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AMC: The Kate Collins/Janet Green Appreciating Thread


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Oh, I know! That was the whole root of the problem, obviously. I was talking about her hard feelings for getting fired - for them picking JK over her. She might hold some bitterness for that, but it doesn't seem like it. I don't think JK had anything to do her firing - I mean, at least directly. I think I heard FMB was the one who supported it. McTavish loves KC, so I don’t think she had anything to do with it. It's really crumby that just because 2 actors don't get along one of them has to leave; but charging sexual harassment is a major thing. It would be hard for them to share scenes together! Plus, they tried to pair Trevor and Natalie with different people to ease the tensions, but the audience wouldn’t go for it. That shows what great actors they were. They hated each other in real life, but were magic together as their characters.

Do you know exactly what JK's wife said about the whole situation? I'd love to know!

Thanks! :)

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She said that her husband was gruff with women, and hard to get to know, and that she too didn't care for him at first when they worked together on Loving (she was the sort of prissy feminine type like KC). But the more they got to know each other, she said she realized he was all bark and no bite, like a big teddy bear.

I guess if he hadn't already been married to Susan Keith, maybe that combustion could've led to something more positive for them offscreen, lol.

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