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Soap Opera Cast Lists and Character Guides- Cancelled and Current

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FEBRUARY 15, 1983-JUNE 13, 1983    NBC-TV
Dr. ___ Barnett                                George D. Wallace   
Sean Benedict                           Michael Woods
Captain __ Bolarde                    Paul Lukather
Mr. ___ Clemenseau                   Roger Til
Larry DeVito                               Morgan Stevens
Lieutenant __ DuClos                  Michael Carven
Barbara Fisher                   Jaime Lyn Bauer
Dr. ___ Franklin                  Hansford Rowe     Ava after miscarriage
Betty __ Jackson                 Toni Sawyer
Senator ___ Jackson            Chris Lofton
Ava __ Marshall                    Jessica Walter
Chase Marshall                     Al Corley
Haddon Marshall                   John Dehner
Marcus  Marshall                   Jonathan Frakes
Margaret ___ Marshall           Susan French
Muffin ____ Marshall             Wendy Fulton
Tyger Hayes Marshall             Genie Francis
Laura Parker                         Joan Fontaine
                                           Penny Fuller
Lady Bobbi Rowan                 Jennifer O'Neill
Robert Spencer                     Ted LePlat
Alexei Theophilus                  Michael Nader
Niko Theophilus                     Ian McShane
__ Wingate                           John Milford
Alan                                                Richard Backus  (Nico's Business Attorney)    
Cathy the Secretary                          Laura Bruneau
Charles                                            Christopher Allport
Edward                                            Garth Wilton     the Theophilus Butler 
Jacqueline                                       Guylaine Moquin-Sanford     the "MaFemme" Applicant 
Princess Luciana                               Gina Gallego
Natasha                                           Anulka Dziubinski
Norman                                           David Ankrum
Sylvia                                              Paula Holland
Tiffany                                            Tiffany Helm       the "MaFemme" Applicant
Tim the football player                      Jim Negele
Violet                                              Maidie Norman
Winina                                                          Kristi Ferrell     the "MaFemme" Applicant

Applicant                                        Denise Gordy     "MaFemme"  
Applicant                                                                     Sally Hampton      (Ma Femme)
Cleaning Lady at Tyger's Office          Nora Boland
Greek Cop                                                   Kopi Sotiropulos
Nurse                                              Mimi Cozzens (Nico after accident)
Reporter                                          James Gillis
Unnamed Roles
    Victoria Boyd
    Dennis Breckner
    Twink Caplan
    Ancel Cook
    Donald Craig
      Virginia Dale
    Barbara Flicker 
    Gloria Henry 
    Bert Hinchman
    Charles Lampkin
    Michael Lemon
    Dan Mason
    Marius Mazmanian
    Cliff Medeau
    Shirley Prestia
    Ivan Saric
    Edmund Stoiber
    James Tartan
    Harvey Vernon
    Brad Wilson
    Carol Wyand
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As The World Turns

Mrs Stapleton ??? 1977 adoption agency worker who advised Carol, in the best interests of Natalie's child, not to be secretive about the adoption.

Reverend George Booth   Jennifer and Kim Sullivan's confidant; confirmed that Melinda was Jennifer's daughter Sept 77,counselled Kim after Dan's death. Aug 79
                                   Paul Keeler  
                                      Philip Sterling         76  Sept 77 Aug 79 
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Way of the World


Jan 17 Take Me in Your Arms

by Stephen de Baun A young man returns from the city to the farm surroundings where he grew up.


24 Jan thru 10 Feb

starting Thu - The Bewitched Spinster 

by Nelia Gardner White


 Kate Edna Best,

  David Dean Harens, 

  Miranda   Patricia Wheel. 

April 4

by Anne Howard Bailey

New York model, disillusioned with her life, returns to her home town.


Cynthia   Lori March

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Some Old


Heather Turner        Julie Mannix            June 16, 1972 - August 31, 1972          Patient of Dr. Henry Pinkham, whose wife (unknown to Heather) Sharon quickly grows jealous of the attention Heather shows. She demonstrates her dizziness by fainting,  falling into Henry's arms.  Henry realizes that she has developed aplastic anemia -- caused by the fumes from her boyfriend's race car.  Heather decides to surprise Henry and shows off her new negligee to Sharon.  She tells her that she's having a    "caviar lunch" brought in to share with Henry. Poor Henry chokes on the caviar!!!

