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DAYS promo: Will/Gabi/Sami

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Both would be shitty to try and do it.

But this isn't about gabi being a. Woman. It's about her being a. Plot point character that people don't care about secretly plotting to take the child of a character that people love and watched grow up on screen away from him. Plenty of fans support Sami over any of the men in her life because the men in her life are like the gabi is to her will.

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You may be right about Gabi being a plot point. But my gawd that description very much applies to Will also in spite of him being a legacy character that the audience has watched grow up. Outside of his Coming Out story, he has only and continues to only drive story for Sami. So, I guess it's just a matter of where you fall on the plot point character chain.

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Will is the lead, he just doesn't push story. Will is the heroic protagonist in all of his story lines, he just isn't a self sufficient character who can hold his own. He needs other supporting characters (Sonny, Gabi, Marlena, Kate, Sami) or antagonists (Nick, EJ, Stefano, etc.) to feed him story. He is no different than Belle or Shawn from the previous generation before him.

I don't think it's that they are plot points, just that there are far too many stock characters who all fall into a similar bracket.

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I just don't view him as a lead. And yes, I agree, he has to be supported by everyone, which is what I meant by the word "cause," i.e., a principle, aim, or movement that, because of a deep commitment, one is prepared to defend or advocate. Once life throws him a little difficulty, the Calvary - mainly Sami - rides in and takes over while he stands back teary eyed and wringing his hands. To me that's a plot point character to give Sami story.

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