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ATWT: March Discussion Thread

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At least it was fun snark, built on and acknowledging history (even the fact that Meg is clueless about Em's brief foray into hookerdom...) unlike the stilted Carly/Craig crapfest, where she's just forgiven him for putting her sister in a coma. Y'know...'cause he "deserves" a second twentieth thousandth chance to raise his kid or ruin Carly's life, whichever comes first.

I'd be fine with Meg/Dusty. What needs to die is the Paul/Meg relationship from hell.

I wouldn't exactly call it "pure trash"...it was definitely more interesting than yesterday, dominated by whiny twenty-somethings. AKA "bad actor fest".

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I am fine with Meg and Dusty too but you know Peg is the endgame. Although with you know who returning things could change. But I doubt it...LOL

Well...pure trash seems to sum up ATWT for me lately. All the backtracking with Lucy not being charged with kidnapping just got my blood boiling.

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A big ol' friggin' SNAP to the new cracks developing in Jack and Janet's relationship. I'm sick of that silly twit defending her daughter and blaming Parker for "pushing" her into sex. Janet is clearly projecting her Brad-issues on Parker, and I'm glad Jack called her on foisting the blame on his son. As if Janet's ever punished her daughter?

The Carly/Craig sex scene was blissfully non-existant.

ICK to Brad/Katie/V/Henry. Tell me...where does ANYONE find a "happy mother's day balloon" in March???

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Because they formed a fanbase so quickly after Meg and Dusty split and she set her eyes on Paul. They had potential. Had, being the key word. But the relentless pimping and character destruction has left the "Peg" pairing of old in pieces. And as always, with PissAnt and Goutman, if something's broke at ATWT, don't fix it. Just pretend it's not broken and feature it even more...maybe the viewers won't notice!!

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I don't have a friggin' clue what TIIC see in Meg/Paul that justifies this ENDLESS circle of hell. MWil/RH had a nice chemistry, but TIIC have milked it dry. TIIC don't understand that they wouldn't have to keep Paul this bat-[!@#$%^&*] crazy if he moved on to a new woman.

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Oy vey...I couldn't be more underwhelmed by the wrap up to the murder if I tried. Today, for no reason, it's Noah's turn to suspect everyone, and Luke who gets to be reasonable and suddenly "trust" Kevin. WTH??? Any other day Luke acts like Kev deserves the electric chair for farting crossways...and today it's "blah blah Kev didn't really know how Mark was managing his campaign." REALLY??? Luke was on a friggin' crusade to tar and feather Kev before.

UGH...just lame-ass stupid. At least we're rid of Elwood. FOREVER.

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:lol: Sorry for the laughter PJ but your post is so right on. Today's show was just awful. Nuke...oh dear gawd...end them now and ship them far away and give me more Bob, Kim and Lisa instead. They need to be axed. The murder storyline was so bad...that it is not even funny. What a waste of time. No real writing was put forth in it. Anyone at SON could have written that atricious story. My Gawd was it awful!! The script writing by Gordon Rayfield was awful too. I would have rather seen Kevin f u c k Luke and Noah catch them.

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I piss and moan because I love the show. What's so freakin' frustrating is that a daily show can be good. It's the long-term story arcs that are unimaginative, hampering the momentum of the show. Days like today, centered on a bunch of damn boring twentysomethings in a simplistic no-one-gives-a-crap-about-those-who-died plot would kill anyone's enthusiasm for any show.

There are positives. The actors mostly. Even those boring twentysomethings can shine---when involved in story with veteran actors. I like the feel of the outdoor scenes, which are head and shoulders above either GL's or B&B's IMO.

I was thinking...I LIKE Kev more than I like either Luke or Noah (and I honestly liked Noah with originalMaddie). Nuke are boring, earnest and self-righteous to the nth degree. Kev is a guy who made ONE bad decision (after being blindsided by the news of Luke's sexuality) and seems genuinely trying to do "the right thing" when it counts.

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Seriously, aside from Paul and Emily (and I freely admit my bias in that regard lol), today's show was made of fail.

I did LMAO at Emily saying Paul was so positive, and asking if he was taking his meds, and then later Paul handing Emily his shrink's emergency contact number.

NuLucy seems even younger than Peyton to me.

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You mean a flawed character, who struggles with his own defense mechanisms, does the wrong things for the right reasons, and actually acts like a human being instead of a walking PSA?

Yeah - who wants to watch THAT kind of character...?!


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