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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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What is so funny is that just last week some of the same people on the Internet who see Nelson as a great journalist and hero this week - were just last week saying he was the worst thing to ever hit soap opera journalism. And that he needed to sit down and shut up.

I just wonder what he will be next week.

Because no matter what people say all they have to do is look back at Nelson's article posts on this board alone. He is not very highly regarded for the most part. He is constantly put down. And this is coming from someone who usually defends him. I don't do a lot of hit here, but you can ask Kenny over at the DR I was constantly definding Nelson adn calling people out.

It's just funny how people's opinions of what he says can change.

I personally still want to see some other source say something. Because right now every thing and every site that has reported this goes back to Nelso. Even with the Days thing other sites said they heard stuff from other places. Even Errol said so here. They just chose to let someone else run with it. That's not the case here. Even SOD, Carolyn Hinsey, and SOW touched it. This time they aren't. They sited other sources with the Days thing beside's Nelson. Where are the other insiders this time around.

That is the one big thing we agree on. I love that part and can't wait to see it acted out. I just hope that Y&R does it justice. I really hope that they explore Rafe's feelings with it afterward and not just drop it with Rafe leaving town or something. If they end up just using Rafe and not exploring his character further afterward and just use him as a plot device, this will be one really mad viewer.

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Engen indicated that he was let out of his contract. So he did not quit as Nelson claimed. This better explains how Y&R was able to replace him so quickly. Now it all makes sense. Guess, he isn't worried about Sony suing him.

Also, Engen said that he was only sick once so who were Nelson's sources who got that all wrong? I swear, Nelson rarely ever gets anything right.

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I totally didn't take that statement to mean homosexuality is a choice. I thought he was referring to the choice he made to quit rather than just continue to play the role when other actors have made different choices under similar circumstances.

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I hate this whole conversation. Calling someone a homophobe or a racist is a horrible accusation against which there is little or no defense. It's next to impossible to prove a negative. I have not committed rape. Prove it!

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