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OLTL: Discussion for the week September 28

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OK, I thought it was Tea who married a rapist because he promised her big money.

So I guess we're saying they're both whores? Only now Tea whores herself out to Todd for nothing, even as he has destroyed her career and cheats on her. I guess that's an accomplishment, she's moved up to not actually taking money for her services.

She wanted Ian so she could have enough for a custody battle because her daughter had been taken while she was in the hospital recovering from a stroke.

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And money aside, she broke up Asa and Renee's marriage, seduced Max into cheating on Luna and almost broke their marriage, and tried to seduce Cord away from Tina when they were still married.  If it's not money, it's sex and lies.

...but she deserves so much better than Todd though, right? :rolleyes::lol:

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Excuse me, but I recall Blair putting a price tag on her ass the last time she agreed to marry Todd.  Her name is on every mens room stall from Llanview to Pine Valley.  She's had radom sex with (or attempted to seduce) how many men, and in how many seedy circumstances?  Please.  Arguing against another womans virtue in conjuction to hers is comedy. Blair is the biggest slut in daytime.  From time to time she charges for it, but any half way good playa could easily get her something from her for nothing.

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So basically Blair has a history of going after men and money to try to get things for herself, which is definitely trashy, whereas Tea has a history of whoring herself for a big check, and then redeeming herself by falling in love with a man who barely touched her when he wasn't punching her unconscious, who put himself in a glass coffin at their wedding, who faked MPD to con her, who left her stranded on a desert island, who ruined her career, who cheated on her with Blair, who encourages his son to treat her like an object instead of a person, etc. So I guess Tea is a better person because she humiliates herself for love, most of the time, and only money some of the time.

I still think they both deserve better than Todd.

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Before I forget, I was going to ask, do any of you pay attention to the scriptwriters at OLTL, are there any you think are particularly good or particularly bad? There's some talk about this in the AMC thread but I usually don't ever remember to notice who writes what episode.

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Blair does the same thing. Ten minutes after she declares that she hates Todd (and swears she'll never get involved with him again), she's in love with him all over again...especially if she sees him interested in another woman. Todd would have been done with her bargain basement arse years ago, most of the time she is the one who instigates their reunion. She's pathetic; a gold digging con artist bitch on the outset and an aging, jealous-of-other-women, emotionally needy tramp to her core. She deserves Todd. No, actually she deserves to be alone. The milk is expired. There's nothing more sad than a near 50 year old woman trying to be a 25 year old skeezer.

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I thought the whole point, or one of the major points, of this story was supposed to be that Tea is a much better pick than Blair, that Blair is desperate and Tea is the queen. Yet the best we can get out of this mess is that they're the same.

I guess it would help if Todd could actually make eye contact with his love interest without looking amused or bored. He can't with Blair, and even when Tea was weeping her love for him at the alter, he couldn't with her either.

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Every time I've tried to explain that THIS is how I feel about this Blair/Todd/Tea nonsense, I've always felt that I wasn't saying it right, but you basically took the words from my head.

I'm not as schooled on Tea to know exactly how I feel about how she's being written now, but Blair is a pathetic case. Just a hot mess. And Dori ain't much better. She's

? The Grey Gardens thing was cute and all, but that's basically how Blair and Dorian are going to end up for real if they don't get lives. I'm so close to being "over" the Cramer women.

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This is how Tea was back then too. She berates people in court so the show can pretend she's a tough woman, but then she sacrifices everything to grasp at a man who strings her along and abuses her in every way possible. She even does the same awful weeping and the same prattling on about how grateful she is to be a part of Todd's family. The only real difference between then and now is that she gets to have sex with Todd, which she didn't back then, and JFP generally liked her character, so we got a lot of oh, isn't Tea noble for putting up with Todd. Now the show seems to see her as just another of Todd's harem, so now it's more like oh, isn't Tea lucky to get to spend time with the stud Manning.

I've always had mixed feelings about the "Cramer women" mythos. Probably because Dorian just uses this as a way to try to keep everyone together. There's never been a strong Cramer woman bond. Most of them can't stand each other. Most of them are very weak women who live for men or who have mental breakdowns. I like Blair and Dorian as individual characters, and I like Addie when they give her good story, but they've never really been a family. Kelly and Cassie especially felt very superior to the other women in the family. So did Adrianna. On OLTL, as the years have passed, being a family means you hurt each other or you ignore each other until something bad happens and then you huddle together for a few weeks. That's how the Buchanans and the Lords operate. The closest OLTL has to families are strong friendships. That's one of the reasons I liked the friendships between characters like Sarah, Layla, and Talia. Or more recently, Fish and Layla/Cris. Or the fleeting friendship between Gigi and Marcie.

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I just realized Carlivati only has 3 married couples on the show. With respect to what I presume is Bo and Nora's impending reunion, if he is going to develop families on a longterm basis then I hope he's going to move towards solidifying the married couples on the show. Carlivati has proven that he can do something other soaps struggle with by tackling diversity issue and passing with flying colors so I'm hoping he will find a way to overcome the stigma that married couples=boring.

It's a good guess but I thought Jimmy was dead.
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