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Y&R June 2023 Discussion Thread

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Later, Sarge is seen looking online at real estate in Genoa City and complaining that even rentals are expensive. He pauses and says “what about just outside of Genoa City?” Sarge begins to type and scroll results.

I can dream, can’t I?

I probably wouldn’t reveal that he had a wife too soon though, not all at once, maybe just intimate that Sarge has an existing commitment and is uneasy about pulling up stakes.

Sorry to hijack this thread everybody, I got on a roll and kept going.

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Thanks @Paul Raven. The part about Sarge, I just thought of as I was posting yesterday, so that wasn’t really fully thought out.

My proposed idea is that Colleen never really died, she was revived but in a combination of malfeasance, short-staffing and unbeknownst to hospital administration, an underground network of bad actors looking to engage in organ trafficking resulting in a mixup of patients, corpses and patients on life support (of which Colleen was one). The criminal gang, which had been operating in other hospitals, made some critical errors and realizing this, sought to cover their tracks.  Clinging to life, Colleen was stripped of her identification before being clandestinely being sent to to a private clinic. Colleen’s life, which hung in the balance for several months begins to show signs of stabilizing, which encourage the small band of committed staff. In spite of several month of halting progress, financial pressures on the hospital’s budget force administrators to make a decision…to transfer the Jane Doe to a charity hospital run by a group of nuns. A dedicated specialist from the private hospital checks in from time to time to consult on the patient’s condition. Although Jane Doe cannot talk and is still bedridden, for the most part, she has made slow steady progress. Everyone is especially encouraged when Jane Doe has finally opened her eyes. There is still exists the unsettling possibility that Jane Doe may never do more than blink and grunt and make subtle, small movements. That could be revealed in flashbacks as the mystery of how Colleen turned up is  discovered. When reunited with family and friends, Colleen is no longer suffering from “locked in” syndrome but she is still recovering her speech and trying to regain her cognition.

Originally, when I thought of this Lauren’s son Scott was still somewhat on the canvas and thought it would be great if he were doing investigative journalism (just a thought but perhaps he uncovers evidence of a criminal gang trafficking in organs), because I had conceived the story as a kind umbrella storyline. Between Scott and whoever is doing police or private investigative work (back then, it would have been Paul).

Nick, who has been acting as Victor’s liaison to the investigators, is told a stunning piece of news-the identity of the donor whose heart went to Victor was a contract worker whose last job was working as janitorial staff at Newman Enterprises. When Victor is told, he seeks to find out as much as possible about this donor.



Also, it was years ago, so I don’t remember but did Traci see the body being buried? Although, we know from B&B that the existence of a body in an open casket doesn’t mean the end of a character.

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