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ATWT March 2010 Discussion Thread

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I'm hating the quad. Carly is being written as a simpleton. What happened to her backbone? Why is she putting up with Jack's [!@#$%^&*]!! Jack is being written like a total jerk/player. He wants it both ways. If I were Carly I'd throw Jack to the curb and make him grovel back to her. She needs to lay the law on Jack. It's either her and the kids or Janet and the baby. He cant have it both ways.

Seriously why is Jack so pissy because Janet wants to divorce his ass and be with Dusty??

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I forget exactly where Holden and Lucinda were being held hostage. But I think the only time Holden and Lucinda were kidnapped together was by Diego.

I guess I believe Jack when he says that he's not in love with Janet anymore, and that his only concerns are about the baby. I don't find Carly wimpy, I think it shows a lot of character to take on this situation, even if she has to remind herself that this was done for Libby's sake, not because Jack wanted to have a child with Janet.

On to today's show....I FLOVED Henry and Barbara today. CZP rawked the house in that red number (although the thought it might have "been too young" for her seems ridiculous). I even loved the way she played Craig to make Henry jealous. And I rarely enjoy anything related to Craig.

I admit, I wasn't thrilled with the writing for the Quad, which really seemed to be a repetition of everything they said yesterday, somewhat. But I did like the humor of Carly's exasperation with Jack and Dusty.

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That's the main problem with these played out Jack and Carly stories. Carly lost her backbone ages ago, because it was the exact same with Katie. Jack loses his mind and dumps her ass for another lover, and her whole life suddenly becomes all about getting "Jackkkkkkk backkkkkkk." It's pathetic and it's hard to watch. I was through when she allowed Sage to lie on Janet just to get "Jackkkkkkk backkkkkkk."

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I don't mind Carly using her kids to get Jack. I understand she wants to change but she can't lose all of what made me like her in the first place. When she told Jack off about Janet's affair with Dusty that was PURE VINTAGE Carly!! When she got Terri to slip about the affair was another "Carly" moment. Now she is just being a doormat to Jack. She is just tring to please him so she won't lose him. That's not the Carly I know. She fights dirty and gets what she wants on her terms. I am not saying Carly being nicey nicey is bad but she is becoming too nice.

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Carly didn't "let" Sage lie about Janet. Was she the wisest in the land when she believed Sage? No...but GMAB...parents want to protect their children. And Janet had just attacked Carly in her own home (I believe that was the infamous "back off bitch" quote.) Like Janet has ever been unbiased where Carly was concerned either. The woman blamed Carly for "hurting her" when she almost slept with Jack---when Jack and Janet weren't even together.

I'll step off my soapbox now.

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I know Janet has a book of transgressions of her own, but I see no need to bring those up because no one is acting like they don't exist.

Carly may have been wanting to protect her kid, but we all know that she was doing a Cosby Show dance inside upon the realization that Janet beating Sage = Jack hating Janet = Jackkkkkkk coming backkkkkk. Except not. She knew the girl was lying, at least that's totally the way Maura played those "Look in my eyes and tell me..." scenes.

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Please GOD, making the propping of Janet end. Watching everyone cater to her like she's carrying the next Savior of the World is annoying.


And I know this is unpopular, but nuLibby sucks.

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I guess I just give Carly more credit than that. Especially since she'd already busted the Halloween Parker and Sage plot to "get Janet". If "the Cosby show theme" was going off in her head because she saw a way to lure Jack back...then it was her poorest plotting ever.

Given Carly's history (two bad stepmothers of her own, Lee and Iris), and the fact she later learned Janet had slapped Liberty, I don't blame her for initially believing Sage. I can't see how later having doubts implied she was plotting and using Sage to get Jack back. By that time, Jack was beyond pissed and on the verge of a custody battle.

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Years back, Hogan Sheffer toyed around with prime time jumps and ellipse. He would cluster certain scenes in an effort to speed up the generally slow moving soap genre. Goutman took this idea and lost all control and you get the feeling that Oakdale must have a massive Meth Lab. It is sloppy writing, a means of avoiding the set up needed for a lot of the stories.

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It's still probably a five hour trip from Chicago, through Wisconsin, to Minneapolis. At least. Oh well...at least it's all in the same time zone.

There are times Lily seems as dumb as a box of rocks. Didn't she just give Faith some "we've got a history of addiction in this family" speech, like YESTERDAY...and yet when Faith completely reverses herself...it doesn't set off some kind of "alarm" in her head? OY VEY. Oh, how I wish Faith was just a snarky little bitch to her mother (who's earned it, IMO). Making her a druggie negates all of the things Faith says about Lily, which IMO, are spot on.

Love Danny Cosgrove...not feeling either a Chris/Katie or Chris/Ali connection.

Dr. Reid/Luke. *snort* :eyeroll: ZZzzzzz......

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