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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yeah, we've been together on this for some time. I remember I joined in the conversation when you were discussing what was going to happy for his Bar Mitzvah.

All of our babies are growing up. TL's daughter was at home when we started, my youngest was just a baby….. And I think of all the changes for the non-parents, and the new parents….

Beautiful and sad at the same time.

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I know! I got to see pictures of BSG's two year old son who is adorable!!

BSG is writing a cookbook that is getting published

Ms. Q was in her college dorm...getting ready to go to Mexico in the summer and how was she going to last without the LF for 8 weeks!

Lots of fun memories over the past 7 years or so

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These are from tvsource.com for next week

Dante and Delores obtain a search warrant for Johnny's. Luke and Tracy search for Anthony's dead body and end up in trouble. Lulu is shocked about Luke and demands answers. Johnny tries to frame Tracy and Luke as Luke makes a confession to Lulu.

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Hope this has the duo working together rather than pulling them apart, but I've got to admit my LuNacy hopes are fading. Anna has never been a favourite of mine and I'm getting a little tired of watching a genre where only certain types of characters are allowed to have meaningful relationships.

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knh I PM'd you my email. TY so much in advance. :)

GH wise-waaait a minute. Back up the train. Franco was a Q? What was the purpose of that, unless his long lost kid shows up? Isn't he dead? And how was he a Quartermaine, anyway?

I never knew JE's last name was Stein, and I've been a fan for decades. Learn something new every day, I guess.

You guys make Tracy's stuff sound so GOOD. Does anyone know if a regular person posts GH and/or Tracy stuff pretty regularly on YT these days? I know at one point ABC had a fit and put a stop to people posting whole episodes...but what about Tracy clips? Cause if Lacy are getting back together, might be worth checking out.

Jane HAS been part of a triangle before, though. I would call Tracy/Paul/Jenny a triangle, as well as Tracy/Scott/Lucy back in the day. I couldn't help but notice though, it's once again her and another woman over Luke. Uh....why not another man fighting Luke over Tracy? AZ doesn't count. LOLOL

Oh yeah, and Bora/LUke/Tracy. My Laura hate is still epic. I hope she never comes back. E-V-E-R.

Yeah, I could watch some Old school Lacy stuff. :)

*must not get excited*

But hey....if you guys think Guza jerked us around...if you think TIIC as a whole have jerked us Tracy/Lacy/Q fans around...try being jerked around by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

It's both irritating and thrilling. MOstly irritating. If they didn't put out such a good show, I would not sit still for their torture. Especially Moffat. He's Bob Guza all over again, but with fresh writing and talent.

I DO miss my Lacy. My bay-bies. *SNUFFLE* NO other couple has touched me like they have. Full Stop.

A nagging question: has anyone done any Lacy and/or Q/Tracy fics lately? If so, links, please?

and....Happy Memorial Day......

funny girl I replied to you !

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hey everyone

sounds like another fun tracy day today with monica/heather/luke/az

From what I have heard Tracy knows heather is lying about Franco but keeps the secret for her own reasons (not sure but that is from that longer term insider HNY who spoiled the shole heather/susan moore revisit about four months ago).

I think luke/anna will grow closer to the point of something just about to happen or a kiss and then they find out he lied about ethan...that is my take. I don't think Lunacy are going to end up back together romantically. But I'm happy if they just have this fun, bickering moments of love caring ex relationship if the show has a limited time left. I'd rather them be in story together even if it means they are not married as long as it is fun and tracy is not being a dormat and not the jealous ex all the time

Here is the hotsheet for next week. I think she is on two days for sure


This week on General Hospital, two pregnant women, Sam and Tea, will find themselves going into labor. And that's just the beginning. The increasingly tumultuous emotional triangle between Jason, Sam, and John McBain has reached a fever pitch, with Jason determined to send John a message in the form of some violent thugs. But what happens when Sam has to deliver the baby and John is the only one who can help her?

Look for Tea to also find an unlikely source of help when she goes into labor: Todd. Things start to go seriously wrong, however, and it's up to Todd to save both mother and child. And in case this all wasn't crazed enough, look for Heather Webber to find herself caught up in the fray!

