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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Not leaving spoiler space. It's Casting News. It'll be on every soap magazine. So unless you plan on staying in your home and off the computer for the next 4 months, this news isn't going to be a secret. Sorry if this sounds harsh. I'm a VERY pissy mood.

coolkid, you are so right! *bites nails* Even if Tracy finds out after Luke does, she's going to do whatever she can to stop it. She's just not going to sit back and watch. Will she?

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* group hug ya'll*

IT'll be all right.

Even if it means Jane leaves,and Tracy leaves in a bad way(which I will NOT like) come November....maybe it's for the best.

Yes it saddens me. But maybe we're putting the cart before the horse.

I can't see GF uprooting her family to move back to LA...and I can't see her commuting.

So if it's just temporary,maybe it won't be too bad.

Maybe Jane will go somewhere she's appreciated.

But right now my heart is breaking for TRACY. :(

*holds Ms.Q* We can cry together. :(:((

And if Jane does leave when her contract runs out...I hope she doesn't just pack up her things and leave with her tail between her legs.

That's a firecracker ending for such a great stick of dynamite as TracyQ.

And not in character,either.

She'd FIGHT for him.

Or maybe she wouldn't,but she wouldn't let Laura intimidate her into leaving,either.

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Nah I doubt it Keith. TG supposedly signed on until 2008.

YOu know,a lot of things could happen.

JE may not re-sign,or be asked to re-sign.

If so,whatever they do with Luke and Laura is their problem because once Jane is gone I'm DONE.

Thing is, I can't see GF coming back full time.

OF course,she could keep schedule with TG,but that's still a long time away from her family.

We'll see I guess.

I hate that we know about it now.

Unless we know the story,the months until JE's contract ends are going to be rough.

Even if GF comes back temporarily though....she could always come back over the months,for short stints,which will most definitely put the kibosh on any growth for Lacy.


Spec'ng is making me sad.


I guess GF coming back is the strange sense of forboding I've had all week.

ALL I ASK....PLEASE TPTB, don't sacrifice TRACY FOR LAURA !!! PLease let JE go(if she decides to) with dignity. PLEASE.

Now I'm a little scared.

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*waving to Ms.Q,coolkid, and Keith! :)*


WTH!!!!!!!????!!! If Tracy leaves (they've already made a cartoon out of helena, a character which, if they'd played her as more than a one note, would have excellent potential) I am COMPLETELY done with GH, forever. I don't care if SuckySoily, SkyLo( i hate them right now cuz im pissed), JaSam, Jarly or Carlax or whatever the hell, and deigo all die in a firery crash of death, i STILL wont watch GH again. The people in the soap industry wonder why soaps are on a steady decline in the ratings, its because (much like the governmanet with education), the writers, producers, and directors have become completely out of touch with what the people most invested in the daytime industry really want. They say the reason that many vets are backburned in the summer is to attract younger viewers. well, im a seventeen year old high school senior and i couldn't care less about any of the supposed "young" crap they put on this show. I swear i would be so pissed UNLESS JE goes to another show ( that happens to be on SoapNet) that will use her and truly apprecitae her greatness. What will happen to this board if TQ is scrapped? I love you guys, i would hate to have to say goodbye...;(

Good News? I got a LJ, just for minerva, because i honestly had no interest in one, i still don't know what to do with it. Yeah, that's pretty much all the good news i got.

Oh Yeah, Tracy will be on this week that's good right? I guess that's the best we can hope for, which is a crying shame.

ETA: Just had a refreshing thought....maybe the return of Laura will only prove to stregnthen the bond of Lacy! (hear me out for a sec) What if luke thinks he's still in love with Laura, but when she comes back he finds out that even though their love was epic (if not a little creepy, marrying your rapist, come on that's weird) he has a new, different, refreshing type of luve for our girl that cannot be ignore or shoved aside. Then again, maybe not. I dunno.

ETA2: Yay angel, we can be outcasts together! We shall be called "The Outcasters: United in the throes of Tracydom" It will be epic!, it will be grand! it will be monumental!......okay, im bored. lol

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Psst...It's so going to be revealed that Tracy's been paying doctors to drug Laura to keep her in the catatonic state, so that she can have Luke all to herself. *pauses* All right. I shouldn't give TPTB ideas.

*hugs to everybody*

Thanks for posting so soon, ILoveTracyQ. You always make me feel better. :)

Keith, that might be. I mean, what is GH going to do if GF doesn't stick around? Put Laura in a vegetative state again? (*thinks* Hmm...It's possible. Emmy reels for TG, JMB, TC, and even GV...) I just can't see Luke/Tracy doing much with one another after he/Laura are reunited. Unless she's there to hold a hand or something.

