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Fox Well Ahead vs. Last Season; ABC Down Almost As Much As NBC


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I found this very interesting. It talks about PT ratings at ABC down almost as much as NBC yet because of the huge flop that is Leno, no one is paying the least bit of attention to ABC's failed primetime lineup


What's interesting is that ABC is mearly .2 points ahead of ABC in the 18-49 demo and NBC is actually tied with ABC in the 18-34 demo.

Kudos to Fox I guess.

Now I know ABC has it's heavy hitters coming on with Lost returning for it's final season. But NBC also has the winter Olympics for 2 weeks in Feb during Feb sweeps. I wonder how the Olympics will fare?

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This is why ABC was stupid for throwing Ugly Betty to the wolves. They've been having such problems with launching new hits and their existing series have been declining. Betty was another established show that should've been on Tuesday or Wednesday from the start of the season. Why they ordered more episodes of 'the forgotten' is beyond me. That was so stupid.

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