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The 100: Discussion Thread

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Hahaha, I hear you and I think a lot of tweenish stations do this with one of their female leads. I have no idea why I gravitate towards them either. But I love the Mary Sue and the Bad Girl which I suppose they were going to initially set Octavia up as when we watched the pilot.

Seriously, she might grow in a season or two and no longer give off those green around the edges vibe to Americans.

I get you on the Princess side, but maybe it's because of all my romance books that I don't mind that... yet. I know Bellamy is the only/main one to call her that.

Next week looks really creepy.

Oh, what do you think about Lincoln & Octavia?

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The two actors have chemistry but Lincoln and Octavia were entirely too rushed. These writers don't know how to write couples. They just rush people into lengthy sex scenes. Which btw when did Clarke and Octavia have time to become so experienced? During confinement on The Ark?

This show needs to forgo romantic pairings right now anyway. There's so much more important factors currently.

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I love you. I actually agree and others do as well. I think since Octavia had to live her life in secret for so long that she kind of longs for that connection with someone... firdt Jasper, then Atom, and now Lincoln.

I sometimes sing, Little Red Corvette during her scenes.

LOL, books? They must have one hell of a jail library.

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This weeks episode really lacked The Ark.

I'm also more interested in them developing the Grounders culture and hearing how they survived for so long. Instead of this war that's getting lame already.

Clarke Griffin= Elena Gilbert

Also this Finn loves Clarke crap is bs. They haven't even been on the ground for 30 days yet and when they has sex it had only been 10 days. He's in lust and their so called deep connection is non existent.

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LOL, it was like 30 mins. in and I was like No Ark? Just when things were starting to get interesting. I guess they want people to live in suspense until they go back what with Clarke thinking her mom was a apart of the drop ship that crashed and all that jazz.

LOL, well she can't handle that either but Raven needs to be Finnless, i can't deal with this triangle BS at all. I love Bellarke overall but I know they'll do Finn & Clarke at some point in time, I just know it and I'll weep a bit. But I am LMAO at people's reaction to Dichen's character telling Clarke if the girl dies, then Finn dies and people are all... Where do I sign?

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All this Clarke the new healer crap bored me. I'm tired of her being the only medic. Was there no one else among the 100 delinquents from a privileged background?

Ugh and then Raven banging Bellamy. The same Bellamy who left her for dead when her pod crashed. The same Bellamy who threatened to kill her and actually tried to choke her out.

I was glad The Ark returned this week but there wasn't enough shown.

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I get it... I do -- because she's helped people before and she she the only one with medical experience... however limited it might be. So, was Lincoln their healer? Because remember he kept saying that he was leaving and then Anya said "Our healer left." So I'm guessing that was Lincoln's purpose. I swear he better make a pop up return within the next two episodes or I will be seriously pissed.

I felt bad for the baby grounder and even for the dude that Clarke killed. So much crazy stuff happened I can't even deal.

I know -- that was literally one of the dumbest things I have seen and I don't even say that as a Bellarke shipper. I don't expect Bellamy to turn a hot girl down and I saw it coming a mile away but her reasoning behind it was just so damn stupid for me. So if she falls for him and catches feelings and then the writers do go for Clarke & Bellamy in S2 what's she going to do (if she's still around?) not like Clarke because of that too?

Also, last week pissed me off so much with her. When she told Finn he didn't hesitate to touch Clarke but he did when it came to planting the bomb.... two different things girl! If I saw a friend fall, you bet your ass I'd make an attempt to try and catch them before they reach the ground. A bomb planting would definitely cause me to hesitate as well.

I actually agree with you -- I liked the ark and I was cracking up so much at Kane and how he was on that one man journey to try and save everyone that he could. I enjoyed seeing people join in though.

Can you believe we only have two episodes left?! So not fair.

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Was he near them? I mean if you want to suspend belief for a minute then yeah. .. he's not the only one guilty of that. Also everyone else is not a main or recurring character... you only really saw two people rush to help someone falling Finn with Clarke and Jasper with Bellamy when he took a nosedive into a tent.

Now if it was anyone else, I don't see her doing all that.

Even so, in this world they want us to think they're all hunky dory and friends. I'm not delving that deep just yet

I still don't believe they'll kill off Finn especially with him being at Upfronts last month. That'll probably be their core triangle. Ugh.

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LMAO I thought of you chick when he said he loved Clarke. I was like as chick would say, "You lust for her." I mean I can get he's having growing feelings and all that jazz but I doubt its love at this time. He should go back to the drawing board and try again.

I hate how dark (as in lighting) this show can get... or is it my TV? I'm never 100% sure.

Awwww little Clarke & Wells... why he gotta die so soon?!

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