     Heather has become bored with Henry, and her hospital stay is no longer entertaining.  She threatens to call her influential uncle and have her doctor replaced. Sharon reads her horoscope, and it tells her to be noble.   She explains to Heather that Heather's horoscope says change would be bad.  Heather realizes it would be a mistake to leave before she's totally healthy.  Sharon next needs to shut down the "romancing" Heather continues to try on Henry.  When Heather finally gets released, she says her good-byes and thanks "Nurse Pinkham."  Sharon had her nametag showing!

Carter Snow    ?????   7/4/1972   Patient.  Henry Pinkham receives a call-in from Sharon when he arrives. They save him through an external heart massage. The two celebrate the Fourth, and saving Carter's life later that day!  

Florence Jenkins Andrews.       .Maida Severn June - August 27, 1972    Recommended to Tom Baldwin by Jane Dawson to take care of his son, Stevie (later Tom Baldwin, Jr.).  Audrey was not a fan of Mrs. Andrews. By the end of August, Audrey convinces Tom to fire her.  

Dr. ___  Carter     ?????     2/23/1972   Howie's doctor; reports that Howie cracked his vertebrae, but he can recuperate at home, as long as he keeps himself in traction

Dr. __ Dalton    ????     6/24/1971   Meg's doctor at the sanitarium-- tells Lee not to visit; April 1972 -- Suggests that Lee divorce Meg, but Lee refuses to abandon her; September, Lee contacts Dr. Dalton because of Scotty's illness; Dalton doesn't wish to tell her, but relents.  He tells Lee he won't be responsible for whatever happens next.   September 15-- tells Lee the shock of Scotty's illness snapped her back to reality  

Dave Grammercy      ????    3/7/1972    Sarcastic newspaper reporter that questions Steve about Audrey and the "Muh-Dah".   Steve Hardy tosses him out.

Former Nurse  Iris Fairchild          Dr. Tom Baldwin fills Jane Dawson in on his past relationship with Iris on February 1, 1972.

Mr. ___ Mallory   ????   9/29/1971 - 3/10/1972     Peggy Nelson's apartment manager that discovered her body; claimed a blonde woman visited Peggy often..  March 1972--testifies about Audrey visiting Peggy Nelson

Arnold Nelson.  ??????? July 1972   Parolee with a former wife named Margaret (Peggy Nelson) who had testified against him years before.  Confessed killing her in self defense. 
Herman O'Brien   ?????    June 1972   Private detective hired by Lee to help resolve Audrey's case.  

Amy_________ Douglas        Georgia Schmidt   August -September 1972   Wife of millionaire Walter and the mother of his children; while she insists she can handle anything, Steve and Jessie know that his terminal cancer will take it's toll.  As she continues to not tell Walter that he's lost one lung and the other is littered with tumors, she finally becomes nauseous and collapses in Steve Hardy's arms.  Both Walter and Amy break down and speak the truth, and head back to California  

Walter Douglas     George Chandler      August - September 1972       Arrives at GH riddled with pneumonia with his wife Amy.  He has tumors throughout his lungs.  After a 5 hour surgery, one lung is completely removed, the other, inoperable.   Amy tries to keep Steve from telling Walter the truth, making herself sick in the process.  Walter pursues the truth and Steve tells him he is terminal during an exam. Once Walt and Amy finally speak the truth, the two head back to California.  

Some new

Dr. Terry Randolph    Added     7/24/2023  Meets up with boyfriend, Yuri. It's been a year since they started seeing one another. They exchange keys. She urges Finn to become her co-chief of staff

Cyrus Renault    Added    Annoys Carly and Drew;   7/24/2023  confronted by Drew in the library, who later assists him with Book's tirade.

Gordon Stevens    Added      7/24/2023   Attempts to extort $100,000.00 from Mason and Austin; body found  by Dex;  7/25/2023 --  corpse.

