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AMC: Monday, August 10, 2009

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Kendall would be better off in Statesville sharing a bunk with Bertha than stuck in small windowless room with Zachass gawking at her.

Also wouldn't the folks at Statesville notice they're missinfg an inmate!

Locking a woman away is more Michael's style than Zach's. Or so i thought anyway!

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Kendall seemed fine with it, though, so even if she wasn't in on it, she doesn't seem too freaked out to me. Hardly Michael-esque, since I doubt hehas plans to rape and terrorize her.

The David/Adam scene was priceless!!

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I think Zach's Cambius flag is flying. Not Michael and no Kendall doesn't seem to mind, yet...but it's definitely controlling and creepy and has the potential to get more so as Pratt moves along (IMO).

Zach's not acting the *least* bit suspicious either to those who will expect contact with Kendall. :rolleyes:

Keep fighting to see Kendall, Erica please. Ignore Zach's barking. I was surprised the degree to which Erica insisted Ryan protect hisson from Zach's spiral downward (but both boys are her grandsons) as she described it. Just an oddly worded bit. She's supported Zach in the past (much to my chagrin) but seems to have turned in Ryan's direction. Tomorrow she may go another way. *shrugs*

Marissa's woes bore me.

Poor JR, still unable to see the truth about Carey Women, what with all the Babe and Mabe pimping.

Didn't care to hear Adam going on about his sexual fitness to "Joe" but barbs between David and Adam are often good.

Annie and Scott are easier to tolerate than Annie and Adam at this point.

That Mommy-Toddler Grifter Team is something else.

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I thought the Adam/David scenes were embarrassingly unfunny. At least Adam didn't ask him for libidozone!

Not too surprised that Zach would arrange for his wife to get out of jail free and not care about justice. I'm so sick of him claiming he knows she's innocent. Go, Erica, and prove that Kendall is out of jail! I just hope Jesse isn't behind this; he's really been sinking to lower depths lately.

I'm loving Scott/Marisa. :wub:

Scott & Annie's supporting each other was nice. She really does need a friend with Ryan going around calling her a killer every 2 minutes! I hate the twist that Emma was lying for her all along.

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Of course Jesse is behind it. I knew what was going to happen as soon as Jesse wouldn't let Natalia go with him to take Kendall to prison.

No matter what Jesse needs to lose his job over all this crap. He shouldn't be left off the hook just because Kendall and Randi really diodn't kill anybody!

She is a killer. She killed her brother and almost killed Erica.

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Why was Adam going to the hospital to ask for Viagra?

Is this supposed to remind us that he's not enough of a man for Annie, and she's going to have to look for younger men?

I can't blame David Canary if he does leave. He's been stuck with the Carey women and ungrateful JR for ages, then when he can move on, suddenly he's being cuckolded by Annie.

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Annie is not only a killer, but she's a sucky mother too. Like to see how Pratt backtracks out of that one. I think he could have gotten a way with the killer stuff, but a mommy manipulating a little kid to lie doesn't make Annie a canidate for mother of the year.

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I was so confused about Kendall and Zach in the end... but now that I'm reading y'alls suspicions about Jesse, I understand. SO MUCH HATE FOR JESSE AND ZACH! Ugh - I can't stand these guys. I don't even care what Jesse's motives are - he is going above and beyond. Zach doesn't even really know the full truth about Randi anyway, does he? And to think all of this is happening when Randi didn't even kill North in the first place! Geez.

Loved Annie today - she just glows and is so fun to watch.

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yea, cause Ryan is parent of the year. I almost want her to win this and get Emma because Ryan is that much of an ass.

I hate that now Jesse has been sucked into the Zendall vortex to be sacrificed at the alter of Zendall. Hasn't there been enough character sacrifice there?

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Yep Tad's a killer too. But so is Annie. She played poor victim and then bashed her unarmed brother in the head with a tire iron.

Josh was committing armed robbery, while holding a hostage, while the chief of police was there. I can see self defense for Zach.

Ryan does suck, but he never made his daughter lie, steal, or fake a breakdown. Annie was willing to let her daughter testify in court to get a deal from the DA no matter how much that would traumatize her.

Jesse sacrificed himself for Randi first when he tried to cover up what he thought was Randi killing her ex-John. He was already on a downward spiral at that point.

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Let's remember that Annie... the EEEEEVULLLL mother... came to Pine Valley in an effort to protect her daughter from a child molester! Ryan, legally, had no right to Emma. Annie CHOSE to let Ryan be a part of Emma's life. Annie's life was about Emma and she fought hard to protect her daughter. Now, she has a mental break for 10 months and all she's done for Emma (even after Ryan dismissed her during his amnesia) is worthless?

Look, do I find it unfortunate that Annie manipulated Emma to lie? Yes! Do I feel sorry for Kendall? No! Because even if Emma lied, it doesn't mean that Kendall didn't do it. I mean, hello! That woman flew out of the hospital the minute Ian flatlined with the sole intent on honoring her murder pact with Zach, killing Adam.

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