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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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Haha, Kayla has been asking for one from her for a while. Too bad Kayla isnt on the show permanently bc I actually think they make for good rivals, at least much better than Carly and Hope. Id love it if Kayla was back in town for good. They could become professional rivals considering Kayla is also a doctor. And of course their daughters hate each other which is yet another source for conflict

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Guest dc cubs

I think Kayla should come back permanently. Then have Carly's son Nicholas Alamain return and start dating Stephanie. That would add another layer to the Kayla/Carly rivalry.

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I like that! I don't want Kayla back without Steve, though -- just because I can't take any more contrived "My spouse stayed on another continent" setups right now. I love this new trend of bringing in old favorites for short or recurring runs. As much as I'd love it if Justin and Adrienne had heavy story, I think it's pretty awesome that they're floating around Salem living their lives and that we get to see them from time to time.

Also: this reveal was so good! Having all of them in one place, minus Steph and Nathan (which is very strategic), really worked. I love all the fallout discussions and hypothesizing and stuff. And you can tell Peggy McCay is having fun playing a real story for once.

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I have to say this is Days' strongest episode of 2010. There was not a weak link. Good performances across the board, no one story bringing the show down, good character-layered scenes...this is a drama series submission. Also, for those who wanted a classic soap reveal in front of multiple people, you got one. What I especially appreciated was it was a classic soap reveal without all the stupid stalling. There was good buildup but the show didn't drag the reveal throughout the episode. It took line one act and it didn't make everyone look like overdramatic idiots. They just got to the point, revealed it in a realistic way, and we were on to the fallout. The performances were solid. John Aniston, Jay Johnson, Crystal Chappell (who was great in that scene when she held Daniel back), Nadia Bjorlin (she didn't do much, which makes me wonder if she was ill given it was said she got ill shortly after filming some exhausting scenes) was good in what she had to do and didn't have to stretch herself too far, Mary Beth Evans, Peggy McCay (her acting worked for what she had to do and her expressing her Kiriakis hatred and reasons for doing what she did was just an awesome scene), and I have to give the most kudos to Shawn Christian and Molly Burnett. Yep, that's right. Molly Burnett. I've always known she was talented. She's had her moments of good stuff and some very bad moments but today she surprised me with how she played her scenes. Her reactions early on were spot on, she kept the hysterics for that one scene, and then she was understated and it worked! Good job by her. I actually saw the old Melanie with an edge today. Hope that remains. Shawn Christian was just dynamite, especially in the scene where he lashed out at Philip for passing Parker on to him. Just a powerful scene. AWESOME reveal and I enjoyed the fallout scenes with Caroline collapsing and at the hospital as a guilty Kayla looked on, Kayla apologizing to Daniel and the minor detail of asking Ben to have Daniel taken off the case only for him to volunteer to be taken off, Victor and Maggie conversing and his talking about his past with Caroline and how he doesn't know if he wants her to make it now, Victor going off on Philip, Carly and Melanie, Philip and Melanie...I thought the focus was just right and the beats are being played well so far. Yes, there wasn't much of Chloe but who knows if Nadia's illness played a role. Even if it didn't, it didn't bother me because there were so many angles to play here.

As for the rest of the show. Vivian/Brady was fun. Loved the pictures that were photo-shopped with Victor, Daniel, Philip, and even Fr. Matt. Vivian's comment about wanting the Fr. Matt one for her wallet was hilarious. Loved her encounter with EJ too.

EJ and Nicole are always great. I just hope the show keeps writing EJ as he is. This is the EJ I like. A prick in control. JS and AZ work so well off each other because they challenge each other acting-wise and I like Nicole always getting in his face. That final scene with Nicole and Brady was so good. It had such a somberness to it.

Just a fantastic show. Good job, Days.

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I didn't care for Victor's hate toward Caroline. I know everyone is on the Maggie bandwagon, but Caroline I think the show had made clear for a long time is the girl that got away and the one he always hoped to get back but he was too much of a gentleman to push it.

I FF over all the EJ/Nicole stuff because I can just watch episodes from 2008 to see this bullshit. They're married, no they're divorced, oops they're engaged again. And of course non-stop talk about Sami and Sydney is sure to follow. I truly hate Sydney at this point and as we begin 2011 it strikes me that this all started December of 2006 with the babies and the babies and the more babies and the non-stop pregnancies and discussing of babies.

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This has nothing to do with Maggie.

She took his grandchild away from him and his son, just like she took his child away from him. He has every right to be angry, and he should be. He did always harbor those feelings for her, but she told him even after shawn was gone it would never happen so i do think he got a resolution to those feelings and they are gone now.

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I agree.

I think its time to send ali and johnny off to boarding school, let sydney vanish for a bit with whomever (doug and julie?) and lets take a break from babies... but that isnt happening, if it isnt sami its hope, nicole, chloe or...

.. this show has a baby obsession.

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her lie was so lame to EJ, telling him the pics were photoshopped...lol

What was up with all the Facebook mentions today? Is FB now a sponser of Days? Usually other shows just make up their own equivalent social network. Brady wasnt too subtle with all his FB talk

Yay for Carly getting in Kayla's face and standing up for herslef. Glad she stopped being so nice and grew a backbone

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Am I suppose to fell any sympathy for Chloe/Daniel/Phillip?

-Chloe is only good for cheating on her boyfriend/husband.

-Daniel should not talk, since he slept with Chloe behind Lucas back. That is what you get when you stay with Chloe. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

- Phillip, just SHUT UP! You just come off worse when you were explaining yourself to Melanie. Plus, why weren't you a little sad/mad about this secret coming out? The only emotion I saw was that it look like you just did not care that people got hurt.

I can understand why Victor would be blaming Carly. He's never been her #1 fan and they have some unpleasant history.

-Kate/Brady/Vivian meets Gilligan's Island...this should be fun.

- I like this EJ: not the lovestruck, hung up on Sami, type EJ. But, the one that manipulates people to get his way. I hate seeing Nicole act desperate, but, man EJ was working it.

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I enjoyed Carly and Kayla's scenes. I think Kayla's wrong, but I liked the intensity of them. Good stuff.

It feels like Kayla has deeper problems with Carly than just Bo and Hope, though.

Chloe and Philip aren't looking too good, and I'm actually feeling sorry for Daniel. But then...He did cheat with Chloe when Lucas was in the picture. If she'd cheat on him, she'd cheat on you. And she did.

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Seriously! I was glad Phillip brought it up to Melanie, but I want people to throw that in Daniel's face. Obviously he has a right to be pissed at Chloe, but come on, man. If they cheat WITH you, they're gonna cheat ON you.

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