Yuri     Added     Traveled to Russia to help smuggle Laura, Kevin and Valentin; 7/24/2023 --  one year anniversary with Terry, exchanged keys with Twice a month Terry;  received a puzzling call from Valentin

Betty Rutherford     Ella Lentini  July 24 and 25, 2023 2023  Nanny foisted upon Ava by Mason to take care of Avery and spy in Sonny's home; her first instinct is to threaten Ava --  and her mother Delia with a man from Pawtuck that has started dating Delia. Sonny immediately senses problems, so Ava confesses all.

Detective ___ Bennett    Added     7/25/2023    Called to Gordon Stevens murder scene, questions for Dex  

Book     Added      7/24/2023 tosses around the books in the library; gets   "corrected" by Dew after starting trouble with Cyrus

Giles     ?????     7/24/2023   Ava's butler at Wyndemere

Mason Gatlin      Added    7/24/2023 --Problems with Sonny's curiosity; has Gordon murdered

CSI     ????    7/25/2023        Gordon's Body with Bennett and Dante

CSI     ????    7/25/2023        Gordon's Body with Bennett and Dante

Maitre'd         ??????    7/24 & 25/2023     seats Elizabeth and Finn, checks in about them staying for dessert

Pentonville Inmate   ?????     7/24/2023  guy with Book in the library 

Port Charles Grille Waiter   ????   7/25/2023   Waited on Elizabeth and Finn

Updates for Mrs. Bailey and Detective Adams among others are coming soon.




Milton Biddlecomb   (Nerd at Spring Fling Party.                                                               Witness at trial.)
                    Erik Jensen     1993
   Sergeant Claire Kolchevski    cop
 (Head of the Special Victims Unit.)  
              Shona Tucker     1993


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Waitress   ????     7/25 & 27/2023     (Kelly's)

Nurse Anne    ???     7/27/2023   Nurse Practitioner with Sasha at Ferncliff.    

Charlotte Cassadine..      Added      AnaSofia Bianchi     4/10/2023 - July 2023  came to see Valentin after Anna was shot

                        Scarlett Fernandez   7/28/2023  visiting Lulu at the hospital; tells Dante their old house needs a family

Amelia Grace Corinthos     Willow and Michael's baby                        Owen and Nathan Ford     2023  

               Bo Harrison      7/27/2023

Gladys Corbin     Added    7/27/2023 - lying, along with Monty to Sasha about getting better, digging herself in deeper.

Frank    added    7/28/2023  Sonny's 

Hamza     Dimitry Rosental     7/28/2023   Russian man that caught Laura and Valentin looking for Nikolas in Chechnya  

Dr. Damon "Monty"  Montague     Added   7/27/2023 - convincing Sasha she was never getting better, it was all in her mind at Ferncliff.

Betty Rutherford   Added     7/28/2023 -- took Avery to swim class, followed closely by Dex; sent home by Sonny.

Georgie Spinelli..         Lily Fisher... 1/ 17/17-2021; 2022-23   Hates Austin;   4/7/2023     in the Nurses Ball   Magic Act

                              Eden Harker  7/27/2023 - Present   messy room, fighting with James

Elise Taylor     Rae Varela   

James Malcolm West    Added      7/27/23   fighting with Georgie

Port Charles Grille Waiter   Rob Smith    7/25/2023   Waited on Elizabeth and Finn

Waitress    Daniele Juliet Ma     6/27/2022; 1/3/2023



Gertrude "Trudy"  Bauer Palmer
                           Gloria Grant   1948     Radio
                    Laurette Fillbrandt  1948-49     Radio
                          Mary Patton   January 1950 - ???    Radio
                          Anne Marie Geyer   Radio 1951
                         Charlotte Holland   1951Radio
                           Anne Marie Gayer    Television 1952
                          Lisa Howard   1957 - 58









SEPTEMBER 27,1965-JUNE 24, 1966 ABC



Chet Brandon...Tony Dow

Barbara Landis (Walker?)...Pat Connolly + Alfie

Frank Landis...John Lupton             + Rhoda

Susan Landis...Cindy Carol (Sydes)

JoJo Porter...Tommy Rettig 

Mrs. Porter...Jan Clayton

Mr. Porter       ????

