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FlashForward: Discussion Thread

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Damm we have gone into summer and they have taken Flash Forward off till next year, but one good thing is that next year is not to far away lol.

I don't think that Dimtri is the mole in the FBI, my thinking it is more that guy that said that he left the building before the masked gun men entered, but it could also be the boss as he was very conventientlly on the throne at the time.

I get the feeling that, that woman gave Mark and Dimtri flase information as she was with D. Gibbons afterwards. When I first saw her and the stuff that she had on the window, I thought OMG she has a wall just like Mark does, but then at the end when I saw her with D. Gibbons I was thinking that maybe her wall was so that she can give out info to people as they saw fit.

Yes that was interesting that it was in LA, and the fact that they were also both on the same flight back to LA. When they kept the camera on the door after Bryce had gone through it I knew that she would come through it as well.

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I knew Goyer wasn't going to last long as Showrunner - he's a movie guy, not a day-to-day operations tv guy - he doesn't have the experience running a tv show. He should've just stayed as EP/Writer and let someone else handle the day-to-day operations.

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I was just waiting for this to happen. Especially since that six-day hiatus, I was waiting for this announcement. At times it seemed like a funeral march, almost as if it was headed straight to Cancellationville.

Who do you think they will bring and who do you think they should?

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I have to say... Yeah I agree. I actually read by hcance years back the original novel and I liked it well enough, I like the cast, and I'd be happy to get behind a new epic like Lost (as the promos promised) but each week I got (drastically) less and less interested, I haven't watched the last four episodes, and I think I may just tape over them... And I think any ratings momentum it might have had--no matter what the quality-- will be dead with this long a break, frankly. Oh well, it's just another in a long line of the post Lost wannabes that have burned out quickly (ie The Nine, etc, etc--I admit the only one I was really sorry to see go, despite being a very mixed bag, was Invasion--which in hindsight I can't help thinking ABC wishes they had kept).

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Whenever a show promises to be a new anything, I already start to worry, especially if those words come from anyone but the promo people. Usually things end badly when the people behind the show are consciously trying to imitate a hit show that came before. No one should worry about creating the next Lost, they should worry about creating an intriguing show that will keep people engaged.

Flash Forward had potential, but the execution so far has been weak. It doesn't help that the characters aren't all that root worthy or even memorable. If you look at Lost that show managed to have memorable characters that you could empathize with right from the start. Also an interesting story that jelled together, even if it may have meandered at times. It may not be The Wire, but still, for the most part "all the pieces fit". I don't think we can say that for FF. I get the feeling that this show is being made up as we go along to some extent and if it isn't...well, that's even sadder. So I don't hate this show and will watch when it comes back, but when the plug is pulled I won't miss it. I'll just be sorry the potential was wasted.

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That's exactly a big part of the problem, while I think the cast is overall quite good, the characters simply aren't that memorable (this has been a problem with many of the Lost wannabes, and yet was never a problem whatsoever at Lost. When you have such a big cast, you really have to make them memorable from the get go). FF also has a very heavy handed, and weird, sense of humour that made me wish they just wouldn't try to be funny :P

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