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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Today was brilliant! Even more so than usual!

I LOVED when Luke was talking about Tracy's erm....assets. I was cheering him on!

"Go Luke! Get Tracy some sexy new wardrobe for the opening! Kill that poor animal strangling her neck!"

I mean, they HAVE to follow through with that, right?!? They just HAVE TO.

I HATE that stupid boat and now I CANNOT WAIT for the Haunted Star to reopen, just to see Tracy with hostess duties.

And yeah, the napkin (bar towel? that was a little big for a napkin...) totally caught me off guard, but, PRICLESS. And the cuddling was GREAT.

Icons shall be made.

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Yesterday was cute.

Still hate Lulu.

Also hate that this might seem paranoid,but can't help but think TIIC's attitude about JE from a physical standpoint is reflected in character's comments,like those of Lulu and Skye.

Hated that sarcastic "red hot mama" comment,maybe it was just JMB's delivery of it,but JE is 59 years old.

She's not SUPPOSED to look like Skye.

I think she looks great for her age,and as far as I know or have heard,JE has never had plastic surgery.

The cuddling was cute and nice,but didn't impress me too much when you consider it was just to get under Skye's skin.

I do like how Luke takes notice of Tracy,though. :)

I also like that Tracy wants to willingly go along with trying to be a hostess,all for Luke.

She WANTS to please him.

That made me smile.

But Tracy is just not the type of character who can smile on demand and MEAN it.


She was trying,but yeah she's NOT hostess material.

*crosses fingers for Tracy today*

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dude it's like TIIC (or at least TG) has been reading this forum and everybody elses minds regaurding the wardrobe situation! :lol: lol It's like, all of a sudden, they got a revelation that roadkill around one's collar it's not EXACTLY what one would call appetizing to the eye (although, JE looks good in anything IMHO :) )

LOVED the tablecloth-deally thingy in her pants! Hillarious as only Tracy could be!

Three Questions:

What did you guys think of the "fall down tthe stairs line"?

What did you think of the Lila's funeral line/ how she didn't even react to it (as opposed to how she prolly woulda bopped anyone else in the mouth for even THINKING about her mother)

What did you think Tracy is going to wear for this little shindig? Could this be a part of the "new approach" to luke? Dress, talk, and act like luke wants her to? Interesting....

Oh, yeah, i meant to ask someone, how do i get an icon-thingy?

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JE does look good in anything, doesn't she, tracyluver? I thought she looked fine in her outfit yesterday. In fact, fur aside, I'd rather Tracy wore more outfits like that than those long jackets she always seems to have on.

To answer your questions...










Skye is supposed to fall down the stairs sometime this week, and Lorenzo is supposed to blame Tracy for it. So...I think that was the writers' way of setting it all up.









2. That's actually a really good question, but I don't have an answer, LOL.

3. Wardrobe can go 2 ways with this: JE is going to look stunning (and we will have to take back all the bad things we said about GH's Wardrobe Department ;) or Tracy is going to think she looks stunning, while all the characters get to laugh and make fun. And I really hope Tracy doesn't change because Luke wants her to. Luke can accept her for who she is, or take a hike as far as I'm concerned.

4. Lunacy_Icons is a great place for avatars, or you can make your own with Adobe or PaintShopPro. After you get one that you want...

a. Right click, save picture as.

b. Go to My Controls (top, near right of the screen)

c. In the left column, under Personal Profile, click "Edit Avatar Settings."

d. Then click "Browse" where it says "Upload a new image from your computer." (You'll find your saved icon here; click on whatever you saved it as.)

e. Click "Udpate Avatar"

Hope that works! :)

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I thought the same thing about the "Lila's funeral" comment.

I don't know if that was a TG adlib,but it sucked and I think JE's reaction was "off",so maybe it was an adlib and she wasn't expecting it.

Very bad taste,IMO.

Just UGH.

The stairs spoilers... I agree with Ms.Q.

The clothes. I haven't seen the promo,has anyone else,what was JE wearing in those?

I'd love for the story to be more Pygmalion like,and for TIIC to devote time to it,but what are the chances of that?

I would like to think TQ will show up in something that Luke can appreciate,but really...like Ms.Q said,if he doesn't accept Tracy as she is,he can take a flying leap. :)

*TQ WILL be on tomorrow,based on spoilers* !

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Just searched for the promo...I found it! :D

ABC Soap Scoop (Scroll down to "DAYTIME" and click on "Soap Scoop.")

Her hair is up (reminds me of her hair for AJ's memorial, but a bit "higher," LOL), her earrings match her necklace (as always), and it looks like she might be wearing a jacket (but it's not "recycled"). I think she looks good. Oh, and Tracy and Luke are adorable. :)

ETA: We get Skye/Luke, Lulu/Luke, and Dillon/Luke today, but NO Tracy/Luke? *sigh*

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Ms. Q im here I just havent had much time to to post. ;)

I didnt like that Lila joke that wasnt very funny :angry: that just ruined the scene for me.

Just as that Lila joke the stair joke also just seemed out of place. ;)

Im glad that some one said something about that jacket, the fur is a bit over the top. :D I dont know why but It reminds me of the dress that Tracy wore to Alans wedding to Lucy coe. :P

I liked Jane's hair in the clip but I hope that the outfit is nice. :)

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The. Hair. Department. Gave. Her. Style?


She looks gorgeous! She always does, but like total soap gorgeous, as opposed to matronly bitch. And I hate to use that to describe Tracy, but we all know she's not looked on the youthful galmorous side as far as hair goes in some time. It's about time. Knew she had it in her! ;)

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She.looked.GORGEOUS! I've never seen tracy with her hair up! She still looks like she has a long jacket thingy on though but i don't care (i hope she doesn't but if she does), she'll still look great. Why don't the make her looke that good all the time?!

Oh, Thanx ms.Q for the advice on icons!!!! That's really nice, im gonna go try it right now.

P.S., I MUST reiterate, great fic!

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Maybe 10 seconds, ILoveTracyQ. ;) Oh, and MinervaFan popped in on LJ and FF.net; her home computer's internet access isn't working well, but once she gets it fixed, I'm sure she'll stop in here. :)

Regarding outfit details: I can't describe, so I found pictures, LOL...Top Portion, Side View, and Back Side. And did anyone else notice the different hairstyles? Here and here. They are different, right? Or is it just me?

You're welcome, tracyluver! And thanks for the compliment on the fanfic! I love JE's hair up too. :D

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