*sigh* ILoveTracyQ, I can see her doing short-term stints, and yeah, that's not good for us, LOL. And yes, I agree. WHY did we have to find out about this so soon? I hate waiting and not knowing what is going on.

[small voice] You know, I'd almost be excited about the Luke/Laura reunion if our girl wasn't currently married to Luke. [/small voice] *thinks some more* Yep. Jax should've just married Tracy, LOL.

*waves to tracyluver* Ooh, I'm adding you to my Friends List on LJ (Or I will do that as soon as I figure it out, LOL. Can you post a link to your main page?). :D I'm worried about the thread too. You guys are great, but every time there's a lack of TQ on our screens, it gets too quiet in here. If JE's off GH for good, what's going to happen to us? *cries*

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*gives mean glare to Ms.Q.

DON'T give them ideas.

It's scary enough that November sweeps is right at the time JE's contract expires.

Sure...send Tracy to jail for being evil and drugging Laura.

If that happens....I swear......

You know,I guess we have to wait and see. GF might come back and decide she doesn't want to return for a while.

JE might get snapped up by another soap.

Anything could happen.

I guess the best thing is just to wait,and try to enjoy the Tracy we get while we get her.


I wish I could be more positive or have something else to add.

WHY is it that the character of Tracy ALWAYS gets screwed in the love department?


And Jane always gets screwed out of a good story.

She was promised stuff with Gerald Anthony as Marco,and when that didn't happen,it was part of the reason she left in 93.


I'm positive they BETTER show Tracy's reaction to Laura,we BETTER get her POV.

And she BETTER not be the scapegoat for all this.

ETA gotta go ya'll.

And if JE does leave in November...we'll have fics to sustain us,and the new show JE will be going to?? :)

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YOOO! Does small happy dance at this:

Laura is only supposed to come back thru the anniversary of their wedding in November ( the 16th, to be excat) It most certainly could be just coincidence that it is the same month tha JE's contract expires, especially since Nov. is a sweeps month. Tracy could even be the one that advises that Luke go to see Laura on their anniversary. I could see a lot of flashbacks and them showing her a few times but i don't see her leaving the vegetative state she's basically in, not for just a few days. She's going to come, she's going to leave, i shall be happy once again.


Thanks ms.Q for linking me to your friends. i don't really now the link to my main page. I shall go find it right now.

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Oops. I had to go and never signed off, LOL.

ILoveTracyQ, sorry about that. It's just something I can see happening. Tracy is EVIL. She withheld Daddy's heart medication, blah, blah, blah. JE's contract is up. (SoapDish already has JE out, along with TK, and one another, LOL.) It just fits. *sigh* Hey, do you know what kind of stuff TPTB had planned for GA and JE?

tracyluver, I don't want to ruin your happy mood, but she'll be onscreen from October to at least November 16th. And the article said she's coming out of the catatonic state. You know what it is? I'm jealous. I'm jealous that the entire online community (sans us and I guess a couple others, LOL) are getting what they want. I wish I could be happy about it.

Edit #1: *waves to Bella* Post something. Cheer us up. LOL.

Edit #2: *waves to kenna* Come on TQ fans! Post some stuff! Happy things!

*passes around cyber-brownies*

:DTime to be POSITIVE!!!! :D

1. Tracy WILL be on Wednesday!

2. Tracy has scenes with Lorenzo coming up!

3. The Week of July 3rd features Luke/Tracy heavily.

4. Tracy got a mention in the summer previews!

5. We have MinervaFan's amazing fanfic! (I messed up the pattern of colors here. Oops.)

6. We have angel's "Beautiful Disaster."

7. We have coolkid's "The Half Haven't Been Told" which has been updated!

8. We have 4XCrazy's "Homelands."

9. We have my "Oh, Baby."

10. If JE leaves, she might be better off. And we won't have to complain about her being wasted.

11. If JE leaves, another soap *might* get her.

12. If JE leaves, she *might* get an exit SL; an exit SL is better than just disappearing.

13. GF isn't returning until October. There's still time to enjoy Tracy.

14. GF's return appears to be limited. Sure, Luke/Tracy could be done, but our girl doesn't need a man.

15. GF's return *might* give JE some decent material. She might get actual DRAMA.

16. And the most positive thing of all...We still have this thread. *hugs to everyone*

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OMG (three posts in a day, that's my new record!!!:))

I just realized that we have all been linking tracy to gf's return because of luke!! ARRGH ( i know i don't make any sense yet, keep reading) I know that tracy has only been seen with luke but what if they give her an sl outside of him? maybe like another romance, more business stuff. The return of GF doesn't mean that Tracy is leaving! (right?) I mean, she's just another character in the ever-expanding canves of gh. The end of lacy doesnt mean the end of Tracy. We have to keep hope alive.

