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What if OLTL and AMC became ONE?

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Brian Frons stated they kicked this idea around. I for one would have loved to see it pan out. My question is, who would have wrote it and EP'd it, and what should have the show should have been called and who should have been on it. What stories would you want to take place? DO you think this combined show would have been better than cancellation?

Let's hear you're thoughts......

Name:" All my lives to Live one at a time"?

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I think one dillutes the other... and the end result would leave one with the same kind of dissatisfaction and destruction that the Rae Cummings crossover left behind.

To me, the two shows are about two different places and sets of people... Each has their own history and (in ideal circumstances) its own distinct style of storytelling... and I'm not sure what kind of universe could combine the identity of AMC and that of OLTL. My sense is it would be a mess.

All that being the case, such a new "hybrid" show would likely fail in a short time, anyway... Then fans of either / both shows would all be robbed of the kind of the closure and satisfying conclusion they'd otherwise receive with an individual ending.

So, in other words, no.

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NAME: Searching for Life

SETTING: The fictional city of Havenwood, New Hampshire.

PLOT: Several characters from ONE LIFE TO LIVE and ALL MY CHILDREN would wind up in the small town. Her'es a list...

Erica Kane: Erica heads out of Pine Valley in the hopes of launching an all new brand. When a producer contacts her about the possibility of hosting an early morning, nationwide talk-show Erica decides to embrace the opportunity and give New Hampshire a chance. However, what will she do when she finds out the network doesn't want her to have her OWN talk show, but rather become a co-host on Hayley Vaughan's "The Wave"?? Will Erica Kane allow it?

Hayley Vaughan (Nicole Foreester): Hayley has agreed to move production of her talk show to the cheaper New Hampshire. She's even agreed to allow a co-host to come on board. Obviously, she won't be thrilled when Erica Kane is brought on. But she's willing to go with it, as she's not ready to end her fame. Mateo is not featured on the show, but is mentioned often as being "away" and still living in California. Hayley insists they're still together, but it's heavily hinted at that Mateo may have left her.

Bianca Montgomery: Bianca comes to Havenwood after receiving word that Reese, her ex-wife is planning on moving there. Bianca decides that it will do her daughters good to be around both of their mothers, as well as her grandmother. Bianca secretly harbours some feelings for Reese, and begins to feel she ended the marriage too harshly. She arrives and confides these feelings in Erica...As they await Reese's arrival, Bianca hopes they can start over. But what will she do when she discovers Reese is recently remarried?

Reese Williams: Basically what is described above. Comes to Havenwood with a new wife.

Tad Martin:: Tad Martin heads to Havenwood soon after his license to be a private investigator is re-instated. His wife, Cara has been murdered. It was set up to look like a suicide, and the case was closed by the PVPD. But Tad's gut tells him that it was murder. After much investigating, several clues lead Tad to Havenwood. Look for him to reconnect, eventually, with old friend Jesse Hubbard and the two will team up to solve the murder.

Angie and Jesse Hubbard: Angie, who has now regained her sight, takes on a medical trial in Havenwood. Erica has fallen ill with an infectious disease and has specifically called Angie to help her. Jesse will initially only make sporadic appearances. But after Angie is done treating Erica, she decides that she wants to stay in Havenwood. After a serious conversation with Jesse, they decide to persue it. Jesse applies and is later given the job of Police Commisioner in Havenwood. Angie then accepts her job at Havenwood Hospital, the same hospital Dorian Lord and Cassie Cramer will work at. (See below)

Victoria Lord Banks and Clint Buchannan: Ideally, they are married now. Viki makes the diffuclt decision to leave Llanview after she looks back on the drama that had stemmed from the city. She doesn't sell Llanfair, nor does Clint sell his home, but they decide to start a new life. Viki purchases the nation-wide magazine stationed in Havenwood, ironically titled "The Chat!", and decides to retitle it "The Banner", turning to local paper from OLTL into a nationwide magazine brand. Clint decides to expand BE into the entertainment business....Ironically, he purchases out the very entertainment company that produces "Wave".

Dorian Lord and Cassie Cramer: Dorian decides to return to the medical business. She has resigned from her position as Mayor of Llanview. It is revealed that she initially plans to work at the Llanview Hospital. However, she is eventually courted to work at the much hyped and glamorous "Havenwood Hospital". She takes on the position of Chief of Staff and brings her daughter Cassie on as a hospital administrator.

Lindsay Rappaport: Fresh out of jail, Lindsay decides to stear clear of Llanview. Upon accepting a job to become the head of a prestiged Art Gallery in Havenwood, she heads out. She thinks she is starting a new life...But what will she do when she realizes that she is going to be mixing it up with people she already knew bacck in Llanview?