Alfie Prentiss      David Watson    (discotheque owner) 

"Aunt" Alice Taylor..      Mary Foskett

                                    .Merry Anders

Joy Taylor...Robin Grace

...Jaclyn Carmichael

Rhoda Taylor...Patrice Wymore

Bobbi Wainwright     Catherine Ferrar      +Chet

Mrs.  ___ ___ Walker       Joan Granville

Mr.  ____ Walker        John Crawford  

Tad Walker...Mike Blodgett



Bert  + Joy(roughed her up)  ....Frank James

Marilyn...girlfriend, Chet.; kissed Alfie ..Joy Harmon

Principal   ?????

Tim ...            + Susan       Dack Rambo 

Vince    ?????   med student


Announcer...Roger Christian



Ivy Bethune

Madge Cleveland         

Norman Palmer






Lynell Ray Bass

Brooke Benton  performed 1/18/66 "Mother Nature, Father Time"

Freddie Cannon performed "What Do I Hear" 1966

Mel Carter

The Castaways

Chubby Checker      12/14/1965

Mike Clifford

The Bobby Fuller Four

Marvin Gaye       12/1/1965

Bobby Goldsboro   1/25/1966   performed "You've Got a Heart"

Leslie Gore

Bobby Kuban and the In Men

The Ramsey Lewis Trio

The Loving Spoonful   12/15/1965

The Miracles      11/23/1965

The Motley Crew featuring Peter Ford

Johnny Rivers

Jimmie Rodgers

Bobby Sherman

The Sunrays

Ian Whitcomb  performed "You Turn Me On" and "Nervous"

The Yardbirds      1/10/1966  performed "I'm a Man"



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Book         Added      7/31/23 & 8/1/23 starts a kerfuffle with Cyrus that leads to a heart attack, gets pulled off by Dwew.

Giles   John Vance    7/24/2023   Ava's butler at Wyndemere  

Cyrus Renault     Added     7/31 & 8/1/2023 --praying in library, Drew enters and Book attacks Cyrus, causing a heart attack.  Cyrus dreams he's talking to Laura until Drew brings him back with CPR.

Trish Ramish    8/1/2023  --  tells Kristina that she's proud of her for opening the LGBTQ+ house; tells Kristina about her father throwing her brother out for kissing a boy. Tells Kristina that Nina and Sonny are proud of her.

MetroCourt  (Fill in) Hostess   ????     7/31 & Waitress 8/1/2023    Seats Tracy and Professor Chase; waits on   Sonny/Anna/Dante/Kristina       

Pentonville Guard      ????      7/31 and 8/1/2023  pulled Book out of library

Pentonville Guard      ????      7/31 and 8/1/2023 tried to pull Drew out of library; helped bring Book to Solitary

Pentonville Guard      ????     (AA Guard)  7/31 and 8/1/2023  Orders Drew and Book to Solitary Confinement; allows Drew to help Cyrus --  then sends him to solitary  

Pentonville Nurse    ????    8/1/2023  brought defibrillator to Cyrus, helped EMT

EMT        ????     8/1/2023      Cyrus at Pentonville

SWAT Lead Officer Kwong    James Kwong      July 2023

SWAT Officer   Ted Wallof     7/10/2023    cleared the MetroCourt crime scene


The Doctors
Pete Keller    Edmond Genest   .June 80...old friend, Ashley/John B  
Dr. Harrow    Cris  Groenendaal    May 80..gave Jeff hard time  



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Nurse  Monica Bhatnagar 7/20 & 21/2023    ICU Nurse with Curtis  

Nurse     Ambar Martinez    7/10/2023     with Deanna, Andy and Curtis

Katrina       ????     7/25 & 27/2023; 8/2/2023     (Kelly's Waitress)

Frank     added    7/28/2023  Sonny's -- took Betty home; 8/2/2023 --   brought coffee to Kelly's for Carly.

PCPD Guard     ?????     8/2/2023     Outside Cyrus' door.

Cyrus Renault    added      8/2/2023-  wants his brother Martin to give away his money to improve the lives of Pentonville inmates


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