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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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I think it's just a matter of taste and what an individual likes to watch. I personally LOVE corporate intrigue, but because the shows doesn't have it right now, doens't mean it's bad. (Just like I don't like liver and onions... but if you cooked them for me, that doesn't make you a bad cook) No writing for the Winters' family? no corporate intrigue? This show had ZERO black family OR corporate intrigue for the first ten years it was on... and it went from seventeenth place to third in the ratings. So what's your point?

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I do not like Cane and Lily. They are nauseating, boring, lack chemistry, their characterizations suck, yeah, Lily shouldn't be on her second marriage at 20 or 21 or whatever they want us to believe she is. Also, I do not think it was quite the time for them to get married.

And while I like TB, bringing Phillip III back from the dead when we saw him die takes a whole lot of suspension of belief, and if he's playing someone other than Phillip III, then this storyline will be an epic fail.

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He's too much into Mac. I know she is the love of his life and everything, but he spent 6 years with other women and forgetting about Mac. He is almost stalking her every day.

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What does the show in its first 17 years have to do with it today? What's YOUR point?

Y&R's has a black family on this show, and they've been doing corporate stories since the 80's. The last I checked, Jabot, Newman, and Chancellor still existed.

The show is IGNORING both of these things (and other things) and has been doing it for MONTHS.

If they have it, why are they not using it and haven't used it for months in a significant way? Huh? All it's doing is taking up space.

The show's past is not relevant at all in this regard, and it does nothing to prove your point.

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But I loved how he did his unmotivated BULLYING of Kevin. It fits a bit with their history (Scott Seymour's Billy and Kevin clashed, and it makes sense Billy would hate the guy who tried to deep-fry his niece), but it was unmotivated and unnecessary.

Thus, how LOVELY that Mac (defender of the downtrodden) heard that.

On the other hand, I'm joining the anti-CF bandwagon. Did you see her dance with Devon? Save for one glance at his eyes, she never looked at him. Unsmiling, she looked at the floor.

I wondered if the backstory is this: "Mac was raped in Darfur? She's a recent rape victim who hasn't told anyone what happened?" Because, honestly, that's about the only story I can accept right now for the way Mac is being played. She's positively autistic. I'm serious.

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Another big thing: we won't get a full-fledged business storyline during this reign.

She isn't working. She had enough time to prove herself. If she can't adapt to daytime, let her go.

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The past is ALWAYS relevant, the reignition of the Kay/Jill feud is proof positive of that, for Pete's sake, wer'e talking about a SL that has gone on since 1974 here! I think this sho's cast is too large, and it's characters' lives to varied for the writers to use every crayon in the box at all times, like you seem to want them to do. There WAS the power struggle with who was going to be the CEO of Jabot. And give it a couple months, more things will turn up. Your opinions just REEK of the MTV generation, where viewers have the patience of a tse-tse fly. I still haven't heard from you what kind of SL you'd consider to be "creative"... after 50 + years of soaps on TV, it's all just about been done before. Unless wer'e talking beastiality or cannablism.

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