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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I wish someone would just taunt TS into leaving, and every other sorry ass on Y&R who's a waste of [!@#$%^&*] space.

Damn, I don't want to see the episode when everyone bids farewell to Nikki.

And I certainly don't want to see the episode when they replace her with Hickland. BARF and a half!

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Mark my words, if MTS goes, Hickland will be close to the top of the line to replace her.

The worst thing is, if MTS goes, they won't even honor her with a farewell. It'll be a Bobby Martin/Patch&Kayla style fading away.

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Well, if she really HAS something on someone....it's time for that person to face their demons! Out yourself! You're not just hurting yourself, but you're hurting all of us with this power you've given this woman over a show's signature heroine.

Colleen should be one of the MAIN YOUNG FEMALES on this show. Instead....

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I really think we're past the LML era. But, if we're gonna go dark, I'd say that one of Walter Palin's minions...or one of the people who killed Bobby Marsino...comes out of the woodwork and perpetrates a revenge killing against Nikki.

Then, following up in more MAB/HS style, then Victor would go to Mexico to avenge her. Sharon would go klepto because of the bad relationship she had with Nikki--and her guilt for dragging Nikki into the sewers in a fur coat. And Kay would throw herself on Nikki's coffin. And the much-reconstructed Roberta Leighton would come back to the funeral and talk to herself (in voiceover) during the funeral.

No, no. She is horribly disfigured and comatose. JT goes in and carries her out to the strains of orchestral music. (JT's back is permanently wrenched in the process). Then, she undergoes facial reconstruction after the fire...and comes out looking like Catherine Hickland.

But I thought Kent was schtupping Jill Farren Phelps????

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The thing with the MTS situation is that I am mad. ATWT will never have me again as a loyal watcher after what they did to Martha. But i don't pay to see Y&R, advertisers do. If the advertisers aren't paying what they used to, stars can't make what they used to. As an idealist - having Y&R without MTS makes me sick. As a realist and an actor, I also know the show must go on. But if MTS contends that there's sexisim in the deicisons to cut actresses's pay and not the male actors then something stinks. EB is the only one on the show who is absolutely, without a doubt, irreplaceable. That said he's only as strong as his on-screen partner - MTS. She's aged, she's gained weight and she's never been a knock-us-out actress. But she's been the background to VN's forground for 30 years.

I also contend that Y&R's dominance in the ratings has always been because whether you watch it every day or just when you're at grammas house, you can always see mostly, the same front-burner characters you love. That is a formula - not just one ingredient, that makes the show successful.

PS - Please don't mention Hickland's name in the same sentence/paragraph/post as MTS's. No way in hell...

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