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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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"Jaded" is fine. I'm jaded. Hoping for the best, but preparing myself for the worst. But seeking enjoyment out of trying to beat other people down to hate a show as much as you do is a little weird. I'm not sure why it matters.

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Who are you referring to? That enjoyment line? :blink:

I actually enjoy it for the very same reasons Mark listed: how lame and hilarious it is. It's like watching a parody or a sitcom, the awfulness of it is entertaining.

I don't hate it.

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I have a tiny little problem with this whole positivity people vs. negativity people. First, that kind of distinction doesn't exist. I just play into that role of the Wicked Witch. You want me to be a hater? OK, I'll be the hater. It's much easier than to try to convince people otherwise.

Number two... If someone's so much enjoying it, I find it really, really hard — unbelievable, actually — that someone else who doesn't like it might spoil it for you. It just doesn't go that way: if you have an opinion and like it, there's almost no way someone can ruin it for you. Especially if you're a normal person who knows that tastes differ. In that sense, sometimes I'm not convinced people actually like it; they try desperately to, but they just fail. And yes, I see no sense in someone forcing oneself to like something. “I'm going to enjoy the ride no matter what”, blah, blah, and all that. :P There's no way you're gonna enjoy the ride no matter what.

Also, that whole argument "It's better than anything else on daytime" sucks, too. It might be better, but it doesn't mean it's good.

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That's perfect...for "Mystery Science Theater 3000". But I shouldn't expect to be grossed-out by something I'm expected to take at least semi-seriously.

You know, I'm beginning to think this "Forces of Darkness" is less snarky, and more pejorative. And if it's the latter? Then, I am definitely not amused.

To answer the question, though? Try "a soap opera that doesn't suck". ;)

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I wasn't referring to anyone in particular. Just the general "It sucks! Why can't you see how much it sucks?! Why do you defend it when it sucks?! It SUCKS!" mentality.

Some people are going to think it sucks. Some people aren't. I wasn't singling anybody out, but sometimes it feels like there's this intense need to convince somebody they should not like something. But it was just a general observation.

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And nobody does it better, Sylph. (I'm not being snide! I totally think you rock! :D)


OMG. So much word, I'm literally in tears. Again, thank you, Sylph.

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There is. Hopefully the need is waning. But don't forget that there's the other side of the coin: people trying to convince you how great it is and how it'll make sense. Both are equally frustrating.

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ITA with you here but then..........

.....you into high-and-mighty mode again and say something so incredibly stupid. Who in the world fakes liking (or hating) a show? That's makes zero sense.

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Don't you mean the symphony? :P

Yep. (Well, if I had said, "No", would you have believed me? Be honest.)

Community. Family. Romance. Topical issues. Suspense. All different generations representated, and mingling. Good (if not great) actors. Writing with class and subtext. These are all things I used to expect from a soap opera on a regular basis, and these are all things I want back on a soap opera again.

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That's a very good point, and one I should have added to show the other side. My bad.

As somebody who likes what I'm seeing, I make an effort not to defend it. I like it, there are flaws, and I totally understand others' perspectives as to why they don't like it. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I keep using this as an example, but I can't get through an episode of Days now - but Days fans have fallen in love all over again. And that's cool.

I'm just glad any of these shows have an audience out there, somewhere.

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