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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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gonna go out on a lim an bet that know one does- but does anyone know around what time scotty and tracy were dating or was it more than once? I was looking for the clipi when she surprises him at his apartment- someone had put it up here once, but I can't find it and I don't want to look back that far. i know there is a whole big story in 1990 of when they hooked up to mess with lucy but I don't know if this was before or after or a seperate time entirely b/c it doesn't seem to be in any of the clips I can find. there is a clip of every bit of that story about 100 of them and they seem to be pretty well broken up by about clip 30-40. just curious

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love you hooked!!!! I'm telling you - complete withdrawals!! but I've dicovered how to use the movie maker on my dvd burner so I have been piecing together countless clips to make myself some better things to watch than my little laptop screen laying on my floor. i'm an addict now, i'm having way too much fun, those clips ar definately going in

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so I have yet another question for everyone... and by everyone I mean those of you who know how to burn a dvd that you have made. I have burned copies of things that i have and the regular old normal burning but I FINALLY got all my clips put together in a collection (I mean some serious clippage, and a lot of old' school really god clips too). i saved them all on files that are 1.5 hours long. don't know why i can't get it longer than that but that's what it told me but now they won't let me burn. it says it can't even find the files. they are saved as wlmp files b/c that

s what the program does but I can't save them any other way. anyone know how I can convert the whole lot of them into something compatable? I have windows dvd maker and have them saved as mp4 b/c thats all that would play- now i can't burn an mp4 b/c nothing else will find them!!!! craziness i tell you

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nevermind... my brilliant self figured it out and i am busy "dvd burning" away. i have more than a full days worth of clips so it may take a while but i'm 7 deep right now. i have about 10 to go. no one's been on so i'm just commenting about nothing in particular i guess.... talk to you all once tracy gets back i guess. i have to say, I was disapointed in last week. I know it wouldn't happen but I would have liked to see some nice gesture from luke to tracy for v-day. oh well!! wishful thinging

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hey knh

looks like its you and me these days

Tracy was on for 18 seconds yesterday. If the ratings suck you know it is all JE's fault! LOL

I think she may be on today. For sure TH and F

glad you figured out the dvd stuff. I'm not good with stuff like that. I wasn't understanding what kind of files you were saying.

I use avs for you software now for editing cause it goes frame by frame. Super slow but it helps when the audio and video don't sync up

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