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I understood the original plan to go with Josie/Matt...she was the daughter of a Frame and he was the son of the two people that were involved in the death/downfall of a Frame.

It was set up as the late 80s version of Romeo and Juliet during the strike and post strike.  

However, Josie lit up as a character when she was around Ruben and it's a shame that P & G was too skittish to go forward with it because of one segment of the audience.

AW was lower rated so what did they have to lose by moving forward with the coupling.  But P & G was more skittish and risk adverse in general compared to ABC so any blow back from an audience standpoint and they backed off.

It's why I kind of enjoyed their 1988 writer strike episodes...some great male and female conversations were happening.  And those episodes really helped give Ronnie and Lisa some good dimensions/layers that neither really got during non strike episodes.


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I had noticed for a while, her interviewing skills seemed to be diminished.  She often focused the conversation on herself, rather than on her guest.  And of course she always had a host of technical problems.  Still, her podcast was always worth a listen.   

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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I enjoyed her podcasts but she never seemed to get the hang of the technical aspects. I get it, some people (like myself) just don't understand all the "gadgets" out there. lol. I loved hearing some of the backstage AW stories. I wish there were more. 

I do hope she's well.

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Did anyone receive their videos from the AW Reunion that was held in 2024?  I did not order the video, but last I heard, people who did order had not yet received theirs. But that was several months ago, so maybe everything is fine now. Just curious about it. And I'm surprised no one has posted the video on Youtube. Was there a problem with the video?

Also, did anyone else think Alan Locher's lack of reaction after the reunion was a little odd?  I understand he attended the reunion (or at least planned to), hoping to get some interviews and possibly even shoot some of his own video.  But after the reunion, I don't think Alan even publicly mentioned the event at all.  Makes me wonder if he was disappointed in the event, or perhaps if he had some reason for his lack of reaction.  Considering he promoted the reunion a bit before it happened, it seemed odd to me that he never released any type of report or even a comment about it, after the fact.  Of course it's possible he did post some type of reaction or report, and I just missed it. But I don't think that is the case.  

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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I have not received my video.  I reached out to Karen last October and she was very unpleasant.  She told me she was providing updates on social media and I told her I do not follow her so those updates are useless to me. She offered me a refund which I declined because I want the video.  I have not heard a thing from her since.

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Any speculation from either of you about what caused the problem?  

I am in communication with two of the older actors who were present, and they have not had good things to say about their experience at the event.

And I recall reading online that Linda Dano was a real cheer-leader at the beginning of the reunion festivities, but later became offended by something and left the event early.  

If any of this is accurate, then what the heck went wrong?   

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I think that she bit off more than she could chew. I mean, why did she do this all by herself?

I know some people who got the whole package & they've gotten their souvenir glass but like us, no video! And, I don't know if this made into what I posted but she told me she was going to have to sue the videographer that she hired.

BTW, I have asked a dear friend to reach out to Linda Dano. She has replied, saying, yes, she will email her tomorrow. So, if we're lucky she will get a reply.

And, as you can probably tell, the thing most wanted is that video.


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I'd be interested to hear of Linda Dano's experience at the reunion.  But something tells me Linda is too classy to criticize the event publicly -- even if she may have found it troublesome at the time. We shall see . . .

And something seems a bit too convenient regarding the video.  The one thing people paid money $$$ for -- unfortunately not going to be delivered because of a lawsuit.   Couldn't she have just said the videographer died?  LOL.   

One more thing -- nobody (other than me) has mentioned the radio-silence from Alan Locher.  After promoting the event on his podcast, and even attending -- not one word from Alan about his experience at the reunion, after the fact.  Does anyone else find that strange??   Having said that, I'm aware Alan Locher avoids controversy at all costs. So if Alan thought the reunion was neet-o, super-cool, and groovy, he would have shared his positive opinion loud and clear.  But if he was disappointed or embarrassed by the event, Alan would stay silent.

So far, I believe Alan has been silent.    

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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