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OLTL: Erika Slezak Interview

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Great interview. I wonder if she'd try to do more theatre--there are some great roles for older actresses, VERY different from Vicki, that I'd love to see her do--more so than a career of Lifetime movies (although I admit one or two would be campy fun...)

Her description of The Chew reminds me almost verbatim what I swear Carl commented about it once on here--and she's right. I saw a bit again over the holidays (maybe five minutes) and it was like everyone was STILL trying to out "enthuse" one another by being bigger and bigger. I wonder if it was Gordon Eliot or whoever she talked to re the producer--he's an ass.

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It sounds similar to the (loose) information we heard before--that two or so small alternate scenes were done for a couple of stories--I believe Bo and Nora ws the one mentioned (maybe partly due to not knowing if Bo and Nora were working at PP at the time?) It doesn't sound anything drastic. And while I give that interviewer credit it's a shame she's continuing to spread slight mis-information--AMC obviously didn't have a whole alternate ending *filmed* even if obviously a few things (like I guess either Leo is Alive or another Leo ghost thing) were filmed due to havign to use the actors when they could.

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Thanks for the interview. I hope we do see her again, perhaps in primetime (I don't think we'll see her on any other soaps). I know it's bitter now, looking back, but I'm glad their last day wasn't sad, as that has happened already with so many soaps.

What a surprise that The Chew people told her something entirely different about the show's goal than Frons did. "Informative" indeed. The show is an overpromoted catcall.

I'm relieved that they may not have actually paid anyone to write such gems as "Have a seat" "PA PA PA" and "Stepnora."

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