And thank you Ms.Q for the happy thougts and positive vibes!

ETA: I cannot figure out how to find my main web address ms.q! lol im tracyluver there too, that's pretty much all i know! I suck, im sry :)

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Hi tracyluver! Are you posting on your computer? If so, I guess that means you got it to work. Yay! Regarding LJ: Okay, I'll try and search for you, so I can add you. :D

What you said kind of outlined the problem...

Before TG requested that he and JE be paired, JE had spend months (November 2004 through April 2005) on the backburner. The beginning of 2005 wasn't a good time to be a TQ fan because she was never on. :o She made brief appearances in which she attended AJ and Michael's memorials, b-tched at Georgie, got b-tched at by Emily...Let's put in this way: She got more screentime in May 2005 than in Jan. through April combined. Anyhoo! *breathes*

During TG's 3 month summer vacation, GH made it very clear that they had no interest in JE unless she was paired with TG. Luke went on an "errand" for Lorenzo, and Tracy went to Europe, which we didn't even know about until Justus mentioned it. Anyway, from late July to early October, JE appeared in 1 scene total (a scene where Tracy was completely OOC seeing as Lorenzo threatened her life, and she was like "Oh, okay. We'll do things your way," but I digress...). Basically, since the marriage, Tracy has hardly been seen without Luke. That's why I think the end of Lacy means the end of Tracy, and hee! That rhymes! LOL. And I'm done rambling now.

Much love to you all! I need to get off the internet.

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*taps mic*


Excuse me...

*taps mic*

A Teeny-Tiny Ficlet In Script Form To Honor Laura's Return

by MinervaFan

Luke: (to newly de-comatized Laura) My Angel, my Love, my Joy with the Sparkly White Teeth! You're back, you're back, and we can live together forever!

Laura: (sparkly white teeth sparkling with shy smile) Who are you? I don't know you.

Luke: (worried, as he drops to his knee dramatically) Why, I'm the Love of Your Life. I stalked you in the 70s, raped you because I Couldn't Contain My Love For You, married you in a storyline that put the cause of women's rights and protection against sex crimes back twenty centuries, and spent most of the 80s and 90s divorcing you, remarrying you, divorcing you, faking my death, thinking you were dead, watching you -- brainwashed of course -- bear other men's children, neglecting my own children, breaking numerous laws, mugging for the camera, committing copious crimes of passion--erm, FASHION, and finally pissing off an evil lunatic woman who Concocted Some Nebulus Scheme that turned you into an intellectual rutabaga for several years after you killed your own father.

Laura: (sparkly smile wavering) Oh...

Luke: But now we can be together, at last, my love, my life, my angel....

Laura: (sparkly smile sparkling for all it's worth) We can get married?????

Luke: Uh, well, no. See, I'm sorta already married to Tracy Quartermaine, and there's this fifteen million thing, and well...

Laura: Get lost, Loser.

Luke: (Turns hopefully to Tracy) Spanky Buns?

Tracy: (sipping champagne with a bevy of sexy, sophisticated men at the MetroCourt) Get lost, Loser.


*bows amidst thunderous applause*

I'd like to thank TIIC at General Hospital, Tony (Gimme My Damned Vacation) Geary, Genie (No, I'll Never Come Back, No Matter HOW Much They Offer Me) Francis, and Jane (Please God Don't Let Me Get Paid By The Line) Elliot for their contributions to this Work Of Fiction.

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ROTFL ! MinervaFan can I use that??

Too funny. I'd love for some other people to read it.

BTW I wrote my letters last night,I'm not totally happy with them but I don't think I would be no matter what so I'm probably going to mail them as is.

Ms.Q what your mother said about GF...that makes me smile.

Thank you for that.

spoiler talk

About the summer spoilers,SID had that mysterious one about Tracy,but SOD just has something really vague about the Q's dealing with the disaster that the teens are supposed to get into.

In other words,it sounds like the Q's will be filler this summer.

A show of hands for those surprised. LOL

spoiler talk

Ya'll it'll be okay. No matter what. You'll see. :) I've enjoyed TQ for the little time we've gotten to see her. I hope to have her a little while longer. We'll just have to wait.


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