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Evilness Returning to Y&R?

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I hope this is not true, but if it is:

Yeah, and we all guessed this like two months ago.


Just what Y&R needs, another one note psycho that wore out her welcome years ago. :rolleyes:

I guess we should be prepared for yet another cartoon storyline that's done purely for shock value by this crappy writing team at Y&R. <_<

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So We got Patti Jane and now Sheila(?) I bet they are all tied together. I am looking fwd to see how they write this Esp with Phyllis. Sheila is just as bad as Stefano Dimera popping up every leap year. Must say these Sheila returns has really watered down the desired effect. This is like her what 3 or 4th go round on Y&R?

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Seriously, I think this writing regime has been reading too many damn message boards again and saw some big Sheila fan or something...

This show is intent on making itself a mockery. One psycho seems to follow another. Adam to Patty Jane, to now Sheila. Who is next? Will we discover David Kimble staged his death because he was gay?

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If the show was in better hands, I'd be excited about this but with the current regime I know that the status quo will continue, no matter who they bring back.

It's good though, that they're bringing Brown back. Will this mean we'll get to see Lauren more? That's the million dollar question.

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Everyone associated with this show should be ashamed of the hollow, unrealistic, and poorly drawn crap they write and produce. There is no reason Y&R should be such a mockery and why the show had to get to this point.

At this point, I don't know how anyone can doubt that Y&R doesn't need a new writing team, because the show needs a big revamp, and fast.

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Here's hoping for a miracle that we get a new writing team in 2010, aML.

Times like this make me wish daytime was gone for good. This way, the hacks and their enablers that run Y&R and other soaps won't have any other show to destroy. They'll be where they belong - unemployed. I don't normally wish unemployment on anyone or any team, but this writing team has destroyed many core elements of the show and can't properly tell any type of storyline, and they have a tendency to piss on the intelligence of their audience with their utter arrogance.

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Hmmm well this Sheila rumor has been hanging around for months now. It started out as a B&B rumor. I am of two mixed minds on this one.

One one, I am a big Sheila fan. Hell just read my tag below. On the other hand as I've said before the last Sheila return that had any real substance or quality behind it was her 2002 return on B&B. Both her 2003 and 2005 returns were very sorry affairs. Hell I'd rather Sheila go back over to B&B and torment Stephanie and reunite with James before coming to Y&R for some utter drivel nonsense of a storyline. I suppose this means my theory that Daisy is Diana Carter/Marone is true then.

Will I watch? Maybe. I love Kimberlin Brown/Sheila and Brown has always delivered no matter how bad the writing was. Unfortunately they probably have Sheila be all bat-sh!t crazy and not the cold, smart manipulative witch she was in the late 90s on B&B. Sheila is no mirror-talking psycho/sociopath. This on the heels of the Mary Jane/Patty fiasco and the most craptastic writing the show has ever seen as of late. I'm still dreading the rumors surrounding Lauren, Gina, Christine, and Phyllis.

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They've managed to mangle every other major return and every suspenseful storyline. They can't pace worth a damn. After the horrors inflicted with Adam and Patty Jane, I'm dreading this. They just flash shiny objects at us and hope we won't notice anything else.

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