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Does anyone know what the original plans for Nikos, the Lucas lookalike, were? Was he supposed to become quite so over the top ridiculous, kidnapping Rachel and all the rest? What was supposed to happen after that? I know when Malone was fired, they quickly got rid of Nikos, with Rachel shooting him in her studio.

Malone also planned to make Toni and Tyrone siblings, right? Then they were revealed to not be related, yet they still never had any story together.

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That's right, I'd forgotten about her.

AW had such constant upheaval it would be interesting to know what story projections never panned out, and how far they got. I guess some got further than others, like the kiss Ben McKinnon and Thomasina Todd shared. I wonder how many interracial relationships were canned at the last minute. Did they ever plan anything with Josie and Reuben or was that just a deliberate tease?

It always kind of bothered me that they never brought Ben back, and rarely if ever mentioned him. I guess this was because they thought Jake should be the only male McKinnon but Ben could have provided new stories.

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100 per cent agree on Ben.he had a past relationship with marley,and the posibility to get involved with Vicky and others.

There were so many characters who should have been brought back at some point.

Ben McKinnon

Pam & Gerald Davis

MJ McKinnon

Nicole Love

Peter Love



Nancy McGowan etc etc

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I thought it was a bit sad that they left Nicole in that institution for good. The character didn't deserve that.

I really liked the last MJ (I haven't seen much of the first MJ), I wish they'd kept her around. It seemed like she was one of many female characters on the show at that time who suffered from DePriest's need to write female characters in a degrading manner.

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Ben McKinnon is gay in our Twitter roleplay (which is TeleNext-sanctioned). Most of the other characters people are mentioning are being played on Twitter too.

As for interracial romance, Alli is pregnant with GQ (Grant Quinn) Todd's baby, in the main Another World text story.

Speaking of the main story, please vote for Felicia to save Donna's life rather than leave her to die in the latest episode even if you have not been following ... I can't believe they are even considering killing Donna off! OMG. She has been getting some good scenes the past few weeks with Matt and Marley where the writers have really nailed her voice, but her character has still been destroyed by all the kidnapping she is said to have done and now they have had her do a suicide attempt or something leaving her with slashed wrists. Valentine's Day 1998 is when Michael died, and this week should have had Donna reminiscing about Michael, not some abrupt, thrust-in, dumb cliffhanger where Donna could end up dying.

Please vote today.

Edited by jfung79
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Sorry, I seem to be only posting here lately when I'm down on AW Today ... The text story and the Twitter are actually very well written at times,and overall it has definitely brought Bay City back to life. Frankie coming back from the dead alone is probably worth it to many fans (although I started watching after Frankie).

I also don't think the real intent is for Donna to die. They probably want her to suffer in order to redeem her after the things she is said to have done. But to put something like that up to a vote invites backfiring. All along I've felt that the writer didn't like Donna and this does nothing to dissuade me from that view.

About Cecile, they wrote a nice funny little scene from her point of view from Heaven looking down after she died, you might want to check it out. It was a couple episodes ago. She felt her death was upstaged by Donna being arrested on suspicion of killing her (although at least we know Donna didn't do *that*). LOL.

Edited by jfung79
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Donna lives! Thank God.

I still don't understand why Sarah hates Allie. Can someone explain that to me. Speaking of Allie, GQ needs to disappear. Her and Gregory are absolutely adorable and GQ is just a jerk that I don't feel sorry for at all.

Amanda is annoying the hell out of me as well. Back the [!@#$%^&*] off lady.

I do like how Lorna, Felica and Lucas couldn't care less if Donna lives or dies though. If I were in their position I'd be egging her on to finish the job.

In the last installment I voted to see more of Sharlene.

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Have any of you seen these clips? Sometime last year someone put up about 12 clips of a 1982 story about a Russian artist who interacted with Rachel. They seem to have been put up for the actor who played the government official who accompanied the artist (played by Paul Hecht, or as I remember him, Alexander Cabot). The story itself seems a bit strange for AW, but then, AW was in a big state of transition, yet again, around this time. You can also see Richard Bekins, the best Jamie, and some references to his scandalous book View of the Bay. There's also David Canary as Steve Frame (it's still hard for me to picture that). And Elizabeth Franz as Hecht's wife Bella. She went on to play notorious Alma Rudder, didn't she? I also like some of the background music -- one of the clips end in a disco type background music, and another begins with a remixed version of the AW theme.


Edited by CarlD2
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That's right, Carl; and it would be later in the year '82 that she started as Alma. LOL, in my head, I can still hear the way Alma said Cecile's name ("See-Sul").

Thanks for the link. I'll have to check the clips out. I don't remember that story of the Russian artist off the top of my head, so I'm curious to see if the clips jog my memory. And I'm always happy to see Richard Bekins' Jamie; although at the time of his book, he was insisting on being called "James." I agree with you, he was the best Jamie.

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