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AMC: SOD February Sweeps Previews

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Thanks to Betty at SOC:

Greenlee finds out about Ryan & Erica & reacts in the worst possible way - she reveals herself to all of PV at a big event...Valentine's Day will be memorable...

Brooke will interact w/ Erica & Adam...

Greenlee finds Erica everywhere - w/ Ryan, w/ David, w/ Jack (although not romantically in February, but ABC VP Sue Johnson notes that you never know for the future). Erica is also running Fusion. This sets up further rivalry between the two women...

Ryan makes a huge romantic gesture in February...

There's fallout for David when Greens returns - can criminal charges be brought against him?

A new crisis unites the Chandlers...Annie feels like an outcast when something that is revealed about Adam brings Brooke back onto the canvas...Colby wants to bring Annie down. Marissa is the only Chandler who isn't focused on bringing Annie down.

Tad & Liza's romance continues. She has a hard time accepting Krystal's role in his life...

Randi & Madison's rivalry heats up - they each choose a side w/ Greens & Erica...a Randi/Frankie/Madison triangle hasn't been ruled out...

Brot & Natalia continue to move slowly - things will heat up for them NEXT sweeps...

Jesse & Angie hit a rough patch in their marriage, but there are no plans to break the supercouple up...

ABC loves Damon & he will remain on the canvas, even as Bailey exits...he is a suspect in a rash of PV break-ins...

Opal will interact heavily w/ Erica & may end up at Fusion...

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I found that very interesting, hmmm

It is a disappointment. Greenlee making another scene in front of a bunch of people? *yawn* She did that at Jack & Erica's wedding years ago, did it in 2005, and so on. Lather, rinse, repeat

Let me guess, he pops the question to Erica?

If a Randi/Frankie/Madison leads to Frankie & Madison, bring it on :D

Opal at Fusion? Seriously? That's where they dump characters they don't know what to do with. Pratt was right about one thing, Fusion is a joke.

Oh and GO COLBY :D

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I'm not surprised that February Sweeps is rather lackluster. We have Brooke's return, Greenlee's reveal, Jackson is back, and there is a big event (probably that "Go Red" ball/fashion show/whatever). Considering that Pratt was fired in December his writing will probably bring us up to or into February Sweeps. Then we have Lorraine Broderick as an interim head writer, she either will start a week or so into sweeps or she went back and rewrote some of Pratt's left over stuff to lead into her stuff better. As an interim HW though I doubt that she will have any big splashy events or major changes, her job is to guide the show and stabilize it until the new writing team is put in place. Interim HW's rarely do anything spectacular. It's not bad work, but the show doesnt really progress much. Notice how Lorraine isnt giving the preview interview? Normally its the HW or the EP, makes me wonder why JHC isnt giving this interview. Hello Wendy Riche?

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More of the Chandler family revolving around propping Annie? Well, at least we know Marissa will be saved for other stories...yay...

I think having Greenlee return with a vengeance is a good idea but I hope they won't have her in rivalry with Erica for too long. Erica's rivalries with women who are young enough to be her daughters always seem a bit odd.

Opal at Fusion isn't the worst idea. She loves flashiness and has been involved in women's beauty products for most of her adult life. I just hope they give her a decent story, or airtime, and that she has better luck than most of the women at Fusion have had.

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I have no clue who Sue Johnson is, but these previews sound great to me! Could she have been the person above Frons who got Pratt fired?

I love everything planned for Greenlee, especially her making a scene at a party and her rivalry with Erica at Fusion. I never thought I would want her back again after the last botched return, but when she's written as the spoiled little rich girl whose parents never loved her, she's quite fun to watch, imo!

It's nice to see Angie & Jesse getting more screentime and possibly a story of their own.

Madison vs. Randi with Frankie as the prize should be entertaining.

I've been loving Tad & Liza lately and I'm glad to see that's where the couplings are heading.

Of course, what I'm most looking forward to is Brooke's return. Her interactions with Erica are always classic and I can't wait to see her reaction to Adam marrying Annie!

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