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Daniel Cosgrove joins ATWT

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I agree, I think the negativity can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also, I forgot to mention that I think Daniel Cosgrove is to be commended for choosing World Turns! OLTL probably offered him less money but going by the previous reports, ATWT was not his only option.

Both Tom Pelphrey (who has been courted by LA soap GH for years) and Cosgrove choosing ATWT seems like a vote of confidence in ATWT and in P&G/TeleNext, as well as loyalty to the P&G family of which ATWT is the final on-TV survivor.

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Judging from Soapcentral's Down The Road spoilers, it looks like Daniel Cosgrove is nuChris.


One of the spoilers says that Chris will return at a time when he is needed. ATWT hasn't announced casting anyone else, so it looks like Daniel C. is going to be nuChris.

This is just my opinion, so take it however you may.

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I thought that fell through due to money? If it's about money then he may be better off working on ATWT until summer, especially since he seems to book a decent amount of primetime work anyway. OLTL is never going to showcase any man in that age range who is not John, Todd, or Rex, so he was pretty much SOL anyway.

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Wow, I'm so excited that he's really Chris! More Hugheses, this is what people want, right? Bob and Kim should get more airtime if this is written right.

There's also a rumor that he will be connected to Katie, and if so, this is good recognition of history, as Chris and Katie were once good friends. They just need to bring Eddie Silva back now, haha (sorry CarlD2, I know you'd hate that - it's not happening anyway, just my wish).

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Jfung, I think that rumor was going around when people thought that he was going to be playing the eye doctor, Reid.

I'm all for some more Hugheses, but really....how many times has Chris left and returned in the past 5-10 years? Too many. By the time you get used to the latest incarnation, they're announcing the actor's left again. This time will be no different, I'm sure. This is supposed to be a short-term role, which means...yet again...as soon as fans get used to him, he'll be gone again. And even if he stays until September, he'll still be gone again. Hell, the whole show'll be gone. :(

I love Daniel Cosgrove, but I think he's just a tad too old to play Chris. Chris is supposed to be in his late 20's-early 30's. Daniel looks like he's in his early-mid 40's. It's just not believable. I applaud TPTB for finding someone with a notable name; and someone who can act. But..... 1) Is Chris REALLY needed? Why not other members of the Hughes clan that we haven't seen in a while? ....and.... 2) Is Daniel going to fit into the young doctor's shoes? Or is he going to be too old to "look the part"?

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Age went out the window with Chris when they cast Bailey Chase, who is only two years younger than Cosgrove yet still had an onscreen romance with a teenage girl.

I would like to see other members of the Hughes clan besides Chris but I doubt we are ever going to see them whether Chris shows up again or not. At least there aren't a lot of men on the show in his age range (unless you count played out Dusty and Paul), so if they bother to give him a decent story, he could work. Just please no more with Emily or Allison.

Ideally this will give a lot more airtime to Bob and Kim.

Emphasis on ideally...

I actually wouldn't mind if they put him with Molly again.

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