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OLTL: Discussion for the week August 3

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Okay, Blair was funny at the wedding yesterday but today she just got on my nerves, well until she had that little scene with Viki. I always like those two in scenes together.

Sorry but I don't feel for Bo at all, if he had the balls he would have come forward, just like Nora and told the truth about their feelings but now Clint is going to be the one that gets hurt when all is said and done. Watching Bo stand there feeling sorry for himself is not fun, at tall.

I'm not a huge Todd fan but he is keeping me in stitches. I really like the way that Trevor and Flo play off of each other, very good chemistry going on there.

Totally loved that Viki/Charlie got their very own private dance at the diner. It suited them to a tee.

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I so hate the fact Nora married(cause I want her with Bo) Clint when she is so confused about her feelings for Bo.

I felt so bad for Bo, because I think he's falling back in love with Nora and knows he may have made a mistake in not stopping the wedding, But I understand why he didn't cause he doesn't want to hurt Clint. But he's hurting himself by not speaking up about what he may be feeling for Nora.

Loved the scenes of Charlie and Viki at the diner. Their love is so sweet.

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I love Tea and Todd. They currently are my favorite ABC couple. I love the chemistry between Trev and Flo. It works and when he adlibs it seems she is right there with him.

Todd stole the wedding IMO. His phone, faces and trying to dance. Classic. I was laughing my butt off because of that.

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Stacy miscarrying today was really strange. It seemed like a dream sequence...having the EMT's telling her she miscarried and letting her stay at the house without insisting she goes to the hospital. Odd.

Todd and Tea have been awesome this week. Blair is getting on my last nerve by hanging all over Todd during the wedding reception. We need to find a new man for Blair.

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I don't think they consider Blair important enough to have a new relationship. They have to use her to prop Tea/Todd, since apparently they don't think this couple can stand on their own. Perhaps because the show still implies he loves Marty the most and has no strong feelings for Tea or Blair. Underneath all the wacky hijinks and face pulling, the only time he ever shows a reaction is to Marty.

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TSJ, FL and KDP all play very well off each other; their interplay is the saving grace of this non-storyline which appears to take place in an alternative universe where Todd is a comical character and a sex machine, and did not rape a woman last year. Every time I laugh at something funny they do I remember how offensive this is. There doesn't seem to be any there there, no meat or real motivation in this story, it's all carrot and stick for both couples and their fanbases, week on/week off, and Blair's got a few really bad weeks. The only one whose feelings I can understand is Blair, because KDP has always been able to sell Blair's agonizing, bone-deep love for Todd even amidst very little or crappy dialogue, or with character-ruining stories. By contrast, I think Florencia Lozano, to her great credit, plays Tea as camp and as a drama queen with a sick fixation; every moment with Todd is a practiced session for Tea, every beat thought out, every outburst of anger or tears a symphony. I think she plays Tea as loving the drama on a subconscious level, engineering it. She loves the dysfunction, not Todd, just as she has going back to her youth.

While the rest of the show is much improved, this story and the Stacy saga drag it down. But this story has these actors, whereas Stacy has JPL and FF treading water and...Stacy.

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I don't even mind if they need to have Todd laugh it up with Tea, but I wish they could keep him away from Viki and Jessica. To see him yukking the night away around the woman whose baby he helped kill is distasteful even for this story.

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I totally agree, Carl. How Viki or Jessica, especially, stomach the sight of Todd is beyond me. Just one good scene with Jessica officially quitting The Sun and renouncing him as her uncle would work for me.

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I think they're afraid to bring up last year because they may assume viewers have forgotten and are enjoying the new sexy fun wacky Todd, but most viewers probably already remember. Some care, some aren't bothered because they're enjoying the story. At least this would be closure. It's not like Jessica and Todd have a relationship now anyway.

I never seem to stop complaining about Todd but if they would just move Blair into another story and cut his ties to Jessica for good I will be fine, and they can tell the story with Tea or with Marty they want to tell.

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I have a feeling cutting all ties to the past and focusing on Sexy Funny Summer of McRapey is a Frons game plan. I don't believe Ron Carlivati would do it that way. He's fucked up Todd and Marty plenty, but that doesn't seem his way to me.

Never gonna happen with Blair. However,

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I can never stop hoping Blair will get a storyline which isn't about Todd. I know all her stories have been about Todd for ages and the last few which weren't were not overly popular (Sam, and then Skye/Max/Blair), but what they're doing to her is depressing. All I ever hear people say is how pathetic Blair is.

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