Kristina's return to Port Charles is NOT going to be good news for her mom and dad. Not only is she furious at Alexis and Sonny for buying her way into Yale (guess she found out!), but her form of payback is going to put Alexis and Sonny's lives on display for the whole world to see. Yep, our girl Kristina has her own reality show – "Mob Princess."

Anthony's dead body has gone missing, much to Luke and Tracy's dismay. But while they search for the body, Dante has a warrant to arrest his father-in-law. How's Luke getting out of this one? Look for Lulu to get caught up in all the drama. Oh, and what does Heather have to do with all this? Notice the theme this week – Heather's all up in everyone's business.

All this, plus Matt confesses to Patrick and Elizabeth that he killed Lisa. But Maxie has one more surprise that will throw a wrench into the legal proceedings against him.

Also, tune in on Memorial Day, May 28th, for an encore episode from earlier this year. Watch the moment that Jason learns the truth: Franco is his brother and the father of Sam's baby!

Which storyline are you most looking forward to this week?

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Agreed Hooked - I'd rather see them working together than not, but still it's a lot of potential wasted for what?

As for the triangle thing, I don't know that either of those would be a bonafide triangle simply because Tracy was only ever the interloper, never the focus. A triangle has the person in the middle really struggling for who they love more. For all sorts of reason, it's not going to be Anna, but nothing says it's ultimately going to be Tracy either.

The Franco is a Q came with Heather, ILTQ. She claims she sold Jason's twin brother right after birth. Tracy apparently knows it's a lie, but we don't know how much information Tracy has on all of it.

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It was good but a little OTT. The schtick is fine between Luke and the Qs, but I hope Tracy keeps a straighter face with everyone else.

Also really powerful scenes between NLG and KeMo today. Sam really broke my heart when she told her mom she didn't want Alexis to see her as damaged. I needed one of the kleenexes Molly was giving out. NuKristina - doesn't fit.

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Wasnt Edward in the spoilers for friday too? Do we know anything on what days Tracy will be on and how much Tracy will be involved with Heather ? Hooke, do you know how much LC and JI worked lately?


I really enjoy GH right now. It is fabulous to see all the vets getting material and share scenes. I'm a happy camper!!!!

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Hey SeanM

John was supposedly set to work that day, but possibly he could be on Monday. Not sure. He didn't tape any scenes with Jane, but I do think that perhaps he wasn't able to show up for work. Because monica went to bed and also heather was in the scenes too with John I believe. Not a good sign.

Neither John or Leslie has worked at all. I think there is maybe one more day of Monica like on Monday and that is it. Very sad...

But on the flip side, the good news is JE has been working a lot. TG left for amsterdam last friday. Not sure how long his summer vacation will be. I heard JE will still be working while he is gone. Hope so. I know Tracy is supposedly to be involved with Heather somehow. TG worked a lot with Robin M--a lot before he left. Wondering if heather kidnaps luke or something...they could have been pre-taping some stuff to air throughout the summer. Or maybe since the emmys take place June 23, maybe tony will be back in LA for them and will tape some that week.

as far as next week goes, looks like Tracy is on W and F for sure. Not sure about TH but luke is with lulu so she might be there too. CGS has Johnny setting up Luke and Tracy for Friday June 1st.


Monday: An encore presentation of the April 18, 2012 episode of “General Hospital” will air on Memorial Day. Tuesday’s episode of “GH” will pick up from the Friday, May 25 installment.

Tuesday: Jason unleashes some of his pent up anger. Kristina has a surprise in store for her family. Anna makes an important decision.

Wednesday: Sam is surprised to learn about Jason and Elizabeth’s latest encounter. Luke and Tracy are headed for trouble. Maxie breaks Spinelli’s heart.

Thursday: Sam and Tea each find themselves in desperate situations. Jason and Sonny send a message to a former Llanview resident. Lulu demands answers from her father.

Friday: Jason comes to a realization, but is it too late? Todd has a surprising run in. Johnny is up to no good. Two brand new arrivals to Port Charles struggle to beat the odds.


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