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OLTL Tribute Thread


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There's a lot of intensity and effort - and I also like how they are afterwards, when he's holding her etc. while she's afraid of being caught. You can tell the actors worked very hard. It reminds me of when soaps tried for passion (whether it succeeded or not) instead of being afraid of it and just relying on gimmicks.

I forgot to mention that the third clip has some of my favorite Tina/Viki scenes ever. I miss that relationship so much. Karen isn't the same as Andrea, but I must say that she goes straight to my heart so often in the Rauch era clips, just as Andrea did. Honestly I think, for better or worse, Rauch "got" Tina and no one else has.

(It's too bad about the kind of shi!!y Johnny Dee story).

Edited by CarlD2
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Look at Eddie Alderson nonchalantly perched on Mark Derwin's head.

I was so, so happy for the show when it won because I felt it truly deserved it, even when frankly Gary's stories were not very good. During his tenure as EP the show had a sense of lightness and fun and boundless optimism even when it was serving up some really goofy [!@#$%^&*]. It had come out of the hole of the JFP era and started putting itself back together again. Even when some of the stories were terrible, I couldn't begrudge it much. They all worked so hard and cared so much, and I think they still do today. I also think it was a mistake not to do Live Week every year since.

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I loved Max/Roxy, yes. And Cris and Natalie, back then.

Sylvia Miles was absolutely terrifying as Stella. I swear to God she looked like some sort of leviathan, risen from the briny deep of the ocean to wreak armageddon. It was as though you practically saw rancid seawater and the sands of time dripping from her wrinkled pores. She did not appear human.

I did love Allison's return but even that went on too long.

Edited by Vee
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Cris and Natalie were great, a real breath of fresh air.

I wish they'd talked a little more about the other side of Allison, the more sympathetic side, which I didn't even know of until watching clips from the time she kidnapped Jessica.

At the time I remember being jolted when the show went from camp and more camp to a lot of very dark and ugly stuff. It started to feel out of control.

I also enjoyed Asa humiliating "Gretel Rae", although the rest was forgettable (I keep forgetting she ended up marrying Max).

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She never married Max - Rae married Asa, in a storyline that was pointless, barely featured, and went nowhere.

That terrible storyline did offer up some classic lines, though, when Renee tried to convince Rae to divorce Asa by conning her into believing she had gone off her rocker wanting him back - "I met Asa when I was a madam in Las Vegas. He was looking for uranium and he found me. When I'm finished with the shock treatments I'm going back into the life!"

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Troy and Lindsay happened for real after OLTL finally seemed to realize everyone hated Troy/Nora. GT rehired Ty Treadway after the Colin murder mystery because he was sure everyone wanted to "finally" see HBS and TT paired for real, but the truth is they didn't have enough chemistry and Ty, while a wonderful guy, was simply not a very good actor. The subsequent romance was awful and embarrassing, and it was compounded by the plotline of Troy [!@#$%^&*] Lindsay and stringing her along to put her behind bars, which highlighted their scorching chemistry and put viewers on Lindsay's side, even though I was happy to see her finally pay for her crimes against Nora.

When they went back to Troy and Lindsay having a hot affair behind Nora's back in late 2002/early '03, the S&M-esque scenes began. Their most memorable, of course, being on Griffith and Malone's first full day back in February '03 - when she screams at Troy to "take what you came for!" and shortly thereafter, Nora walks in on them together in a very explicit-seeming series of jump cuts with Troy's pants around his ankles, where it looks for all the world like he is [!@#$%^&*] Lindsay either from behind or in hindquarters heretofore unknown. I'm still surprised that made it on the air.

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I remember HBS used to say, about her pairings starting in the late 90's, isn't it great to have these handsome men. I'm sure it was, but I usually felt like that was just a way to avoid saying they'd lost the essence of who Nora was. I would have tried Nora/Hank again.

At the time I was a little repulsed by Sam/Nora (KB Sam). When I watch again I still end up feeling that way, mostly because Nora just seems strangely oppressed, as does Viki with Ben.

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HBS did gush heavily about both TT and Laurence Lau, and I thought LL did a fine job as Sam and had good chemistry with her but the story just was never going to work. She did also, however, say in late 2002 that Nora had been decimated by the affair with Sam and was very candid in saying how none of her stories had worked since and that the storyline was conceived simply to give Kale Browne a tie to the show.

I was on the edge of my seat during February sweeps 2000, when Nora learned what Lindsay had done to Bo's fertility results in 1998, and crashed their wedding. At that time we all thought this meant Bo and Nora would reunite and it was very good storytelling. You could not miss a day. I still remember Sam - who had known of Lindsay's role for months and kept quiet - trying to physically bar Nora from leaving the house to crash the wedding. I've never wanted to kill him more.

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