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Return of Fan Fave to AMC

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Well I haven't watched this show since Angie/Jesse reunion

I'm definitely watching Julia I absolutely adore her BrookE.

I just like seeing her face in PineV. its something about

Brooke that I always liked and identified with.

I agree can't wait for her scenes with Erika...

can't wait

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I don't see them giving her a cancer storyline, since they're currently doing one with JR. I'm thrilled she's back and have no doubt she's coming back because of Lorraine, but knowing the way ABC operates, even with Lorraine in the driver's seat, I don't see it being a Brooke-centric storyline. They're probably bringing her back to work heavily on one of the ongoing storylines. I was almost half-joking about Madison turning out to be dead Laura. I would hate to think they would go there, especially with the critical panning the unabortion took. Yeah, Barr probably wouldn't have agreed to return for a crappy rewrite, but don't forget that Cady was promised a heartwarming, touching storyline on her last return, and we all know how that turned out. Again, I love Julia and thrilled beyond words that she's back, but I still don't trust TPTB.

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I'm of a mind that the bulk of her return would be more on the light and dare I say "fun" side, with those Julia Barr/Brooke English gut punch emotional moments woven in. Maybe they'll save all of the really heavy stuff (if they go there) for the very end of her stint, but I'd much rather it end happy and open-ended, I don't want a "Goodbye to Brooke" s/l. Ideally, she would continue to fly out and recur.

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Ah, but where there is darkness, there is also light. As Brooke passes, JR receives his so-called "miracle cure" - in time for Easter, no less! In trying to understand why he was spared, though, JR goes on a sort of spiritual journey which leads him to, of all things, the ministry. (And if Jamie's back, he'll be more than a little resentful, too, over how JR lived and Brooke didn't; and skeptical about JR's religious conversion, as well.)

Best part of all? Brooke's spirit returns briefly to share some news with Tad: Dixie ain't dead. ;-)

Yeah, like whatever the hell's going on w/ Adam and Annie. Somebody's gotta nip that thing in the bud, you know?

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I don't think They would do this. I don't think Lorraine Broderick would do this. Brian Frons might, but I would think that Anne Sweeney who is Brian Frons Boss wouldn't Allow It. How would Brooke Leave the Show if This was Short Term. However, Brooke might get back with Adam and then They would leave Pine Valley. Later, Adam would Die and Brooke would Own the Mansion. That is how Brooke would come back on the Show. Jody

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All of that Sounds Good, but I like where Erica's Charity Took off with the Money. Either Erica would say They most Certainly did not do that you Old Witch OR Erica would Feel Sooo Badly because She Finally thought about Somebody besides Herself. Brooke would say Poor Erica, Even when you think about Somebody Else, It doesn't work out. Jody

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First of all, I think that Julia Barr would have to Stay Longer if Madison was A Twin Sister of Laura's. Second, Things are Different Now. Lorraine was Approached A Few Years Ago I think when They Hired Megan McTavish the Last Time and Lorraine Turned It down because Brian Frons wouldn't let her Write without Telling her what to Write. Now, They had Anne Sweeney Told Brian Frons to Fire Charles Pratt and Hire Lorraine Broderick. Brian Frons didn't want Any Women over 40. Of Course, He had to make An Exception with Erica. Brian Frons didn't think Julia Barr was all that Attractive. I Certainly don't think Brian Frons would Jump in there at the Very Beginning. I Think he would Wait around Something like 6 Months or whatever IF He is going to Jump in And Tell whoever the Head Writer what to Write. Jody

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Julia Barr Left in the First Place because They wanted to Put her on Recurring. I'm sure that She had A Contract and thought why should I go on Recurring. You probably just won't use me. Now, Julia only wants Short Arcs Anyway so maybe She would be Willing to go on Recurring and the Fans can at least have Brooke even if just Part of the Time. Jody

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Not sure if this has been specified here yet but in his blog at SOD online SOW editor Michael Krol states that Barr has signed on for three months.

I wonder if Broderick signed on to write for 13 weeks and wanted to make sure she brought closure to the Brooke issue before Frons' hire came in.

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