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Y&R: Week of June 1, 2009

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Stafford has been lazy since Phick and onward. But she's finally doing good work. WHo said her performance was disappointing when she destroyed Sharon's room? I thought it was good.

IMO, Sharon Case is the one that's being overrated here. I know she's not getting showy material, but even with what she gets, it's just been OK. As an actress, Case rarely takes chances and it hurts her. I think Case was better the year when Phick imploded, this year she's just been alright.

I love Jess Walton, but she's been hamming it up lately.

This has nothing to do with just one or two scenes. It's been a build up of constant great performances.

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For me the best work from Sharon Case was when Noah was premature, near-death. She blew me away, especially during that harrowing christening where they believed he would die at any moment. Since then she's been up and down, but like Josh Morrow, I don't think she cares for this story and sometimes it shows in her performances. The inconsistent and patronizing writing for Sharon does not help matters. This could have been a defining story for Sharon, if they hadn't turned this into her having sex with various men and then the WTD story.

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I disagree on both I think Case and Stafford have been excellent. Who says Case doesn't take risks? Who says Stafford wasn't excellent in the Hotel room scene? Their ranges and styles are different but they've both been knocking it out the park. I loved Sharon's rawness in her scenes with Jack surrounding Cassie's death anniversary. I could feel her hangover the day after her Billy hook up. To me they've both been excellent and did what was called for. I think Stafford rose this year miles above preceeding work. I don't always want that overbearing passion, sometimes I want to feel the character when she gets the wind knocked out of her or when she's overwhelmed. Two different kinds of acting styles, both excellent aproaches to the material

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Many did, who are in this very thread actually.

I don't think I'd say Case has been outstanding and I think the most consistent person on daytime this year is not even on Y&R (Chappell on GL), but she has been much more consistent IMO than Stafford. You just said it, Stafford has been lazy. For the last few years she has had two modes, outstanding and lazy, and it's been that way since the beginning of Phick. I am not saying she has not been great lately, she has been, and that is awesome but she just got her "mojo" back and decided to really act like a month or so ago IMO.

Put it this way, if someone were to ask me to make a list of the best actresses on daytime would Stafford be on my list? Absolutely, near the top.

If someone were to ask me to make a list of the best and hardest working actresses on daytime would Stafford be on my list? Maybe, but probably close to the bottom.

Plus, even if Walton has been hamming it up for the last 3 weeks or so, if you take Jan., Feb., March, April and May, she has still been more consistent than Stafford IMO.

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I totally understand that there styles are different. However, I think Case was better in 2006 (when the affair was exposed right?) than now. She's just been alright. More and more it's becoming clear to me that the character is no longer needed in GC (that's to do with the writing as well). Hell, I think Eileen has been underwhelming as hell in her story too, though most won't admit because she's Eileen Davidson.

Case and Morrow are better around actors like Melody and Eric, because they're is a natural chemistry between the four.

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Also, I wish there were a down, dirty, and ugly rivalry brewing amongst the twenties folks. They tried it with Chloe and Lily and Amber and Colleen and we've gotten nowhere because of the deep weaknesses in Lily and Colleen. I'd love see a knock-down drag-around batttle one of these days soon. Amber and Chloe's friendship tarnished, they would be worthy opponents. Everyone's wound up too tight. I wanna see people breakdown and do something really dangerous.

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I loved loved loved Sharon Case and Josh Morrow in the paternity reveal scenes. I how-ever have many scenes from this year of Sharon Case that I would put up there with that one. I don't see how the character is not necessary but I am biased she's a favorite of mine. In any event this year I think has , as ALL ABOUT THE ANGST stated, shown Case's consistency as opposed to the scene you are mentioning.

I mean honestly when they are lazy I don't mind calling them out, but these are actresses that I absolutely enjoy when they are delivering the goods. I have been enjoying them this year. They each have their weaker moments but this year they have both been extremely impressive

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I'm not saying Case is lazy, just not as good as she's been noted for. I wasn't talking about that particular scene but rather the entire year as a whole. Loved her friendship with Dru, her zingers to Phyllis, and her F off attitude to Nick.

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LOL, I think Stafford is a great actress and her performance tomorrow is probably made of all sorts of win. I just have issues with her consistency, I just think people have been more consistent than her this year (both on Y&R and others in daytime).

Having said that, if we're going to be really honest, I think EH and BM have been consistently good since their story started, moreso than any member of the quad (and IMO it is visible that they're working hard because I think they're also getting better as time progresses).

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You know I'm one of the few that I know or have seen admit to thoroughly enjoying the beats played to this story and also enjoying the dramas formed from the dysfunction of this Tri/Quad but now even I'm like alright enough!!!! Wash rinse repeat cycle just has to stop it is boring by now. But you just know it's not over

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