hope they do a better job with this storyline than with some of the other "issues" they've taken on...

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I do NOT want to see such a story play out. I do NOT trust TPTB with Tracy; you expect me to trust them with a social issue? Bah.

I got to thinking of something, a segway between comments of DL's Eddie Q and JE's Tracy's incest vibe and Tracy's daddy complex (mostly her issues with daddy and never being accepted). I wonder, and wonder more why I've never wondered it before, if Tracy was victimized by Edward as a child, perhaps even molested, either by him or by people he may have been making connections with. I could hardly see it with Ingle's Edward (I almost said Mickey :rolleyes:), but between Tracy's desperation to be in the best light as far as Edward's eyes go and, at the same time, her constant disdain for the man, I can't help but wonder. Though, a lot of her daddy issues have to do with him ignoring, so I'm not sure if that would be an appropriate segway. And I know I just opened a can of worms in this thread. Have fun, Lol.

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The thought had occurred to me, too, although I'd figured it was just too much my angst-driven imagination. There's definitely abuse there, no doubt about it. I've seen abuse, and I've seen victims of abuse.

Tracy has all the signs of an adult survivor of abuse...the almost subservient tone she takes with him, followed by the loathing for him, the chronic bad choices she makes in her life, especially in romantic partners, the alcoholism, the abusiveness and neglect to her own children.... I see it in Alan, too, but not to the extent I see it in Tracy.

Of course, it's a fine line between abuse and just having a crappy parent...Edward could be just a misogynistic, arrogant, nasty son-of-a-beyotch. But personally, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck--hell, it's abuse.

ETA: On a much more positive note, here is the next prompt story--

Prompt #14 Chair La Vie En Rose. Tracy and Dillon in Paris; she teaches him about culture, he teaches her about hope.

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hello, all! I hate these sporadic posts but, what can ya do, right? :)

OK, first off, i watched fridays eppy and the understanding that i got was this: Luke asked Robby to go with him...somewhere, anywhere. Robby said that he would love to which got Lukey-boy all atwitter for a sec but THEN he said that he had a good thing started in PC with Robin and he didnt want to ruin that. Of course the obligatory Lulu mention followed but then Robby mentioned that he would be leaving "Sparky-butt" as well and Luke-boy said that he had left plenty of times before and that "Sparky-butt" had always been waiting for him when he got back and implied that this time would be no different than the last. Robby told him not to be so sure about that (Tracy "sparky-butt) waiting around for him. Call me reaching here but...ummm....foreshadowing much? methinks Tracy is gonna leave Lukey-boy and he will come back to divorce papers. It might even play out like that story MF wrote a little while back where, in order to give the relationship a chance, she HAS to leave and strt things the proper way, am i making any sense? lol Real emotions are involved now, which i think will change the way that Tracy deals with his leaving. Just a hunch (like my Lulu is sooooooo getting pregnant hunch, im just sayin...)

Soooo, was Tracy's confession to Luke that she wasn't close to Justus becasue she didn't want to vye for his attn. from Edward the "Tracy breaks down and admits her faults" spoiler? I mean, the word "faults" actually came up. I think it was, and Im kinda glad it didnt play out like we think, with edward lashing out and Tracy getting the brunt of it and breaking down in front of luke and whatnot. I just relish the times (tho they be few and waaaay far between) when Tracy/JE get to do quiet drama. nothing OTT, no screaming or yelling or anything just pure drama and angst. our girl really is good, isn't she?

Which sorta brings me to my next topic (not really but) Keith, MF I have had the exact same feeling about the dynamic between Tracy/Eddie. I ALWAYS thought there was some sorta hidden abuse by edward underneath her completely obvious Electra complex for him. I think mayb one of the reasons that he loaths her som much is because maybe there are those feelings of incestuous lust and all-together inappropriate feelings for her and he can't stand to be around her because to be around Tracy is to deal with his feelings for Tracy, and thats just not a part of polite society, ya know? I've always felt that eddie was maybe even a little threatened by her because maybe, if she were to remember something, that would be the end of eddie q? but maybe she already remembers....i totally just had a plot bunny (my first bunny!!!lol) but i wouldn't DARE tackle such heavy material on my first time out. *glances at MF and Ms.Q and looks away quickly* I'm sure SOMEBODY in here could do a story like that.......someone just has to have the supreme, dedicated, unique ability to write Tracy enough to do a story of such magnitude, someone who, say, is writing a femmslash (which is totally awesome by the way, at least the beginning that somebody posted on their LJ) that reached massive proportions of like eleven pages or more on the first chapter, or someone who is 42 chapters in to another fic that doesn't show signs of stoppin soon. Surely someone here has the dedication to do that "Tracy/Eddie, why the creepy vibe" fic....hmmmm.......

well, this post is huge so im gonna go. i might be getting MY FIRST CAR today!! YAY!!

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You are sooooooo subtle, Little Missy. Look, when I first started writing fanfic, I wrote a 100 page novella about institutionalized "forced conception" (ie, rape) on an alien world. I lived, breathed, ate and drank government-sanctioned rape for months. I'm so not ready to go back to that place just yet-- I will just continue to slip hints quietly into my fics, but I'm not about to tackle it as the main plot of a story. Sorry--I haven't had a refill on my Prozac for six months, and that is just pushing it too far for me. LOL at the mention of the Electra Complex; you're right--it's so obvious, even the morons at GH can pick up on it. (Thinking of the comment that got Heather Weber smacked right after Lila's death....) Still, you can have inappropriate feelings without ever having actual inappropriate actions. I somehow doubt that Edward ever touched Tracy, either as a child or as a young woman, but I am bound and determined to believe that he lusted after her at least subliminally. And Edward being Edward, I can see him somehow blaming her for his inappropriate feelings, turning it on her as abuse and cruelty (he's freakin' cruel to her most of the time, I don't care how much she throws back at him....), and passing if off as "toughening her up."

*hates EQ*

Anyhoo, on a better topic, w00t on the new car! I am so happy for you! It's a great feeling, and a big responsibility, so congratulations!!!!!

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Pre-congrats if you get the car,tracyluver

MinervaFan I liked the stories,as always.

spoiler talk

It's a possibility that Dillon could be the one attempting suicide.

But I doubt that'd bring Luke back,but maybe it would.

I'm tired of Lulu.

I don't like her.

But if it gets Jane airtime,I'll try not to complain.

spoiler talk over

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*stays out of the Edward/Tracy conversation*

tracyluver, yay! You posted! Do you still have to use someone else's computer since it doesn't work on yours? Regarding the spoiler: Eh...That was spilled months ago, before John Ingle even returned. I bet someone just guessed right, LOL. And congrats on the car!

MinervaFan, aww on the Dillon/Tracy fanfic.

ILoveTracyQ, your short posts are killing me! Killing me, I tell you! :P

Bringing this over from SoapDish ~ Might be for real. Might not be.

Question: Adboy- Have you met or have any overall impression about other actors/actresses on GH? TIA!

Answer: I have met just about all of them and generally speaking they're all pretty cool. I love Jane Elliott and Jackie Zeman, they've always been sweet women. Jane should be producing a show, she has some head on her shoulders for production.

I LOVE this! :D I'd much rather JE be in front of the camera though.

*braces self* Tracy Quartermaine Previews! Happy 4th of July to us! LOL. *please be more than 2 scenes*

Details: Tracy/Robert on the docks. She's evicting and firing him. (Heh. Poor guy! All on the same night.) Her hair and outfit remain the same, but I honestly think she looked prettier in Wednesday's show.

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