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Y&R: Week of Aug 2, 2010

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Wow, this Law and Order twist is garbage! Pure garbage. Do they believe people are drawn and compelled to this story?

I bet you anything Chance is raped in prison. You know Maria can't resist ripping off fan-fiction, slash fiction, and other soap operas.

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I thought I was watching some cutting-room-floor outtake of one of Andy Warhol's cheapo home movies from the 1960s. Oh, look, there's Edie Sedgwick greeting guests at the door. Damn, girl, you need to stay off the heroin cuz it's making you look about 65!

And there's Andy's boytoy, Joe D'Alessandro, who is going by the name of "Adam Newman." And Andy's favorite drag artiste Candy Darling, aka Sharon CollinsNewmanAbbottNewmanWhateverthehellshescallingherselfthesedays. And finally Andy JeffreyBardwell Warhol himself.

This place is groovy!

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The new set of Gloworm is FABULOUS! The giant martini glasses filled with bubbling water is a bit gauche, but this IS Gloria's club... and while her taste has improved alot over time, we still need a bit of her "style" in there. Indigo was UGLY compared to this, but then again, it fit Neil's personality.... BORING STICK IN THE MUD, so desperate to be seen as "diginified", that he had no sense of fun whatsoever, was perfectly willing to be Victor Newman's lawn jockey, and was basically ASHAMED of Drucilla for the entire time he was dating her. So old, boring looking Indigo fit Neil to a *T*. It's about time they have a set that puts some LIFE into this show.

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Because she was all about pleasing her man. Neil made it very clear what type of club he wanted, "Cool, laid back, jazzy, sophisticated" so he let his wife decorate it accordingly, it's not as if he just said "Here baby... do whatever you want". Drucilla used to have a much more fun, gregarious sense of style until stuffed shirt Neil sucked the life out of her. I still remember the Newman's New Year's eve party when Dru wore a dress just like the one Chloe was wearing today, except in Chartreuse... Neil went and made her CHANGE, gave her some black velvet granny dress and a strand of pearls. Then proceeded to stumble all over his embarrassment when Dru told Victor she didn't picture him having a moustache.

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