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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Well, if I've done that, I apologize. My only complaint ever was just reading the same post over and over and over again about the "vision" and the "storytelling". It just seemed like beating a dead horse after awhile. But I certainly didn't mean to come across like I didn't think anybody had a right to not like what was going on. So if I ever did, I absolutely apologize.

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I have been browsing through this thread for awhile and I do have to say it feels like I am watching a different show than most of you describe. Of course its not perfect, but honestly what soap is? The only soap that embodied classic soap elements with a contemporary flavor that I believe is still untouchable to this day is Santa Barbara. But Y&R is still a far superior show but you wouldn't know that reading this thread.

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You have every right to feel the way you do, everything is subjective.

Though I do think Mark brought up something interesting about a lot of longtime fans across the net specifically not liking the show in its current incarnation. But nothing is really explainable when it comes to personal taste.

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Hopefully if there's one thing that everyone can agree on is that Y/R is not perfect.

The problem happens when there are posters that believe they are more educated about the show than others, and feel free to berate their opinions. That's JMHO about the events on the boards the last few weeks.

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I hate to be cliche, but you know that line "The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference"? That is the difference between Y&R and B&B.

Y&R...people still love the bones of her...they still believe she can be saved...they still want to get her back to what she can be.

B&B...we gave up. I speak as a giver up...ESPECIALLY after today's show. But that is for another thread.

If I were a Y&R TPTB, I'd be delighted by all the strong sentiment, good and bad. It means there is still passion (no pun intended), and therefore still hope.


Honestly, I feel the divide is becoming more of a "growing consensus". It is new, and I really think that is a recent change. The recency of it means, I think, that it can be turned around almost as quickly.

I do really think it comes to expectations. After LML, people felt the show was returning to its core identity. And, I would argue, it mostly stayed the course until recently. And EVEN NOW, the individual episodes are often excellent. What we have is the confluence of probably five stories that are all "whack" (not that that is a bad thing...but four at once is a heavy load), and each requires MAJOR suspension of disbelief (Adam, Mary Jane, P3, Art caper, quad).

It's the loading of these things, all at once, with stuff that is often pulled out of the blue. Summer has a peanut allergy? Why wasn't that seed planted a year ago? Billy doesn't want Kay to die? Why hasn't he been interacting with her for months?

For whatever reason, the plot got layered on too thick. And the head writer doesn't seem to realize it is too much. In her Branco interviews, she's positively giddy at all the twists coming down the pike. Unfortunately...the only analogy I can use....when a soup is cooked with too many spices, it becomes unpalatable. And when a soup is served too quickly...if it has not simmered long enough...the ingredients can be hard and bitter...unfinished.

There is such hope. So many exciting characters are still there, with the same actors. Many of the new actors are terrific. Yes, the cast is too big, but that is fixable.

I really wish the HW, freed from the voices of her many advisors, would sit down and watch a few weeks of, say, of the mid 1980s. Not to be regressive, but to remind herself of the style, the pacing, the staggering and blending of tales. She seemed to have her finger on it for a while.

I do think MAB is burdened with being seen as 'savior'. Fairly or unfairly, a lot of people thought the "Bells" would restore this show.

I don't see anything "vulgar" either...but I was probably one of the participants who tarnished things for others (and for that I sincerely apologize). I think a small crew of folks interact here, and they glommed on to the social network part of things...and it doesn't offend me. But I'll try to be more mindful myself.

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