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AMC - Friday - August 26, 2011

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Shannon Kane looks amazing & flawless and I'm soo glad to have her back on AMC!!

I don't understand why Frankie and Randi get NO love. I mean the Hubbards usually just get scraps but F/R literally get only one shred a month. Actually, not even that because Randi wasn't even on in August. e8099.gif

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Cheap is right. For the better part of a year, Shannon Kane's been off contract and Brot and Natalie STILL get more to do than Frankie and Randi. Frandi hasn't had a story since the move to L.A. which is horribly sad. That's a year and a half ago.

Kylie, Travis is being heavily mentioned so I'm pretty sure he's on the short list of returns.

Btw, WTF is Erica wearing? Yikes

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I disagree that they are boring I think they are great together & I love whenever they interact. The added flaws and obstacles in their marriage (like Madison) always piqued my interest but the show never went anywhere with it. I would've loved to see a man or woman come between F/R and the show make an actual STORY out of it.

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^Was it twice or three times Dimitri faked his death? I can't remember. LOL I think Mike and Travis are red herrings and David really has Josh or no one. I'm wavering between the two options right now. It could go either way. But I still think to keep the hospital and not have Erica throw his ass in jail, he's going to have to deliver someone she loves to her. LOL

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Why or why bring the unaborted fetus back? Ugh

What I dont get with this David stuff is why for example is Tad not questioning the fact Dixie was gone for YEARS not just a couple of months or that Zach was gone for how long. And that David had no plans to bring these people back to Pine Valley did he? Dixie escaped and Zach found by Greenlee right? Its not like he let these resurrected people leave by choice.

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The entire thing makes no sense, you're not alone in your confusion. I still don't get what side Zach is on. But David said he wanted someone familiar with Zach when he woke up so I can't imagine he didn't think Zach would go back to his wife after seeing Greenlee.

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