Blair Cramer: Blair decides Llanview is just not the place for her anymore. She is looking for a fresh start, and when Aunt Dorian tells her about Havenwood, Blair packs up and ships out. Jack, a serious behavior problem, has been put in boarding school. Starr is staying in Llanview to attend college, though she will make appearances. She brought Sam with her, though he is never seen, and referred to as being at school, etc.

Kevin Buchannan: Kevin moves to Havenwood when Viki calls and asks him to come on as an editor at The Banner. Kevin, who had been residing in Europe at the time, decides to come through for his mother. However, Viki is shocked to learn that Kevin has gotten married again, and has brought his new wife Shelly to Havenwood. Viki doesn't like Shelly, and it drives a wedge between her and Kevin. However, Viki's instincts are correct...What will happen when it's revealed that Shelly has an explosive past with someone in Havenwood ( a new character ), and that the endgame could be to KILL Kevin?!

So, those are the characters from both shows who would crossover on a full-time basis. New characters would of course be introduced too. The main settings would be the ones listed. The hospital, the art gallery, the police station, the television studio, and The Banner.

What do you all think? Please reply and be honest. :)

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No Cheap, these are just the characters that I would have crossover. There would be PLENTY of men, but they would be new characters introduced soley for the soap.

EDIT: Alright, I had forgotten to include Tad (AMC) and Kevin (OLTL), anyway. SO I went back and included them. There's two more men for you...Not to mention the new ones that would be introduced.

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But why the hell would I want to go to Havenwood with them? Why do they even all end up there? What's this town about? The City is a perfect example (thanks, Cheap!)... because I was a Loving viewer that found himself totally uninterested in its City spin-off (and this is coming from a 2-year resident of NYC!). That's probably because, beyond the suspension of disbelief that a dozen people would move from Corinth to NY together at once, most of them felt - to this viewer - totally out of place / unfamiliar in their new environment... Yet they acted as if this move was a walk in the park! Anyway, back to New Hampshire...

In this scenario, both of my favorite soaps were killed - and instead of wrapping up and concluded like the grand story-book style they should have been, these characters are trying to walk around some soap opera graveyard town... (Speaking of corpses - Seriously? Nicole Forrester as Haley?) ...

This sort of reminds me of Sex and the City: I know some SATC viewers will disagree, but I think BOTH movies just dilluted the impact of the TV series' otherwise perfect ending. We all know the second one was a big ol' turkey. But even in the first movie, Carrie's story was a total re-tread, Miranda became a bitch, and Charlotte got diarrhea. Samantha's was the only story that moved a character forward, and that's probably because Kim Catrall refused to sign without a clause for creative input and script approval.

It's the same premise as those who oppose "Erica" appearing on Desperate Housewives. She (and Pine Valley's & Llanview's respective characters) belong to the legacies they came from. I want an ending for them.

Sheesh, I don't even know why I'm arguing this. You're probably just having fun, and I don't mean to rain on your parade... Maybe there's just a reeeallly small part of me that worries Brian Frons will read this, and propose such an idea to address the fan outcry. No offense, but this idea IS something he considered.... That alone should tell you it's BAD. To me, such a scenario is so much worse than any cancellation ever could be.

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Totally see what you're saying. That's why, if I was i charge, I would execute it much differently than "The City". I wouldn't have all of these characters come at once, because that seems awkward and unlikely.

Hayley moved to Havenwood because the production of her show moved there. Erica moved there in the hope that she was getting her own show, even though it turns out she's being put with Hayley. (And OK maybe someone else as Hayley!)

Angie and Jesse actually move to Havenwood because of Erica. Erica calls Angie and requests her help when she falls ill. Angie ends up liking Havenwood and her and Jesse move there for a new life.

Clint and Viki would move there a little bit later. Viki would decide she wants to get into serious journalism. They will be on the show from the beginning, but AT the beginning it will be centered with them in Llanview. Viki will then explore opportunities of journalism. She will then discover that "The Chat" is for sale in Havenwood, and they will decide to move there. Clint, who initially just moves there for Viki, would eventually decide to buy out the television headquarters that produce shows like "Wave" to expand BE.

Dorian and Cassie would go for two reasons. 1) Dorian wants back into medicine. 2) Dorian knows how nie Havenwood is because of her new fridnship with Viki. She decides to take the leap to the new city, and brings her daughter with her.

Kevin would obviously come because of his mother.

Then of course Tad, Bianca and Reese would arrive more out of lucky-coincidence. The Bianca angle semi-stemmed from Erica moving there, but Reese's moving there is totally random. And Tad's story taking him to Havenwood is just coincidence. :)

Oh, and I was just having fun. I know nothing like this is going to happen :)

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