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Yeah, right, when I asked some time ago for better quality I was also attacked why I am complaining so who is ungrateful here and for what. And I was not complaining, just asked if there was a possibility for better quality, that's all. And yes, they are toxic, just experienced this firsthand

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Dont compare the situations. They are not the same. What you are doing now is THREATENING to take anons ability to record. This is waaaay too much over-reacting to someone just ASKING if there is a way to bring the uploads back to what he was recording them. I DONT ASK for 720 HD...I am just asking if its possible for the files to be 130-150 again since he WAS DOING THEM PERFECTLY and now has changed and they are lower quality. 

Anyways IF YOU decide to pull the plug... I promise I WILL FIND A WAY TO record them. It may take me time but I will and I will upload them here. AND I WILL NEVER THREATEN to pull the plug. Thats not fair play. 

So please dont act childish and take anons ability to upload. He is doing this for YOU AND us. Be more grateful to HIM and dont tell that you will stop his access to record.

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Of course I am always to be blamed thank you very much. I did not intend to cancel subscription just said that because everyone is always complaining about the quality insted of being grateful to the Angels. This is NOT FAIR! Since you like to use capital Letters in order to scream at me!! Who's acting childish? If you want don't write in this thread, that's not my problem. And so what you did not ask for HD. SO WHAT? What's the differennce? You want better quality bieber files because of your tv. There are so mamy ways to watch it you don't need to watch it on tv if you don't like the pixels! Be grateful to what you are getting. 

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What you did is wrong and Im not going to be gaslit and told that someone is going to pull a plug because I DARED to ask a polite question. I will use CAPITAL letters to make myself clear and I am not screaming at anyone. You came here and made it toxic. We were calmly talking about quality and ways to improve and you came here like you are GOD who can pull a plug and cancel his subscription.

Do whatever you want, nobody here DOES anything against his will. We contribute ALL. 

Again, I promise with all my heart... that if the person that threatens to pull the plug... pulls it. I will find an alternative. I have people I know that understand these things. I will find a way, because this person will spin it that it is my fault. 

And since I really don't like the way this communication is going, please don't communicate with me anymore. I know people like you and I don't need to respond to guilt tripping and gaslight. Bye.

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What an insolence! I am not claiming to be god, that is just sooo stupid. And I will not cancel my subscription. All depends on @anon4520 . Maybe he can be more patient with your insolence and give you bigger files so that you will be fully satisfied. That's not on me. Writing in Capitals is usually considered to be raising voice at someone,its a common Knowledge. Everyone is sooo innocent. Naturally, except for me. I don't have any pleasure talking to this person. Bye forever

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Ok, I am very sorry, I don't want to argue with anyone, can someone please delete these posts that I wrote? I do care about the community and the Vault to be full of episodes and believe me if I only could download these episodes myself I would and I would put them myself in the Vault in the best quality vudeoland is offering right now but it is just so hard for me to find the accurate program, I bought some program and it does not not work, and of course they don't respond to my messages after they wrote to me I can't get refund but I wanted Within 7 days refund guarantee period but then they said they will improve it so that downloading from videoland would work eventually. Well, that's complicated, but I am doing what I can to get those episodes. I am sorry @divinemotion I know you meant nothing wrong but so did I when I asked some time ago if HD would be possible, that's all. I never meant to sound rude or ungrateful, I am really sorry. And I wish if @anon4520 could still record these EPS Wherever he has time

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I never hold a grudge and when someone says he or she is sorry THIS is true proof of positive characteristics. Thank you for this apology! I have nothing against you and WILL gladly continue civilized communication. I appreciate everything YOU and anon are doing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Lets keep this thread always on positive and continue finding ways to communicate with love and respect.

Have a great day, Pedro


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Yes, exactly

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this forum is the best community I have ever found and we'll keep it this way, thank you so much @divinemotion .. You know I had so mamy struggles, some "seller" even deceived me, I paid and he was supposed to send me Year 1994 and the result is I have nothing: nor Year 1994 neither money back because this seller claims he sent it to me for sure... I know this USB Might have got lost somehow throughout the way, well I don't know. The last episode that I have is actually 1719 ... And I don't have that much time to continue watching either. I always postpone watching.. 

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There was thing absurd FB that offered full years and I contacted them. They gave me stupid screenshots from youtube clips and when I wanted to get a sample of the files... he told me HOW DARE I question him. I just told him HE IS A SCAMMER and blocked him. Maybe its the same person. Its a fb page but i dont remember the name. These people are disgusting and the will rot in hell for scamming people like you.

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Oh my my... I bought from the page "Daytime Soap Operas on DVD" from facebook. And paypal was called Ann Gordon. She was very aggressive when I asked any kinds of questions about the files. It should've been a red flag from the beginning for me. And she did not want to give me any samples claiming people are buying from her in an instant and don't ask questions... I was writing with her a lot and at the end bought. And she was 100% sure she sent the episodes and Claims it is not her fault that I did not get it. I wrote correct shipping address to her. Strange. 

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I think this is the same idiot. It was a clear scam. I was sent screenshots from the official YouTube channel episodes all while this person said there are personal VHS tapes hahahah. You should actually report this to police if she scammed you. This is a crime. Give them her FB page.

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Maybe you're right I should do something about it.. She claimed to have HD episodes from videoland

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well that's awesome. But am not sure if the police will do anything when these are different Countries, I think she was from US and I am from Poland

And to all beware of the program called Stream GaGa. On its page it Claims to have Videoland Downloader in it and everything seems just too perfect to be true, it Says it downloads HD videos from videoland,that you can switch off the subtitles if you want to etc etc etc, just pure perfection. I bought it. And I download at this 960x540 quality like @rsclassicfanforeversaid is the highest quality on videoland right now, the downloading of one episodes lasts almost whole day, at the end when it Says it is 100% complete it Says there was a failure and I am left with NO mp4 file. This way I lost a lot of money , 119,99$ to be exact and they just said they informed the stuff about the failure in download but when I asked for refund they don't want to give it to me. Now they just ignore my e-mails and don't reply at all. These are scammers from hell and certainly I have fallen for them too.. 

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1 day for one episode..... And this costs 119... Oh my... This is shocking. I am sorry you have been scammed like this. Its full of these scams out there and thats why I never risk it. 

Anyways... thanks to you and anon for keeping the new uploads in. We ALL need to say this more and more. Lots of people just download and have never said anything. Shame on you. 

P.S - if its a problem... I have nothing against these new lower quality files. I was just making a suggestion. I am not even a fan of this particular period of the show so It doesnt matter too much to me. 

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Ok, thank you. Well nothing bad happened, we've explained everything to each other and I am once again so sorry, of course it was just a suggestion on your part. 

Someone suggested to call my bank, maybe I could still do something about those scams... As for going to police I really don't have any idea.. 

Subscription for a Year period of time costed me this much.. I trusted this and it is my fault that I did. 

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Videoland have really effed up with DELETING all seasons except the last 200 episodes. This is very stupid since people want to binge watch and they will lose lots of interest that way. They should have kept the last 2-3 seasons at least. Thank God we have everything recorded.

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